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  1. garnet13aj

    Sump Advice

    So I'm trying to set up a simple sump for my 55 gallon tank, but I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing. My boyfriend says he'll help me set it up (he's a mechanical engineer so he should be able to handle it), but he wants me to confirm everything before we get started. The main purpose of...
  2. garnet13aj

    Birthday/Christmas Gift for the Mom Who Has Everything...

    Yeah, I totally didn't realize there is a similar thread already out there...Except I wasn't clever enough to entice responses w/a free gift. It's a bit different because he's looking for something for his wife, not his mom...but I might get a good idea anyway...
  3. garnet13aj

    Birthday/Christmas Gift for the Mom Who Has Everything...

    Not a bad idea...unfortunately the Alaska Zoo literally just shipped off our elephant to an elephant sanctuary about a month ago...and we don't have any zebras :( Bad timing!
  4. garnet13aj

    Birthday/Christmas Gift for the Mom Who Has Everything...

    So it's about that time when I need to start coming up w/some gift ideas for my mom for her birthday and Christmas. This is always really hard because everything I can buy her she can buy for herself. She's already told my sister and dad she doesn't want anything because she has too many...
  5. garnet13aj

    I hate LFS's

    I have slightly more patience for a fish store that does this due to ignorance rather than just trying to sell somthing for a quick $. I don't think ignorance is really an excuse. I plan on opening an LFS in the future and I won't sell any fish that I'm not knowledgeable about...
  6. garnet13aj

    Fish not looking good after just adding it

    I second many of earlybird's points. Did you QT and acclimate the fish first? If you didn't, you should definitely do so in the future. There are many posts of QTing if you search this forum and there is a link on the left side about acclimation...Also, you may need to be a bit concerned about...
  7. garnet13aj

    Live rock curing cycle question

    water movement might not have that much to do w/it..but it is really important, otherwise the water will get really gross and dieoff won't get sluffed off the rocks.
  8. garnet13aj

    Who has forgotten and overfilled the bucket w/ RO water?

    I set an alarm now, because one time when i forgot my sister woke up in the middle of the night, stepped in it, and ended up cleaning it up by herself. I felt really bad!
  9. garnet13aj

    True Perc vs. False Perc

    Black and white clowns are just percula's breed to emphasize the black and white color as opposed to the orange, so the behavior is the same. I've only had the ocellaris, but in case you're wondering I love them. They have awesome coloring and great personalities.
  10. garnet13aj

    starfish question

    I haven't heard of any, most starfish need a mature tank....they might have some idea in the nanotank section.
  11. garnet13aj

    Lonely Fish?

  12. garnet13aj


    I don't know about fish, but if it's short enough, emerald crabs will eat hair algea
  13. garnet13aj

    Lonely Fish?

    Here are some pictures of my wrasse. Can someone confirm that it's a male?
  14. garnet13aj

    Lonely Fish?

    About 3 weeks ago I bought 3 filamented flasher wrasses (, due to some stray current running through the tank (has now been taken care of!), 2 of the wrasses died. The wrasse that is left appears to be lonely. He eats and is breathing normally, but he spends an odd...
  15. garnet13aj

    Help Catching SFE

    Hmm, maybe I will try a net. He's midsized...I put a feeder fish in a bottle and he immediately perked up...but I was messing around in there too much, so he got kinda uninterested. I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow when he's a bit more hungry.
  16. garnet13aj

    Help Catching SFE

    I know there are posts on here about catching fish, but I searched for threads specific to catching eels and couldn't find any. My SFE has become much more of a menace than I anticipated, so I've decided to take him out and give him to someone who has livestock less suited to his tastes. Does...
  17. garnet13aj

    Where Does Your Faith Come From?

    So, not everyone, but some people have said their faith in god comes from a belief in god...What I thought I was asking was where does your faith that god exists come from? So saying "my faith in god comes from a belief in god" is kind of a circular answer, if that's your answer, that's fine...
  18. garnet13aj

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Reefreak29, you should listen to it to (it sounds like you're already going to) and we can exchange our thoughts afterwards.
  19. garnet13aj

    Do you believe in evolution?

    interesting you bring that up this comeing up wedensday dawkin will be talking to a christian both of wich went to oxford . it will be on moody radio. i think you will be very surprised what is resolved That sounds interesting. I'll try to check it out...
  20. garnet13aj

    Where Does Your Faith Come From?

    As an atheist who was raised in a purely secular home I've always has trouble with the concept of faith. When I was in high school and began looking into Christianity and the prospect that there was a god people were constantly telling me "You just have to have faith, Alicia". But where does...