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  1. bla403

    Auto top off forward siphon

    All: Is there a way to prevent forward siphons on auto top off containers? When my auto top of turns on it occasionally siphons more water than desired into the sump. The only way that has worked for me is raising the water tube to create more bead pressure that prevents the siphon. Any...
  2. bla403

    White Squiggly Stuff Coming out of my Coral

    Seems to happen after I feed them. Could be if I blew on it too hard with a turkey baster.
  3. bla403

    Breeding Clams

    How do you accomplish breeding them in a home tank? Any hints on the process so maybe I can try?
  4. bla403

    Is it possible to move a Maxima clam?

    What I do with my clams is attach them to a small piece of rock or one of the ceramic plates they mount corals on and then I can mount that wherever I want. I can move the clams to different areas easily and place them in the sand. Needed to be able to do this otherwise my lobster would figure...
  5. bla403

    Mini Brittle Stars- A LOT OF THEM

    I have hundreds of these also!! All started with a few that hitchhiked and now they are in every rock. The only thing I dont like about them is when they try to steal mysis from my corals as they eat.
  6. bla403

    White Squiggly Stuff Coming out of my Coral

    Hi Everyone. I have 2 LPS corals that have similar white squiggly stuff that comes out every once in a while. One is a Lobo (Below) and the other is a brain coral. Has only happened on the brain once but the lobo has it more often. What does this mean? The lobo has small amounts coming out of...
  7. bla403

    Confused Clownfish

    OK, because my other clownfish sleeps on top of a brain coral... wasnt sure whats going on there but this guy loves this torch frag.
  8. bla403

    Confused Clownfish

    Just wanted to know if anyone else has a clown fish that is in love with a torch coral. I think mine is confused and believes its an anemone.   Anyone else seen this? He seems to swim in it all day and its not a very big frag. Cant wait to see it grown up.    
  9. bla403

    Return Pump Broken- Need Replacement ASAP- What to do?

    Make sure you have powerheads going in the tank. I would goto a LFS to pickup something to get everything moving as fast as possible. As long as there is flow the tank should be fine but may need a water change since the sump and probably a skimmer is not working at the moment. I had something...
  10. bla403

    Stuff Living in My Skimmer

    My sump is covered in the little pineapple sponges. I also have a small orange spnge in my main tank and I have 2 of them in the sump now that keep growing. I dont mind all the copepods in the sump its just weird that they live in that skimmer environment.
  11. bla403

    Stuff Living in My Skimmer

    any thoughts?
  12. bla403

    Stuff Living in My Skimmer

    Here is an image so you can take a look. The picture is of the middle portion of the skimmer. The top is the cup. You can see the inverted cone and the bubbles as well as the water level in that section. The stuff that concerns me is the light brown stuff that collects around the outside on...
  13. bla403

    Stuff Living in My Skimmer

    That is about what I do. I drilled my skimmer cup so it empties into a larger container which I empty when it fills. I clean the skimmer every other month or so but when I do, I take out a good 2 tablespoons of greenish muck from in the riser tube. Is it safe to assume that I am the only guy...
  14. bla403

    Stuff Living in My Skimmer

    Hi Guys, I have a reef octopus skimmer and there is some brownish buildup that gathers in the second section under the collection cup on top of the inverted cone. Lately I have noticed some things living in it and wanted your opinions on this. Copepods similar to the ones in my tank live in...
  15. bla403

    Trim Mangroves

  16. bla403

    Trim Mangroves

  17. bla403

    Trim Mangroves

    Hi Everyone, I have a few Mangroves in my overflow that have been alive and well for awhile. One of them lost all of its leaves since it got stuck against the wall and now the tip is brown. Should I cut the tip off and will it grow back? Should I get rid of it? I see that they are much...
  18. bla403

    Venomous Foxface??

    Mine used to put his spines up alot but had no intentions of stinging me or anythign around him. Honestly I thought he was either tring to show off or just stretching.
  19. bla403

    Venomous Foxface??

    Had one for almost a year and hand fed it... never had an issue. From my experience, as long as you dont grab the fish your fine. Also - He was an eating machine. Got rid of him a couple weeks ago since he outgrew my tank.
  20. bla403

    Superzoom camera

    bump: anyone have any knowledge of any new superzooms coming out soon?