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  1. garnet13aj

    ViaAqua® AR620 Installation Help

    I just bought a ViaAqua AR 620 tank off craiglist and I'm not exactly sure how to set up the powerhead in the hood. It looks like it should pop in from underneath, but I can figure out how I would do this. Any quick help from someone who has experience putting one of these together would be...
  2. garnet13aj

    How long until single fish is a female?

    I'm thinking of buying a 29 gallon used aquarium with a clownfish (not sure what kind yet, which is why I'm not sure if I want it yet) and a sixline wrasse. How long do you think it takes a single clownfish to become a female? Does it depend on what kind? Also, if it is now a female then will a...
  3. garnet13aj

    Can I make a profit?

    Oh I'm definitely going to make it a hobby! I've had a 55 gallon for a few years and want to try out a new skill. I'm just trying to gauge what my intentions will be. I'm going to do it regardless but of course it's always great to find a hobby where you can actually make money in the process :)...
  4. garnet13aj

    Can I make a profit?

    I'm about to start reading up on how to breed clownfish, when I master that I'll probably widen my range and start trying some harder breeds. Is it to make a profit breeding saltwater fish and what kind of profit could I expect to get once I've smoothed out all the bumps? Or should I go into it...
  5. garnet13aj

    Bleached Anemone

    Good to know for the future. Unfortunately I was out of town for the weekend it happened, so I didn't even know until I got back...I'm not too concerned with how to prevent overheating, I've got a few ideas floating around and it was an unusual occurrence. Right now I'm more concerned with...
  6. garnet13aj

    Bleached Anemone

    I do have good lighting...Is there anything I can do to help it survive or do I just have to sit and wait and see what happens?
  7. garnet13aj

    Bleached Anemone

    I woke up this morning to discover that my anemone is bleached...My best guess is that it didn't take well to the heat wave we had over the weekend...I'm not sure what the exact temperature of the water was, but it felt particularly warm. So I'll definitely be looking into a cooling system for...
  8. garnet13aj

    Having problem with stock list.

    Well, I don't have a complete answer to your question, but if you didn't already know, cleaner shrimp work really well in reef tanks...I just converted my tank to a reef and I'm REALLY happy with it. You'll never be able to get the exact combination of fish you want (you can't fight biology!)...
  9. garnet13aj

    Help Starting Sump

    Awesome, that totally worked. Thanks!
  10. garnet13aj

    Help Starting Sump

    So, I posted the picture because I'm bad at explaining things sometimes. The box is lower on the outside of the tank where the water flows down to the sump...but the water has to flow up before it flows down. How do I get it to do that?
  11. garnet13aj

    Help Starting Sump

    I just moved and am having trouble starting the siphon on my overflow box for the sump now that I have it all set up. My ex-boyfriend originally set it up at the old house so if there's a trick I don't know about it. I set it up, turned on the pump and the water started rising above the overflow...
  12. garnet13aj

    Help with RO/DI

    Sorry, the title is wrong and I don't know how to fix it... I just moved and am having trouble starting the siphon on my overflow box for the sump. My boyfriend originally set it up at the old house so if there's a trick I don't know about it. I set it up, turned on the pump and the water...
  13. garnet13aj

    Lighting for curing live rock

    As already mentioned, no lighting is needed for the curing process...If the ammonia levels are off the charts you might want to do more frequent water changes in order to avoid mass die off of beneficial bacteria. You might already know that, but I thought I'd mention it just in case :)
  14. garnet13aj

    Needed: LR Pictures

    I'm starting a blog about saltwater aquariums. Kind of a "how to" and I want it to have lots of pictures, but I don't want to use any w/o specific permission. My computer recently died and I lost all the decent pictures of LR I had. Could I get a few pictures from someone who doesn't mind that I...
  15. garnet13aj

    how much water on change

    I personally wouldn't do more than a 30% water change to begin with. It's certainly a good idea to get the nitrates down, but you don't want to lose beneficial bacteria in the proccess. I think it's better to do multiple small water changes than one big one. Maybe do 20% now, wait a few days and...
  16. garnet13aj

    Current Fish List with Questions...Please Answer

    Well clowns do fight a lot in the beginning, so they might get over it, but I'd watch them closely to see if they're feeling out to see who's going to be dominant or if they're actually trying to kill each other...
  17. garnet13aj

    Removing crushed coral...

    It's fine to slowly scrape the cc out as it sifts to the top. The clouded water looks nasty but it will settle fairly quickly.
  18. garnet13aj


    I don't know that much about economics...could we actually generate enough money with a flat tax w/out leaving the lowest paid absolutely broke?
  19. garnet13aj

    One minute of your time?

    Don't worry if you hadn't ever heard of a conservation corridor before. I hadn't either when I started this project...I've gotten 86 people to take it so far (which is awesome!). I'm going to se if I can get a few more people to push it past 100 and then I'll give a full and hopefully easy to...
  20. garnet13aj

    One minute of your time?

    With flying colors :) There's not wrong answers. We're just trying to gauge a bit about public perception and awareness.