Search results

  1. zafirablanca

    Main Heater in Refugium?

    Thanks Broomer, I am concerned that it could get too warm in the fuge and not warm enough in the display. I think that I will have to just try it to find out..... Baffles will have to wait. BTW - should I even worry about putiing baffles in my sump? I have the acrylic cut already, just...
  2. zafirablanca

    lettuce nudibranchs

    I found some suppliers of Nudibranches: www.***********.com -nice pictures, 4 different types, pretty much same text decription of each, includes 'spanish dancer' -nice pictures, include lettuce nudibranches in some of their algae control packages, one algae control package is...
  3. zafirablanca

    Main Heater in Refugium?

    Good news. I think we could handle one. The way you describe them they sound alot like my african grey parrot, funny huh? Better captive bred than wild caught, must feed variety of fresh food or they will limit themselves. Impossible to tell a male from female. Becoming a parrot parent has...
  4. zafirablanca

    Main Heater in Refugium?

    Super, Bang Guy!! Actually, I have an extra 75 Watt Ebo Jager just sitting around. I will use in the sump. I was just worried that it might 'affect' the refugium somehow. I guess it would be fine, really. I see on your signature that you breed Banggai. My husband adores them when we look at...
  5. zafirablanca

    Main Heater in Refugium?

    Hi again! More questions about setting up my 125 reef tank. I have a long-ish refugium (plastic -maybe 30 gallons?) and a 20 gallon tall glass aquarium for a sump. Question: Would there be any harm in putting my heater in the refugium instead of the sump? It fits much, much better in the...
  6. zafirablanca

    Dolphin 900 pump

    Paul, Thanks for your attention. I called the lfs yesterday and said that I probably needed a bigger pump. The guy waffled a bit on if I should or shouldn't, then decided I shouldn't change my pump, 'cause 900 gph should be plenty. Yes, I said , but wouldn't the flow be alot less than that...
  7. zafirablanca

    Dolphin 900 pump

    Thanks a ton. I will check back later and will keep you up to date. -Christine
  8. zafirablanca

    Dolphin 900 pump

    So sorry! Just when I thought I gave enough details to put someone to sleep, I missed some! It's a Dolphin - Pond/ Tank Master, Submersible/ In Line, DP-900 I know, there isn't much info out there, I tried. Still, any input or advice is appreciated. -Just talked to the lfs. He said it should...
  9. zafirablanca

    Dolphin 900 pump

    Hello, I am setting up a new 125 gallon Oceanic tank and was wondering if my LFS sold me the right pump, a Dolphin 900. It didn't come with a head pressure/ gpm graph, and the web site doesn't show one for this model. It states max flow as 900 gph, 17 ft max (pressure?). I am plumbing 1 " pvc...
  10. zafirablanca

    Problem with siphon for overflow?

    Thank you Broomer! I feel better now.:)
  11. zafirablanca

    Problem with siphon for overflow?

    Hi there, I am setting up a 125 gallon tank with 2 Tidepool SOS (Silent Overflow Skimmer) overflow boxes. They appear to be different than the style that you guys are talking about here. I dont see a U-tube. It does have two hoses that drain to the sump for each overflow box, one called a...
  12. zafirablanca

    Ball Valve in Flex Line?

    Wow! Great advice, thank you. I am working on the plumbing today, so your timing is perfect. The photo is really helpful, I am going to have to get a digital camera so I can show off my tank when it is done (when ever that will be..... soon I hope. I think my husband is getting jealous!) My...
  13. zafirablanca

    Ball Valve in Flex Line?

    Actually, I am trying to insert a tee with a ball valve off of one of my overflow drains, to direct water to a refugium. The refugium will gravity drain (via bulkheads) into my sump which contains a protein skimmer and my return pump. (The refugium is elevated on a platform in my cabinet). I...
  14. zafirablanca

    Ball Valve in Flex Line?

    Hello, I am setting up a new reef tank, my first time. I was looking for a description of how to plumb a ball valve into flex line. Hardware stores don't seem to have a reasonable selection of barb fittings. The best I could figure out would involve a couple of PVC fittings on either end of...
  15. zafirablanca

    Blue leg Hermit crabs

    Thanks for all the input!! I appreciate it. -Christine
  16. zafirablanca

    Blue leg Hermit crabs

    Hello! In trying to plan for my new tank set up, I am looking into various clean-up crew packages. Most have lots of blue leg hermit crabs. Someone on another thread gave the impression that these were bad. Are they? How? What instead? I am considering 'The Package' from Tampa Bay...
  17. zafirablanca

    New Tank Plumbing- Help!

    Hello! I am new here and am setting up my first marine aquarium. I have read cover to cover The Concientous Marine Aquarist and been browsing online forums and such for about a year and a half now. Soo, now I am going for it! I just bought the following: 125 gallon Oceanic Natures View Tank...