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  1. granny

    Nitrate Question

    Ok lets think about this. Could the test kit be wrong??? Are you by any chance using the wrong color card to check it or using the wrong media to test? Scallops, stars and clams are very sensitibe to high nitrate levels as are your corals/anemone. If they are ok, then your nitrates probably are...
  2. granny

    copper banded butterfly

    NOt so many years ago, all butterfly fish were considered extremely risky with the pennant butterfly being about the only one you could safely keep in a tank. Copperbands need a very large tank. They generally feed off live rock and prefer live food. They are also stressed easily by larger or...
  3. granny

    What is cycling?

    Ok, now, there are millions of threads on this forum with detailed infomation and you should have a beginners book with establishing a new tank info in it. That said, cycling is the process your tank goes through to make it ready to house live critters. It takes a period of time for beneficial...
  4. granny

    Quick acclimation question!

    depending on the type of corals, probably yes. A plate coral for example, has tentacles that can sting nearby corals. Stonys, usually no, polyps and things ok.
  5. granny

    fire fish question

    We will hope with you. They are super cool fish and you dont see them very often. I saw mine in a tank in a Portsmouth Va. store and had to have him. That was about 16 or 17 years ago! So, you did check your overflow box and sump?
  6. granny

    fire fish question

    They will wedge into a hole and stay if stressed, but jumping out is my first thought. Or, depending on your overflow and filter system, it could have gotten in there and may still be there. I lost a beautiful exquisite wrasse and I have a top on my tank.Thought it had jumped out, but when I...
  7. granny

    When Should I add more fish?

    Renogaw has a really good suggestion-if you cannot resist purchasing another fish. But, as you will see over and over again, patience is the key to success. Overloading a tank with too many fish is never a good idea and yours is a NEW tank. 6 weeks is NEW. Many of us do not put any fish in our...
  8. granny

    My yellow tang is very sick please help

    What did she look like whenyou purchased her? Was she eating in the store? I always put fish on hold in the store and visit them to see if they are eating and thriving before I purchase them. Yellow tangs are ssensitive to water temp changes and seem to stress and perish pretty easily unless...
  9. granny

    Which Skimmer and Pump?

    I vote for the Euro-Reef, awesome performance and reliable. Mine has run non-stop now for over two years without a whimper. Get the largest one that will fit in your sump. The magnum is an outstanding submersible pump. The size will need to match your overflow capabilities. I know a lot of...
  10. granny

    ID a fish

    It is really tough to tell, but if it has a slender body and fins ontop and body and swims with a kind of slithery wiggle, it is a blenny. Blennys also perch on rocks and wiggle into the sand, much like a goby, but gobies are more rotund and do not have continuous fins around their bodies.
  11. granny

    Cardinal Fish, and other fish opinions!!

    I have had the pajama cardinals in my tank for 2 years now and they are the most peaceful fish imaginable. That looked like a soldier cardinal in your picture which is more aggressive and obviously has a much larger mouth than mine who prefer marine pellets to anything else!
  12. granny

    need new fish advice!

    A few thoughts on this. If your clowns were captive bred fish, they are extremely hardy adn will often survive conditions other fish, newly introduced and wild caught will not. Also, if your water quality has deteriorated over time, the clowns have been able to adjust to it, much like turning...
  13. granny

    Double Lights

    Its additional lighting to what you have now, right? So it will benefit. The TYPE of bulbs you use are important and the Lumens rather than wattage tells you more about your light impact. The carpet anemone has the highest lighting requirements. Most of the others do fine under compact...
  14. granny

    tidepool 2 sump???

    Originally Posted by AW2x3 They really are junk...every little component of it is substandard material. You're better off to just buy a tank and install your own baffles, etc and make you're own sump. I disagree. I have the Tidepool on my 75 and love it! If you have no one to plumb a glass tank...
  15. granny

    Anemone feeding?

    Yes, I feed mine shrimp soaked in Zoe about 3 times a week. It recently split into two and I too one to my LFS for credit to purchase something else!
  16. granny

    coralline algae growth?

    YOu should be seeing the pink and purple pretty soon! Include a scraper in your maintenance pak as you will need to scrape it off of any areas you want to be able to see into!
  17. granny

    Cleanup crew

    Yes, and some are pests. Personally, I do not like hermits. They kill your snails. Shrimp are excellent scavengers, more interesting and peaceful inhabitants. Take a look at the invert lists for sale here. The product descriptions will tell you what each critter excels at. It also depends on the...
  18. granny

    coralline algae growth?

    The rock will just naturally develop coralline as long as you are maintaining your tank, using a good salt mix and adequate light. I never used any additives at all and everything including the back and sides was covered in a matter of months. I use Reef Crystals salt and do a 20% water change a...
  19. granny

    Feather Duster Help !!!

    Can you redirect your water flow a little? It would probabl damage them to rip them from the rock and move them unless you could move the entire rock they are on. There must be something good about that spot since that is where they attached and grew!
  20. granny

    My new saltwater tank

    Good idea, and you can save your water too if you have a big garbage can. lowes sells these 30 gallongray rubber cans that are wonderful for mixing your water. You will need to keep some on hand at all times incase of emergency as well as for water changes. Good luck. It will all work out in the...