Search results

  1. zafirablanca

    I can't believe he told me to do this.

    I find this to be a reprehensible solution. Most animals 'professionals' (breeders, show judges, club organizers, vet/ vet techs, etc.) do not support cosmetic, convenience or behaviour modifying surgical techniques. The US is very, very behind the times. In Europe and Australia, a declawed...
  2. zafirablanca

    Read any good books lately?

    2nd vote for 'The Concientious Marine Aquarist'. I read this cover to cover the year before we set up our tank. Great book and fun to read. Highly recommended. -Christine
  3. zafirablanca

    I would like to make a sump/fuge, can you tell me if these pics show a good design?

    mmync, Check out this web-site: Click on the 'Hardware' page Then the 'Sump Configurations' page It has the nicest design for a sump/ refugium combo I've seen. It is the home page for Richard Durso, he has gained alot of respect in this industry for his...
  4. zafirablanca

    topless tanks-lighting

    This subject came up a short while back on another thread. I believe that the overwheming reponse was that many people leave their tank (top) open to improve oxygenation, help dissipate heat (to avoid using a chiller), and maintain good light quality. You may want to do a forum search to find...
  5. zafirablanca

    Bang Guy

    me three! pics please... :)
  6. zafirablanca

    southdown...what to do about film

    All indications point to that. Take out the UGF and crushed coral and add live sand. It seems that you will save countless future headaches that way. Do some forum searches on UGF and crushed coral to view previous threads and advice on the subjects. You get alot of info very fast that way. :)
  7. zafirablanca

    hair algae

    I have seen this topic come up on other threads with others giving advice to cut the light time down. If I remember right, some got significant hair algae relief by cutting back an hour or so of light. Try a forum search, it wasn't that long ago. Hope this helps. Good Luck -Christine :)
  8. zafirablanca

    ID Crab

    Maybe a porcelain crab?
  9. zafirablanca

    southdown...what to do about film

    I got the same results when I put expensive Carib Sea oolitic aragonite sand in my tank. I doubt that this is simply a Southdown thing, more likely an arogonite sand thing. Mine was cloudy for several days, much more than a week. Then, just one day it cleared up, like magic. I do believe...
  10. zafirablanca

    Turboflotor Question...

    I dont think that you should need an air pump. I believe that the Rio 2100 should do this for you. Does your airline stay above the water? I think that you probably need a ball valve between your Rio 600 and the skimmer, to vary the flow until you find the right balance. I am now guessing...
  11. zafirablanca

    Alternatives for Topoffs and Water Changes

    Many of us got our RO/DI units from this supplier: I got my from them off of ----. I really like it. It was super easy to hook up (they sell an adapter that lets me thread it to my laundry tub faucet, same as garden hose faucet). I just let it fill a large plastic garbage...
  12. zafirablanca

    New to saltwater, new tank...need some advice.

    Try this website: Good Luck -Christine
  13. zafirablanca

    Turboflotor Question...

    How do you have the skimmer set up? Did you plumb the water inlet to the tank overflow or are you using a seperate pump/ powerhead to supply water to the skimmer? I use a powerhead to supply the water and the skimmer came with rio pump to supply the air. I am guessing that you are only using...
  14. zafirablanca

    A "How To Set Up..." Page on

    Here is a GREAT site where I picked up ALOT of good information. Everyone should check it out. It has links to other good site and suppliers too. Good Luck, -Christine :)
  15. zafirablanca


    I believe that that size tank is much, much too small for a butterfly of any type. Also high nitrates would doubley stress out a delicate fish like a butterfly. Other treatments would be better and more humane. Try the hot water or kalk paste injection first. Do a forum search on this stuff...
  16. zafirablanca

    Bad Cycle

  17. zafirablanca

    Getting ready to buy a RO/DI filter... Need your opinions.

    I also have the airwaterice brand RO/DI system. I like it very much. I purchased the system with bypass and flush valves to conserve filter membranes and keep system fresh. They have several good deals on ----, and fast shipping. Good Luck -Christine
  18. zafirablanca

    What's a good overflow.

    I have two Marineland SOS overflows on my 125 gallon. So far they have been very reliable, quiet and well made. Do a forum search on the different types you are looking at. You will get alot of information really fast that way. Oh yeah, I found that I could have got my overflows through an...
  19. zafirablanca

    Oceanic 125 Natures View question

    I just got one a couple of months ago. I am cycling with grocery store shrimp right now, so I don't have alot of experience with it yet. It seemed to be a better quality tank than the comparable (exact same price) Perfecto. Oh yeah, its REALLY big. At least for our house. ;) We are using an...
  20. zafirablanca

    Boiling my LR

    Sorry I was not more specific on the post, I just copied it from another thread. What I was referencing was an aiptasia eating nudibranch that they sell on that site. There are no pictures and I don't know anything about it, just remembered seeing it listed. Home Page: *...