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  1. fishy88

    A few of my babies

    you might want to treat him.
  2. fishy88

    Stocking Question?

    angels need at least a 6 month old tank. as flamehawk said add some more lr. you know that the yellow tang cant live in there forever
  3. fishy88

    tangs vs angels vs butterflies

    as long as you tank is lare enough i dont see any problems
  4. fishy88

    Shark & Rays

    i agree with Grouperhead triggers and puffers will nip at the sharks
  5. fishy88


    i dont think it is. what size is the tank, how big is he and what are the other tankmates?
  6. fishy88

    shark for sales Low price

    did you catch them?
  7. fishy88

    A few of my babies

    looks good. whats wrong with your picasso?
  8. fishy88

    2.5 gal

    the nano forum will help you more. do a search a lot of people asked this ?
  9. fishy88

    Can I keep a shark in a 100?

    you would have to upgrade in a year or so. unless you are really going to upgrade dont do it.
  10. fishy88

    fish costs

    $800 wow. it would suck to lose one.
  11. fishy88

    Interesting shot......

    good shot. what kind of eel?
  12. fishy88

    clownfish bites

    you would kill a fish because he bit you? thats harsh.
  13. fishy88

    fish costs

    RyeBread is that yours? how much do those cost? the most i have ever paid was for my broomtail and he was $175
  14. fishy88

    Smoothhound swimming normal?

    how big is you tank?
  15. fishy88

    What the heck is it???

    well how does it look. is the crab grabing and pulling something off?
  16. fishy88

    Smoothhound swimming normal?

    i have seen this many times at the lfs. when they have boundries they sometimes do this. what size tank?
  17. fishy88

    clownfish bites

    my maroon just bit me again this time he broke the skin
  18. fishy88

    transferring to a larger tank

    i am doing the same thing. changing my 30 to a 60. waterfaller1 can i have that e-mail. my email is thanks
  19. fishy88

    New 55 FOWLR

    i dont think he would eat a fish but he might eat the sleeper gobie.
  20. fishy88

    Colorful survivor fish needed hehe

    lions grow fast and will most likely eat the gobies. a sfe will be fine