Search results

  1. fishy88

    Colorful survivor fish needed hehe

    there are not many small fish you can keep with a lion. how about a dwarf angel. how old is you tank? btw your blenny and mandarin might be eaten by the lion.
  2. fishy88

    which is better??

    i like figi too. cheaper and still good.
  3. fishy88

    90 gallon stocking list

    imho that is way to many fish for reef. forget 1 of the tangs
  4. fishy88

    Lion pics

    looks cool how it is half blue and half white
  5. fishy88


    they get very large like 30in and grow fast. how big is you tank?
  6. fishy88

    260lbs aragonite + H2O = SANDSTORM!

    that dosent look too bad. it will clear up soon
  7. fishy88

    New Volitan Lion

    ghost shrimp are fw
  8. fishy88

    New 0.75 gallon nano!

    that looks cool. now i want one.
  9. fishy88

    what is Nano?

    a nano is anything under 29g
  10. fishy88

    finally got some pics

    lookin good.
  11. fishy88

    My Fowlr

    nice tank. how big is you tank? just to let you know your bubble coral is dying.
  12. fishy88

    12 pack- SPSfreak100

    great pics. i love sps
  13. fishy88

    blue spotted jawfish

    there is a thread a little down that is called "FOTW: Jawfish" there are a few pics in it.
  14. fishy88

    clownfish bites

    every time i put my hand in the tank my marrons bite me. it dosent hurt at all though
  15. fishy88

    anemone and triggers

    you do know that anemones need somewhat strong light. as for trigger i would go with a blue jaw or niger.
  16. fishy88

    New Volitan Lion

    i feed my lions every other day. do not feed any fw feeders. even ghost shrimp are not good for them.
  17. fishy88

    New additions

    nice puffer and toad. i love puffers. how much did you get your golden for? they have 1 at my lfs but it is $300
  18. fishy88

    Shedd pics

    yeah it looks great.
  19. fishy88

    post anemone and clownfish pics

    good looking clowns everyone. hope my 60 reef will be done soon so i can get some
  20. fishy88

    Shedd pics

    that looks like a great aquarium. where is it located?