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  1. d-dzel

    Swirly eggs on glass?

    I noticed that my nass snails laid eggs which are that long curly line, but there's tiny spots around it that if zoomed in they have a swirl like shape. Any idea on what the swirls may be?
  2. d-dzel

    Nerite Snail Eggs

    Mine just laid eggs this morning. I was told the long strip was from nass snails, but there's many tiny spots around them that look like a swirl. Are those snail eggs too? What kind?
  3. d-dzel

    Brilliant woman solves California's Problems

    That seems way fake and dubbed... Take a close look at her lips and most of the time it's not even close to what she's saying.
  4. d-dzel

    Adding extra bubbles to skimmer?

    I found this DIY modding a skimmer for that. I'm running a Aqua Medic Turboflotor (almost $300) and it does it's job pretty well, it's a beast when it comes to pulling nasty foam. I just overheard the airstone thing tonight and was rather...
  5. d-dzel

    Adding extra bubbles to skimmer?

    Has anyone heard of putting an airstone into a skimmer to increase the bubbles inside the skimmer's chamber, thus getting a better skimmage(sp)? I was hearing some guy at my LFS talk about this at their weekly meeting. Any thoughts on this? %%
  6. d-dzel

    Dzel's 125g Reef Journal. Pics, pics and more epics

    Originally Posted by King_Neptune Cool. This is what Im working on now: I didn't want to fill the fore ground with rocks, that defeated the purpose of the Foam wall. I was guesstimating 50lbs would accent it nicely...but not cover it up. That looks pretty awesome! Wish I had though of that...
  7. d-dzel

    Dzel's 125g Reef Journal. Pics, pics and more epics

    Originally Posted by Jas1 Absolutely FREAKIN awesome How do you like the seaswirl? Does it rotate a full 180 or just 90? I've really been thinking about getting them for my 125 Thanks! The Sea Swirl rotates a full 180, it's definitely worth the money as it creates this great water flow in my...
  8. d-dzel

    Dzel's 125g Reef Journal. Pics, pics and more epics

    Originally Posted by meowzer Nice pics.....I love the Duncans day I may have some too They're awesome! I started with only one head of them and now I have 3 full grown ones and a 4th baby one is starting to come out. Originally Posted by nissan577 really really nice! i love it...
  9. d-dzel

    Dzel's 125g Reef Journal. Pics, pics and more epics

    Originally Posted by fishkid13 Yah, charge 1 dollor for everyrock that is veiwed and pretty soon you will be living the high life. My LFS has had the same exact rocks for a few mouths now, they got some cool Hawiien slate rocks though. I should probably set up a website for picky LR buyers and...
  10. d-dzel

    Dzel's 125g Reef Journal. Pics, pics and more epics

    Originally Posted by fishkid13 Looks Great. Don't you wish that a aquarium website took pictures of each indivdual rock (take forever) so you could see what would work. Thanks! I know right? Imagine if they had some sort of 3D view of the rock so we could see the whole shape? I guess that's...
  11. d-dzel

    Best R.O. System for Reef

    I'm about to place an order for a 75GPD RO/DI 5 Stage *PLUS* System from Bulk Reef Supply, as I've heard great things about this unit. Look up that one and see if it's what you're looking for
  12. d-dzel

    Baby clown trigger

    Originally Posted by meowzer Would this person happen to be the one selling it...LOL haha good one It could "maybe" happen, but I wouldn't risk it either. We spend way too much money as it is, you don't want to regret losing fish and/or corals.
  13. d-dzel

    Did I kill my LR?

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 yeah we just like being difficult. I hear ya, I was going to put something like that but Nycbob beat me to it lol
  14. d-dzel

    Dzel's 125g Reef Journal. Pics, pics and more epics

    I started with a 29 BC, then went to a 55g and now I upgraded to a 125g 3 months ago. I've been transferring everything to the bigger tanks. When transferring from the 55 to the 125 I sold most of my fish because I didn't want to take the chance of losing them while they were being...
  15. d-dzel

    Itsy Bitsy...

    Looks like some sun yellow zoas, at least that's what they call the around here Edit. At first I thought you meant the shrimp...that's what being awake at 1am does to me lol
  16. d-dzel

    Did I kill my LR?

    Originally Posted by nycbob what does not having a personal computer have to do with live rocks? I think he means Power Compacts lol
  17. d-dzel

    lighting for refugium

    I've been using the regular florescent ones and everything seems to grow pretty well
  18. d-dzel

    pros & cons on using eggcrate

    I remember reading something about this in a online-magazine. It's supposed to help with nitrates and/or help propagate beneficial bacteria underneath. Again, I really don't think it helps, that's just what I read. I'll try to look up that article and post it.
  19. d-dzel

    My In Wall Reef

    That's one sweet deal! what kind of skimmer is it? I guess it doesn't matter as much considering that amazing deal you got anyway!!! Is the back of the tank going to be inside a closet? Looks great!