On average, i do 20% water changes every 2 weeks. Once a month I'll break down filtration system and clean out all tubing, hoses, powerheads, pumps, and filters. In the last 10 days, i did a 60% water change and 3 days later, i did a 20%.
My 2 foot jeweled moray is pretty calm unless he's feeding. Mistook my clown trigger for food during feeding, swam all over the tank with it in its mouth but released him.
Like the title says, does chaeto really remove or lower nitrates? I have a 100gallon FOWLR with 2 eels, v. lionfish, and a lonely damsel. My nitrates are hovering around 100, would like to lower to around 20-30 ppm. If it does work, can anybody explain how to set it up. Thanks in advance.
Need help bringing nitrate levels down (currently around 80-100ppm). I have a 100g fowlr with 2 eels, small banded shark, and small stone fish. Have done (2) 40g water changes in the last couple weeks with no major difference in nitrate levels. Any help is appreciated.
Just as the title says, my clown trigger is taking out my hermits and snails one by one. Is there anything in the CUC category that'll survive a trigger? I've also seen him eat bristle worms so they're no help. Thanks in advance.
I weaned mine to take brine shrimp from a turkey baster. All i do is "inject" his food into the sand to make it look like its moving, he comes out and eats with no problems. I add about 2 bottles of copepods a month just to change it up a little. Mine is in a 24g nano but started in a 12g.
Stick with the small ones (dwarf, fumanchu etc.) unless you have plans of upgrading later on. Volitans grow pretty quickly, mine is about 10 inches now and outgrowing my 100g quick.
I can see an angel staying alive till the upgrade, I will be buying a juvi 4-5 inches. He'll be about the same size as the trigger and not small enough were he will end up as food.