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  1. zafirablanca

    Boiling my LR

    I don't know if this will help or not. I remembered this from a previous post. -sells an 'aiptesia eating nudibranch', no pictures Good Luck -Christine
  2. zafirablanca

    sump and fuge -- help please

    Do a forum search for some of the topics you have questions about. You will get alot of information right away, without waiting for a response from someone. There are alot of sump/ fuge set-ups that people have discussed in previous posts. Good Luck -Christine
  3. zafirablanca

    Turboflotor 1000 Setup Help

    Hello! I am rather new at this myself, and got the same skimmer. Nice directions, huh? Do a forum search on 'turboflotor' to see previous q&a on this same subject. After getting alot of advice, I set up the skimmer inside of my sump, and I did not plumb it into my overflow line. Apparently...
  4. zafirablanca

    I've HAD IT with this overflow system, help

    I got my tidepool SOS overflow boxes at my lfs for $100 each. I just found a website that sells them for $59.95 each: Hope this helps. -Christine
  5. zafirablanca

    Humidity problem, cold climate

    Do you have storm windows? If you do you might try closing them and see if that helps. I live in Minnesota and the climate changes are drastic here. Insulation always helps these problems. The condensation on your windows is from the dramatic change in temperature from one side of the glass...
  6. zafirablanca

    ? for broomer and/or sump refuge experts

    59, I am fairly the hobby and am taking alot of advice from this site.I set up the refugium and sump set-up in my cabinet (125 gallon aquarium). I teed off one of my overflows to the refugium and put two bulkheads to drain the refugium into the sump. I have the fuge on a plastic shelf (shelf...
  7. zafirablanca

    I've HAD IT with this overflow system, help

    I have only had my tank set up for a few weeks now, but I have had no problems what so ever. I am using 2 Marineland Tidepool SOS hang on overflows on my 125 gallon tank (to my 20 gallon sump). I have not had any of the air bubble problems or siphon breaking problems that I have read about...
  8. zafirablanca

    10 good reasons to own a steam cleaner

    Sorry to hear about your carpet, PR. I have hardwood floors and worry about it still. I second what Mr. Hanky said. Use plastic cable ties. You can get them at any hardware store, look in the electrical department. You can get the kind that is reusable, with a sqeeze catch on the end. But...
  9. zafirablanca

    *Help* I am just getting started and I think I am getting led in the wrong direction.

    I am in Minnesota and have a 250 watt heater in my sump for my 125 gallon tank. The heater is on almost all of the time right now.
  10. zafirablanca

    How many watts for heater?

    I think it depends on the type of climate you live in. I don't see a location for you. I have a 125 gallon tank with about 10 gallons in sump and 20 gallns in refugium. I have one 250 watt ebo jager in my sump and it runs 24/7. Its pretty cold here in Minnesota.
  11. zafirablanca

    HELP! Need information about RO/DI with a water softener

    At my previous job, we has a large water softener and a LARGE deionizing system. The city water was plumbed straight to the deionizer (NOT softened first). I asked about why they didn't soften the water and then deionize it and they said that it was worse for the deionizing beds and didn't...
  12. zafirablanca

    Opiura, good news on my basket starfish

    I am happy for you and you star as well. I look forward to the updates. Congratulations! -Christine
  13. zafirablanca


    I am a plant biologist, with most of my experience in plant pathology (diseases) of agriculture and horticulture plants. My most recent position was in biotechnology fermentation and manufacturing of organic plant pesticides and plant growth enhancers. Very cool until the economy crumbled...
  14. zafirablanca

    Help need bigger pump.

    I am using a Dolphin DP 900 on my 125 gallon. (900 gph at 0 head, 17 ft head max) I have two hang-on overflows with 1 inch pipes. I have 4.5 feet height to overcome, a swing check valve at the pump (McMaster-Carr online, check it out if you are interested), a tee that splits the return into...
  15. zafirablanca

    Fans, Acryllic, and Temp Issues

    Hopefully you will get a good answer soon. I believe that fans are used in the light hood to draw heat from the lights and light ballasts away from the aquarium. Not to blow across the surface of the water, but blow air across heat source and out of hood or pull ambient air across heat source...
  16. zafirablanca

    Need help with PVC pipe and cement.

    Just do what these guys said, dry run + primer + glue. It is very easy, you will be surprised how easy. If you do it wrong or change your mind, the pieces dont apart, but it is very cheap to get new parts and do it again. Practice makes perfect, just jump in, you'll be great! Good Luck...
  17. zafirablanca

    Need help quieting overflow

    Mary, I have two Tidepool overflow boxes on my 125, with flexible tubing piped down to my 20 gallon tall sump. When the sucking sound gets loud on my overflow box, I just move where the hose is sitting in the sump to try to quiet the noise. Ususlly this works, but almost never on the first...
  18. zafirablanca

    Black lights

    Andy, I do not know about specific lights that you have found, but I do have experience purchasing black lights for commercial use. I used to buy them for biotech production and plant pathogen research facilities that I worked for. These usually would be used for germicidal purposes, such as...
  19. zafirablanca

    Totally off base, unless you like horticulture

    Finally! A use for my Horticulture degree here. I believe that it would be good for your plants if it were from a freshwater tank. Unfortunately, there would be too much salt in skimmer liquid from a marine tank to be healthy for plants. Salt is a problem that most plants cannot deal with...
  20. zafirablanca

    diy bulkheads

    Jager, I made bulkheads out of 3/4" plastic 'water-tight' electrical fuse box connectors. They look like grey sections of pvc pipe elbow with a thread and ring connector on one end. This is the end that I put through the tank. It comes with an o-ring, and I bought another one for the other...