Search results

  1. granny

    The Most Beautiful Fish?

    Either the Scotts Fairy Wrasse or the Exquisite Wrasse. Both are incredibly beautiful fish, expensive and you have to make sure they dont jump out of your tank, but they are torpedo shaped, swim constantly, hit the sand everyevening to sleep and become so tame they rush to your hand to eat out...
  2. granny

    Particals in water?

    If your "particles" are detritus or residue from rock/sand, then you will need a filter with the capability to strain out very fine particles. The tidepool is a great system, I have it on my 75 gal, but when I do a water change, I add an aquaclear powerhead with a filter attachment which removes...
  3. granny

    New Coral ID ? lighting requirements

    YEAH! Finally found it. On ********, it is labeled a Blue Lollypop Tunicate under INverts, not corals. It requires no special lighting, is entirely a filter feeder. They go into great detail even stating how it sheds its heads during transit, but wil regrow them. THANK_YOU for the help. I really...
  4. granny

    New Coral ID ? lighting requirements

    The Blue Palm shown on this web site is exactly what I have, but SWF does not have any infor about it at all. Will check the other website you mentioned.
  5. granny

    New Coral ID ? lighting requirements

    YES! THATS IT!!. is Blue Palm Tree Coral the common name? wonder why they called it a Strawberry Coral in my LFS? Is it common, uncommon? Again, what are the lighting requirements? Steve, is that one in your tank? How long have you had it and where is it placed in your tank? Mine shed all its...
  6. granny

    New Coral ID ? lighting requirements

    I just purchased a new Coral yesterday-walked into my LFS and there it was. They are calling it a BlueStrawberry Coral. Could not find anything like it in any of my books or on web site. It looks like broccolli, deep blue green fleshy stems, approx 2-3" tall attached to a nice piece of rock...
  7. granny

    pump help

    HOpe its this simple. Have you adjusted the venturi? When closed, you get no bubbles, just water moving through the skimmer. As you open the venturi valve, which aligns the little nob with the tubing, you allow more air in which is necessary. Try this and see if it works, Ifnot,pullout your...
  8. granny

    Time in QT

    I believe the general rule of thumb is 6 weeks as an incubation period, but I usually only leavemine in for 3 weeks. As soon as the fish is eating well, shows no signs of any injury or disease I move them over. Usually by this time, they are coming to the front of the tank for food rather than...
  9. granny

    Yellow Watchman Gobby

    It must be a different species. My Fish book says it reaches a maximum of 3 inches in the aquarium??? and mine stayed small.
  10. granny

    Stock List

    Agreed, As far as compatibility,they should be fine together and give you a good variety of color and fish shapes, but PLEASE do not add them too quickly and plan on finding your Yellow tang a new home within a year afer buying him. If in a healthy tank, they grow very quickly. 60 lbs of sand is...
  11. granny

    Yellow Watchman Gobby

    The yellow watchman is a small gobie, only reaches about 2-3 inches. Heisnotoneof the larger ones. They do hide constantly, but will come out at night to search for food if you sit around till 2 or 3 am and watchyour tank!! I had one for years and he picked a hole under a rock in the back of...
  12. granny

    29g setup

    Your tank is too small to add a Coral Beauty. They require lots of swimming room and are primarily algae grazers. With insufficient room and algae to graze on, they will become stressed and succumb to ich. Your two clowns and the gobies are enough for that tank, especially as you want it to be...
  13. granny

    What fish most likely will catch ick?

    Not getting ick is something no one wants. I have Never had it in anhyof my tanks and you dont have to either ifyou purchase only healthy stock, quarantine all your fish prior to placing them in your tank and practice basic tank maintenance procedures like regular water changes, maintaining a...
  14. granny

    Cycling with dead rock?

    If your rock was live and has dried out the it wont have existing beneficial bacteria to cycle your tank, and probably wont have anything that is actively decaying to start a cycle. BUT it doesnt really matter at this point. go ahead and add some fish food or piece of shrimp etc, thenstart...
  15. granny

    LS an/or LR wanted

    Have you asked your LFS? When I set up my first tank, my LFS was great. As soon as I had the water in, filters going etc. They gave me a bag of LS from one of their established reef tanks when I purchased my first Live rock from them. If you have a good relationship and shop often at your local...
  16. granny

    Vets, help an Aggressive Friend?

    Just a thought, but why dont you set up a nano-reef tank in addition to the one you have? Less expensive all around and can become a little jewel in your home. My LFS has several of these small reef tanks and they are gorgeous-plus just a few items fill them. Water changes are small, not much...
  17. granny

    What are these white things growing everywhere?

    Its a litte hard to tell, but my best guess is simply calcium deposits which form naturally in our tanks. If they are hard and not 'alive' Good-indicates your water hardness and calcium content is adequate-Bad-a pain to clean off the glass. I only clean the front of my tank and leave the back...
  18. granny

    Cleaning the glass

    Those wipes sound like a good idea-are you sure there are no additives in them. So many products contain oil products. I use Warm Water only around the tank followed up with paper towels(good ole Bounty) On the lids, I use vinegar and warm water in the utility sink and a stainless steel blade...
  19. granny

    Help with tank idea....

    Well, You could. They get over a foot long, so you are talking about a huge fish. You would also have to purchase ghost shrimp to feed him. They are a little more difficult to acclimate than the smaller fish. You do know their spines are venemous dont you? and can be very painful and dangerous...
  20. granny

    would a blue hippo be mean to a mandarin dragonet?

    My Tomato clown also picked on my Mandarin, he was just so defensive of his 1/2/ of the tank, so the tomato went back replaced by an Ocellaris. I feed my Mandarin live black worms daily and live brine once a week or so when I get to m LFS to purchase them. I also have started buying pods from...