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  1. granny

    Dinosaurs and the Bible

    Originally Posted by MaTT B I am just saying i do not like the people that think if you do not believe in god your going to hell ( and thats another thing that is totally FAKE!! IMO) Wow! We believers feel real pain for folks like you who do not believe. How horrible it will be for you when...
  2. granny

    Reef Safe Fish

    If you scan species on this site, each fish has information about it that will tell you whether its reef safe or not. Buy a good Marine book now, this may get ripped off the site, but ***********.com under marine fish has them divided into reef safe and not reef safe.
  3. granny

    Definitely my last order from

    Cucumbers can be extremely toxic when they die. It is wierd this happened, but there is apossibilty that it was too much added at one time, one or two creatures died and you did get an ammonia spike as well. Sorry for you-Its painful when our critters die. SWF will give you a credit if you bag...
  4. granny


    NO. They are active midwater swimmers. There is another fish site that has a section called nano fish that would give you some ideas. Think small, very very small and not very active, like a small gobie or royal gramma which stays close to its bolt hole, some shrimp, Not much in the way of...
  5. granny

    Need Help!

    I doubt it was the Chem marin that killed your snail. They dont take 80 degree temperatures well and the fact that the rest of your inverts survived. Your fish also contracted a bacterial infection. There are many excellent books out there on fish diseases. I have one upstairs, but am too lazy...
  6. granny

    210gal riddled with aiptasia,Help!!!

    A quick dip wont work, these thigns are tough. I purchased a piece of LF from my LFS that had aiptasia on it, just because I loved the shape of the rock. I dipped it first in ro water and it didnt faze the little suckers, so I soaked it for about an hour. Some of them still survived, so I...
  7. granny

    clownfish eaten by umbrella mushroom??

    Unfortunately, Yes. There was a post on here last year where a shroom ate a guys lion fish. He took pictures of it. It was gross and sad in my opinion!
  8. granny

    210gal riddled with aiptasia,Help!!!

    Yep, peppermint shrimp are great and they are not expensive, as long as you dont have any predator type fish in there to make a meal of them. There are things you can squirt on them, Joes juice, lemon juice, but you cant use too much of it. These things spread pretty rapidly if you dont control...
  9. granny

    need help please

    Turbos and other snails are great except they generally do not like the 79-80 degrees of our tanks. They prefer coolor water and cannot tolerate nitrates. I hope you disposed of the insides and got it out of your tank. YOu will need to do a water change to compensate for the dead livestock...
  10. granny

    crab eating brittle star???

    Do you have any angels in your tank? They are notorious for eating the legs off stars. They will decimate a serpent star and nibble away at the larger, tougher, brittles.
  11. granny

    ich and quarentine questions

    My LFS owner, whom I have mentioned before is a marine biologist and a nanoscientist. He says that the ick protozoan exists everywhere in the ocean and it attacks fish that are injured or stressed. A normal, healthy fish will be able, in most cases, to shed the ick. That is why Chem Marin often...
  12. granny

    Live rock questions.

    Originally Posted by woody189 I forgot to mention i was going to be using this rock to cycle my new tank. I have 2 powerheads, an eheim ecco canister filter, and a protein skimmer i'm trying to figure out how to use properly So I should leave that root looking thing?? It's not an anemone...
  13. granny

    Live rock questions.

    I think they are being conservative, in your favor, not to rush the cycle. Keep in mind that your biological filtration will increase in proportion to the bioload you put in your tank. If you quickly go through a cycle with your live rock now, then go ahead and add something yucky like a dead...
  14. granny

    I'm this close ->

    Yep! not a quart or anything, just a handful of flake food will work or some krill or anything youve got thats not too oily. Something has got to happen. You only get a response if you overload the existing capability of your biological filter to break down ammo into nitrites into nitrates. If...
  15. granny

    Stupid Fish!!!

    I had a $19.99 spotted hawk, which is supposed to be reef safe, eat two very large cleaners and a fire shrimp in one day! I caught him with the antennae hanging out of his mouth!!!! $70.00 worth of shrimp GONE. You just never know who will eat what in the fish world.
  16. granny

    I'm this close ->

    YOur tank looks really nice now. Two things stand out -Are you using the same sand that was in there when you had the freshwater rock? There is a possibility the sand was contaminated and may have leached lead or copper or who knows what all into the sand base. Will your LFS test for these for...
  17. granny

    I'm this close ->

    Just curious, Why did you have a tank with river rock in it 5 months ago? Being new, you may not have realized the danger of river rock, or any rock just laying around being filled with metals.
  18. granny

    First casualty of a powerhead

    It is sooo important to cover those intakes and overflows. Ladies knee highs work well. when my BTA split a few montha ago, both pieces wandered, which worried me a little trying to keep track of them. Finally the parent part moved back to its permanent spot in the tank, near the wavemaker...
  19. granny

    starting to stress

    The amquel neutralizes the effects of the ammo etc on the fish so as long as you are showing any ammonia, youi need to keep using it. I dont want to tell you anything you already know, but ammonia is the first toxin to be produced by your fish, which is broken down into nitrites then nitrates...
  20. granny

    canister filters

    Way back when I had a dozen or so tanks in my house, I ran canister filters on the Chesapeake Bay tank and the African Cichilid tank. I like them because there is no bypass on your filter media and most have powerful pumps that move a lot of water and give you pretty decent water quality. There...