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  1. granny

    IT'S OUT OF CONTROL!!! Anyone like Pom-Pom??

    Where in Virginia?? I live in Java, Va. east of Chatham and my family lives in the Norfolk/Chesapeake area. Just curious, wonder why your LFS wont take it? I trade with mine all the time. IF you want to get rid of some of that Algae, a rabbitfish will consume it like crazy.
  2. granny

    help! a little ammonia and nitrite. what to do?

    Every time we add something new to our tanks, or something dies, it will cause ammonia and subsequently nitrites. NEVER add anything new to your tank while this is happening. Give the tank time to catch up, biologically speaking, before adding any new critters of any kind. If you have already...
  3. granny

    feeding question

    Many of us have a tendency to overfeed because we love to watch our fish eat-and they always LOOK hungry! Your variety seems adequate and the fact that your fish have survived for a year seems to attest to the fact that you are not starving them. If you cant catch your damsels using a couple of...
  4. granny


    lettuce has minimal nutritional value and is frequently used because it is readily available. Algae sheets are far superior to feed your algae eating fish-I alternate with green, red and brown every other day and it keeps my tang, angel and rabbitfish very happy. The snails and a lawnmower...
  5. granny

    Whatdaya thinks?

    I forgot to mention the other inhabitants One Brittle star, one serpent star, two cleaner shrimp, two huge peppermint shrimp One large bubble tip anemone, a head of colonial polyps, one candy cane coral, one snake polyp coral, a large leather coral, and lots of snails of various species which...
  6. granny

    Whatdaya thinks?

    Looking good-the cloudiness should clear up after a few days. Is that a 75 gallon? The only tang I would suggest adding in this size tank is a Kile Tang. I believe they are the smallest, maxing out around 6-7". Make a list of fish you like, staying in the smaller size range by going through...
  7. granny

    so wats the affect on my tank if i use.....

    There are drinking quality hoses which dont contain oil products that would probably be safe to use. You might want to invest in a phython clean and fill. I use one to empty my tank when I do water changes and then pump my salt back in from the holding garbage can I use for the mixed water. Most...
  8. granny

    Wrasse Choice?

    There are many wrasses in the Fairy Wrasse category, some reach up to 6 inces, some stay around 3 inches or so. I have both an exquisite wrasse and a Scotts Fairy Wrasse. Both have amazing color, are super peaceful (my perc pushes the EX around some) and are so tame they eat out of my fingers...
  9. granny

    so wats the affect on my tank if i use.....

    Many folks use their tap water and in fish only tanks, it is probably fine-this is usually to avoid the cost of purchasing water, an Ro unit, and the waste water from that if you have to pay for your water fromthe city. The biggest problem is that you have no control over the...
  10. granny

    do i need the ceramic rings and carbon bag if i got LR+LS?

    Many folks will tell you no, but I have found that using them helps your beneficial bacteria multiply more quickly. the concern is that these items contribute to elevated Nitrate levels, but if you are just setting up your tank, you want to encourage that cycle as quicly as possible. You can...
  11. granny

    Have all heaters just gone to the dogs...not the fish?

    I also use the Submersible Visi-Therms and have never had a problem. I use two heaters instead of one, a few watts lower than you would need for one unit. This is a good protective measure incase one goes out and you are less likely to ever overheat your water. Set it by placing the heater in...
  12. granny

    Tips on feeding a Coral Beauty

    I agree with Unleashed. Perfect water quality is the start to any cure. Get the SG in your quarantine tank where it should be. Angels love to hide. Dont you have any natural looking stuff for your fish to feel more secure inthat QT? My QT has fake corals and rocks in it as well as a log, which...
  13. granny


    I just added a foxface to my tank to eat the out of control caluerpa that my Yellow tang only picks at. The tang does bully him, probably because they are both primarily vegetarians. The Foxface has been in there for 4 days now and he is still hiding unless I put food inthe tank, then he darts...
  14. granny

    Getting another clownfish to go w/ tomato clown

    You s ound like me. I want everyone in my tank to 'make nice' all the time and when they dont, out they go! You have a tough choice to make. You can either not watch and wait it out, hoping all will be well or you can remove the larger fish for a few days, rearrange the tank and see if that...
  15. granny

    Getting another clownfish to go w/ tomato clown

    Keep a close eye on it. Clowns will definitely kiill each other. USUALLY, it is best to purchase them in pairs originally since you have no way of knowing at this point the --- of your two clowns. The larger/smaller issue takes place when you have a large group of clowns and ONE will become...
  16. granny

    Please help so my corals dont have to wait any longer!

    You can just set the Candy Cane on the sand bottom. When you set your rock up, did you establish any flat platforms to put things on? The Mushrooms attach pretty quickly to anything if they arent blown away by the pumps and your bubble should be heavy enough to just sit on something. Do you have...
  17. granny


    I would like to add to the above suggestions that you prepare at least one 30 gallon rubber trash can with a saltwater mix ahead of time (NOW) You will need this to replace lost water when you re-set up your tank. Lowes sells the trashcans and a dolly with wheels to move the water. Take notes on...
  18. granny


    I have the Typhoon III which is a great filter and easy to use, has made a tremendous difference in my water quality-HOWEVER-the filters have to be replaced regularly so this is an ongoing expense. My DI only lasta a couple of months since our water is so heavily loaded with minerals, but we...
  19. granny

    New Coral ID ? lighting requirements

    It is amazing. The color is so deep-When I walked by the display tank, I had to stop and gawk. I now have it in the very front of my tank sitting on the white sand and it POPS! I consider myself an expert Fish keeper, but do not have as much experience with Corals and Tunicates (new word for me)...
  20. granny

    need help guys/girls

    I also have a live sand bed about 4-5 inches deep. The top is nice and white, but the underlying sand layer is dark grey. That is normal and you dont want to disturb more than the upper inch of your sand as the lower layer is where all your denitrification is taking place. That said, you do need...