Search results

  1. granny

    Cycling the Tank

    You are going to want to use as much of your existing sand, water, rock etc as possible in order to retain your biological system. If you will need additional sand to cover the bottom of the new tank, I would put that in first as mentioned earlier, add about 1/2 tank of new salt mix with the...
  2. granny

    Wet/dry or canister filter?

    Your choice. A good canister filter provides excellent filtration and has the advantage of forcing water through whatever you place in the canister with no bypass which is great for charcoal, chem pure or whatever and will probably work fine for your tank. I ran a 90 gallon for quite some time...
  3. granny

    Can I add an additional maroon?

    NOPE! The established Maroon has now had time to become very territorial and will drive off or kill your newer fish. If you purchase them together when small as many are now farm raised and you will see them in the dealers tanks in large groups, it will work, but once established as king clown...
  4. granny


    Just curious as to why you would want to spend all that money?? On a 20 gallon tank, you would get adequate light from one of the new power compacts or t-5 systems with less heat, less cost and more convenience. Save the MH for your next BIG tank!
  5. granny

    foggy water

    If this is a new setup and you put sand in for the substrate, it will remain cloudy for a while. NO matter how much you wash sand, you just cant get all that 'stuff' out of it. I put an aquaclear 902 powerhead with a prefilter attachment on it-a black plastic cylinder with the thickly woven...
  6. granny

    Cycling the Tank

    My suggestion would be to go ahead and mix your saltwater, fill your new tank about halfway up with it. Turno n the heater, then bring some sand, live rock and as much water as you can over from the existing tank. Top off with fresh salt water mix, then turn your filter system on. Use your bare...
  7. granny

    Cycling the Tank

    NOpe you do not. There are lots of ways to cycle a tank. Are you using live rock or do you just have your substrate in with water and your filter system in place?
  8. granny

    betta wont eat

    OH, I assumed you were speaking of the marine beta which is in the grouper family and only eats live foods. I had a beautiful one years ago and fed him live brine shrimp and black worms primarily.
  9. granny

    getting disheartened

    Woodave, You are funny! AS a matter of fact, a digital camera was on my Christmas list and I got one-though I havent loaded the software into this computer yet. If I could do this in the next few minutes, would be happy to send a picture. If you are going to be visiting this web site much in the...
  10. granny

    getting disheartened

    As the proud owner of a 75 gallon fish/reef tank, let me make some suggestions as well. The Fairy wrasses are wonderful fish, very peaceful and reef friendly, plus they constantly swim and add lots of activity to the tank. A royal gramma would also go well with your existing fish. A firefish...
  11. granny


    OK, Assuming the fish did not have ich when you bought it, then it most likely was stressed by the move and putting in a new tank. Are any of your other fish picking on it? Do you have live rock and caves to hide in? YOu probably do not have a quarantine tank or it would not be in your main...
  12. granny


    Ive never kept seahorses before, so dont know if they would eat them or not. I purchase black worms by the ounce and they keep in my refrig for a week or longer. My freshwater fish love them as well. even the neons eat them! Did you lose your granny recently?
  13. granny

    aptasia on my meat coral!

    Im a believer in peppermint shrimp if the fish in your tank wont consume them. my peppermints annihilate any aiptasia that come in on live rock. I dont even worry about purchasing rock with them on it anymore as they clean it off immediately , well overnight. I have not seen one teeny weeny...
  14. granny

    a Lawnmower Blenny in the sump

    I doubt he will eat the chaeto. They prefer encrusting, softer algaes. It wont take you but 10 seconds to pull out the excess, so would not reccomend condeming a lawnmowe blenny to that fate, plus he is liable to jump out of the refugium top.
  15. granny

    Our 180 Pics

    I agree, your tank is very attractive, but to make your fish feel more at home, you need to add at least a few pieces of live rock. The triggers will gnaw on it and your eel needs a home. also your beautiful wrasse will be killed by the triggers, so I would find him another home in a few months...
  16. granny


    Refugiums are relatively new to the hobby (to me anyway since I have been keeping fish since the 50's) No, they are not a requirement to have a successful tank. Yes, they help keep nitrates down-and used to be called algae scrubbers and yes, you can grow copepods there, but you will have pods in...
  17. granny

    ro/di unit

    I purchased the typhoon iii from air,water,ice which was reccomended to me by folks on this site. It does a great job and has a di unit as well. YOur salt mix should buffer the water adequately and add back necessary minerals. YOu might want to check for iodine. I do add a small pack of iodine...
  18. granny


    ich is a parasite, so it can be impacted by medicine given to your fish. Garlic is a natural medicine that does help deter ich and can help in treatment once a fish is infected, however, I would not count on it curing the problem if your fish is severely infected or if you have an outbreak in...
  19. granny

    Reef temperatures

    Mine sits on 80-81 all the time and everything has always been fine. The water feels so warm when I stick my hands in, but the fish are happy and as I have mentioned before, I have NEVER had a case of ick or any disease in many years of fishkeeping (knock on wood)
  20. granny


    They spend every waking moment looking for food! Probably because they are so slow-they have to check out everything before they eat it. I have over 100 llbs of live rock, but still feed my mandarin live black worms and occasionally live brine as a treat-plus it makes me feel better to actually...