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  1. garnet13aj

    Any Dart Frog keepers out there?

    My cousin just bought 2 for her boyfriend for his birthday. They're really cute! They live in a 30 gallon, so they are thinking about getting some more to increase the chance that they'll breed. They're really easy to take care of and they are pretty active...although they bought the frogs a...
  2. garnet13aj

    Do you believe in evolution?

    sorry for all the posts right in a row, but I'm catching up. While I do understand that some people use evolution as an attempt to disprove the existence of a creator I do not feel that is the common goal. There is no reason I can think of why someone cannot study the changes they observe and...
  3. garnet13aj

    Do you believe in evolution?

    I have a hypothesis or theory. I believe that there have been more individuals, using a scientific approach to disprove the Biblical account of creation, who came to the conclusion the there is a God and now believe in intelligent design than there have been individuals who, through the same...
  4. garnet13aj

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 i think i need to know what kind of evolution is being talked about, it can mean many things. i think people are saying they believe that one species can turn into another over time correct I can only speak for myself but what I understand evolution to be is...
  5. garnet13aj

    Distinguishing Male vs. Female

    Awesome, that was my guess, but I thought I'd ask. Thanks a lot!
  6. garnet13aj

    on a scale of bad is a snowflake eel?

    I'm not going to read everyone else's anwers, but I'll say what I know from reading and experience. They naturally eat crustaceans, so I'm pretty sure they'll eat a shrimp if it's put in there, it's instinctual for them. My sfe also eats small least that's what I assume because he's...
  7. garnet13aj

    Distinguishing Male vs. Female

    I'm thinking about getting 3 Redfin Flasher Wrasse (also known as Carpenter's flasher wrasse, scientific name: Paracheilinus carpenteri). In order to do that I need 1 male and 2 females. Anyone know how to tell the difference between the 2? I don't want to have a fight to the death right after I...
  8. garnet13aj

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Maybe I'll get this back on topic. I have a question: At what point did organisms decide to go from replication (making identical copies of itself) to reproduction (male and female)? This doesn't seem like something that could have evolved in organisms. First of all, wouldn't 2 organisms have to...
  9. garnet13aj

    Bright Colors

  10. garnet13aj

    Bright Colors

    I love my butterfly fish, so he's staying. I've definitely got it in my head that most thing won't work...Now I'm down to wondering if anemones are compatible with my livestock I have so far. Any thoughts? I few anemones would certainly brighten things up, but I want to see if they'd be...
  11. garnet13aj

    Do you believe in evolution?

    The Scientific Process? Here is the Webster's definition of Science Well, first of all, sthe scientific process is not exactly the same as science. It is the process one goes through to test a hypothesis and come to a conclusion. That is what I'm referring to when I say the scientific process...
  12. garnet13aj

    Need Help with Protein Skimmer

    Ok. I'll do a search...Based on what you described, the output is fully open.
  13. garnet13aj

    Bright Colors

    All those fish are unfortunately too big for my tank :(
  14. garnet13aj

    Need Help with Protein Skimmer

    I believe I have a 33000 model (it's for up to a 65g tank). Does that make any sense? Let me check on the nozzle. I though I had officially decided it was open, but I could be wrong. The directions are really ambiguous on that point I think
  15. garnet13aj

    Need Help with Protein Skimmer

    Thanks everyone. I'll try those techniqeus and see what it does for me. As far as taking out the nozzle, how do you regulate the flow w/o it? I'm going to go to my lfs in a bit and I'll let you know which model I have when I get back...I threw out the box and it doesn't say on it anywhere I can...
  16. garnet13aj

    Bright Colors

    anyone have any thoughts? I'm gonna head to my lfs in a few hours and unfortunately I can't trust them to tell me the truth...Don't worry, I won't make any rash decisions, but it'd be nice to know what I should look for.
  17. garnet13aj

    Bright Colors

    So, brandonslc mentioned I could get a condylactis anemone. What does everybody else think? Based on what I already have (and if I bought correct lighting) could I get some sort of anemone? Which kinds?
  18. garnet13aj

    off to college how small of a tank can i get?

    I've heard a 20 g is fine for a pair of clowns. Have you checked out the size of the dorms yet? Some dorms would have plenty of room, but the one I was in would never even fit a 20g tank I'm sad to say. Good luck. I'm in college now and I was able to squish a 55 gallon into my apartment, so you...
  19. garnet13aj

    Bright Colors

    I look into the anemone...I like my clowns, so I'm not sure if I want to risk their life...if I kept the anemone well fed would that make any difference on the likelihood of the clowns getting eaten?
  20. garnet13aj

    Need Help with Protein Skimmer

    I've actually been mildly considering setting one up lately. I think it would be really nice. While being able to move the protein skimer down there would probably eliminate the bubbles in the tank, it'd be nice to know exactly why the pressure is so high...