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  1. sac10918

    New Biocube What's My Mistake

    Can you please post all of your levels?
  2. sac10918

    please help clown choking!!!

    I really think your clown will come through! My LFS is a really nice guy, and he told me a story about a tang that took a bite out of some epoxy/glue that he had just used to set a frag.... I thought, "Oh my gosh, did the tang survive?" Turns out that the tang did survive, although he couldnt...
  3. sac10918

    please help clown choking!!!

    Yeah, definately don't do it yourself....He should be able to clear it on his own...
  4. sac10918

    Multiple clownfish

    I think it has been done before, especially if you add them all at once. However, It is probably not ideal and you would be better off keeping just one pair
  5. sac10918

    Is my setup ok for an anemone

    I would agree with Ino... I am no lighting expert, but I don't think your lights can support an anemone. As far as upgrading goes, you will want to get either metal halides or T5's. I personally have a 24 gallon aquapod with HQI metal halides. The fixture, which I believ is called the SunPod, is...
  6. sac10918

    Thoughts on Rio Powerheads???

    I learned my lesson the hard way on a Rio pump.... Its a long story, but basically we had a power outage that flickered on and off once or twice, then came back on. Everything in my tank looked perfectly normal...The next morning when I got up, I could smell that something was up in the...
  7. sac10918

    Clownfish + anemone + sexy shrimp?

    Thanks perfectdark!
  8. sac10918

    Clarkii Question

    I think you have a good shot if one clarkii is much smaller than the other like you had said.... I know that clarkii's are supposed to be one of the more aggressive species of clownfish, but I think you have a shot at this.... Good Luck!
  9. sac10918

    24 aquapod w 150 hailide, temp??

    I have this same setup.... My chiller is out for repairs right now so I am running with no chiller....My temp is about 81 which is a little bit higher than I would like...I believe most people on here shoot for lik 79.... Its winter right now so I can get away with no chiller... In the summer I...
  10. sac10918

    Clownfish + anemone + sexy shrimp?

    Do I need to worry about the flow of the tank, or them getting sucked up into pumps or overflow?
  11. sac10918

    Clownfish + anemone + sexy shrimp?

    Do you think I would be a okay getting a few (like 4 or 5) sexy shrimp for my 24 gallon? I don't have any other shrimps, just hermits and snails... I also don't have much for them to host just yet, I am trying to get my nitrates lower....I would obviously wait to get them until the nitrates are...
  12. sac10918

    I am getting uber frustrated!

    I have a fistful sized ball of cheato in my display.... I havent noticed it to have done much for my nitrates....It has been in there for about 2 weeks... I have thought about a refugium, but I really don't have the money or the space for one....Maybe when I get really really desperate!
  13. sac10918

    Clownfish + anemone + sexy shrimp?

    So it is likely that the shrimp will find something else to "host"? How do you like the sexy shrimp? I have always wanted some, but am afraid they will dissappear quickly...
  14. sac10918

    Clownfish + anemone + sexy shrimp?

    Will a clownfish share his anemone with sexy shrimp? I have read that these shrimp prefer to be in the anemone, but I was wondering if the clown would even let them have the chance?
  15. sac10918

    I am getting uber frustrated!

    Okay, so after completing the cleaning out of the sump area on Sunday, I did a 5 gallon water change on Wednesday. I also added in my new Koralia pump....Nitrates looked like they were about 25 if I wanted to be optimistic about it...still at 50 if I want to be pessimistic about it.... What...
  16. sac10918

    filtering reef

    How do you like the eheim? I have been wondering if I should get one for my tank....I dont have any "filtration"....Just a good protein skimmer...
  17. sac10918

    24g aquapod filteration help

    I have a 24 gallon aquapod as well.... I am not quite sure how much live sand live rock, but I believe it is sufficient. I removed the bioballs, blue sponges etc. I have a rio 1100 powering my main inlet in the upper left corner. Also in the compartment is my skimmer (an aqua c remora) and my...
  18. sac10918

    Problem with QT Tank cycle

    Yes, I added a raw small cocktail shrimp on Friday and removed it on Monday... But still didn't see a spike....Shall I add another one?
  19. sac10918

    Problem with QT Tank cycle

    I dont mean to hijack your thread but I am in the process of setting up the exact same QT (10 gallons, used display water, biowheel filter, PVC, etc.) I add a small cocktail shrimp and left it in for about 2 days, then I went to take it out and it broke into tiny pieces....I checked ammonia last...
  20. sac10918

    Seting up a Quarantine tank (Beth or Lion?)

    I would like to know why a cocktail shrimp is a bad idea also.... I actually already added it, and I think I blew it because I left it in there for 2 days and today I went to take it out and it broke into tiny pieces all over the tank....I checked my ammonia level and it was zero so I am...