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  1. byrself

    New tank pics...

    is that a 30g? nice. i've been thinking of the small tank with a halide for a while, just for those stonies. can't wait to see how yours does. :D
  2. byrself

    Mandarin Goby

    keeping a mandarin in a small tank can be done, but requires effort on your part. they eat live pods, but you can set up a refugium with pods, or order some from, and feed them. this can get expensive, but can keep a mandarin happy. don't get one just to throw it in the tank and let...
  3. byrself

    Help! I have no idea what is wrong!

    it might be something in the water... like copper maybe? maybe that's why your snails are dieing? just another haven't used any ich treatments in the tank, right?
  4. byrself

    Help.....Nitrate Problems!

    stay away from the carbon idea..just go with a sponge filter, and clean it regularly. imo.
  5. byrself

    Pod Friendly Fish 2

    well, it's enough imo. just something to think about. i think on the clownfish issue, as long as you stayed small, and away from the maroons or sebaes, you be okay. :p that's true about the live rock, if it's uncured. maybe one day one of us will come up with some extra space and have...
  6. byrself

    Pod Friendly Fish 2

    what's up dude =) i think a clown or even a small damsel might be a good choice. they are open swimmers and active. just get small ones if you can. also, what about a royal gramma? they are kinda shy though sometimes. nice color though. glad the polyps are growing nicely. i say you...
  7. byrself

    Help.....Nitrate Problems!

    i agree with beth also. all your filtration should be in the sand and live rock. all that extra filtration with bioballs can take the bacteria out of the tank and into the filter. a more stable system needs the bacteria in the tank. i'd just use the wet/dry as a sump to put your equipment...
  8. byrself

    Why water change?

    right, but the water you add back in can have these same unknown chemicals in it also. i agree to do small changes just for the extra elements you add from fresh salt. the other reasons are really pointless if you have good readings on the nitrates and such. jmo.
  9. byrself

    Help my colt coral is DYING...!!!

    it may not be dieing, i'd leave it alone for a couple days or longer and see what it does. i think it's fine. you make it worse by messing with it imo.
  10. byrself

    when do i know i need a skimmer

    they are nice to have, but you could get away without one, but only with regular water changes imo. i'd get one though, they come in handy sometimes.
  11. byrself


    the bubbles are not good, i agree. nice tank to work with, hopefully you'll be successful at changing her mind on the other stuff.
  12. byrself

    Second Coral

    i'd go with some sort of leather coral. they are hardy, and might be an alternative clownfish host. if not, they are nice anyway. mine's growing like a weed. your tank setup kinda sounds like mine also. i think you would do good with all the corals i have listed. good luck.
  13. byrself

    My coral banded shrimp is missing?

    could have been something in the live rock that ate it. i am currently having this prob, i've lost a mandarin, a clown, and just last night i found a half eaten peppermint. keep an eye out. i doubt if the lighting issue had anything to do with it, or that it got out the tank. possible i...
  14. byrself

    High Phosphates, best way to lower ??

    just be careful washing those aquarium buckets with soap. it is not stuff you want in your tank. word is if you do have to soapy clean, you are supposed to rinse out with bleach and water, then fill container with bucket of fresh water and dechlorinator. i would just hand scrub clean any...
  15. byrself

    QT tank with ammonia

    the whisper should be fine. the only thing i don't like about them is they don't really move a whole lot of water. if you have access to an air pump and an air stone, use that along with the filter for a little better aeration. if you have carbon in the filter, then maybe use it for a couple...
  16. byrself

    OT: My wife is in labor

    ahh, another future reefer is about to enter the world! ;) good luck, and remember, whatever you do....DON'T LOOK DOWN! :D hope all turns out better than expected. keep us informed. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
  17. byrself

    Please Help

    hey jim, i've never really had the green hair algae prob, but my hermits ate the crap out of the red hair. also, my hermits and snails eat the heck out of the green stuff i do get, but it never gets long. i have astrea snails and blue legged hermits. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif"...
  18. byrself

    will a long spine urchin.....

    i got one too i need to get rid of for the same reason. i ended up putting it in a 10g with dead coral. they are great for fish only tanks, although some have been able to keep them in reefs if they keep them fat on other foods. they say they leave the coralline alone if you feed them...
  19. byrself

    Please Help

    have you dealt with the phosphates issue? also, pulling the hair algae off by hand is always a help. if you haven't thought about the phosphates, maybe look into a phosphate sponge. your source water could be a source of the phosphates. also make sure your filters are clean and that you...
  20. byrself

    Decorator crab ate mushrooms?!?

    not sure about the specifics on decorator crabs, but i noticed the same thing with my emerald crab. it was sitting in a spot where i've had a mushroom for months. i don't know where it went, i just shrugged it off and guessed it might have picked at it and it floated off from it's spot. i'd...