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  1. byrself

    Carribean or Figi...

    hey anthem, i was wondering something about what a lfs told me about figi, said that it was getting harder and harder to get, like because of collection regulations and stuff, do you think this is a true statement? or do you think he was just trying to sell me some of the other rock he had tons...
  2. byrself

    Carribean or Figi...

    my sand bed is aragonite based. i do use figi rock, and like it a lot. worth the extra money to me but that's just my preference. seems to have the better shapes and colors imo. either is fine as long as they are equal in quality. both generally serve the same purpose. hth
  3. byrself

    Tank Cycle

    just leave it be until the cycle is complete. you could get a test kit and watch the cycle if you wanted to. other than that, just let it run its course. hth
  4. byrself

    Instant Ocean/ Kent Sea Salt

    every one i know with tanks pretty much uses io, as well as myself. i don't see a prob with either, it's personal opinion as far as i'm concerned. it's not worth switching to me. like i said though, it's really personal opinion. :cool:
  5. byrself

    Green Slime

    that's interesting on the kent stuff. the phoszorb (aquarium systems)i use says to change every six to eight weeks. sorry i confused you. :o
  6. byrself

    Dream Reef

    i like the never lift a bucket statement. :D
  7. byrself

    Why wont my tank clear up???

    more details, what does it look like? possibly stirred up sand or an algae bloom? done anything different lately?
  8. byrself


    colts take at least a week imo. mine did the same thing. it looked all floppy and weak, then it gradually started to perk up. how do the little polyps on it look? are they open at the tips? this is a good indicator of how they are doing. what else looks bad, and how does it look?
  9. byrself

    changing fish only tank into a reef tank

    i admit that fallen's advice sure does go against what i've heard, but i've also heard that nurse sharks aren't supposed to tolerate even trace amounts of copper. i thought about using snails as a kind of indicator. i mean, if copper was so deadly, it should kill snails at least right? kinda...
  10. byrself


    if you just put them in they need time to adjust. i wouldn't move them just yet. just be patient. they should come around after a couple days.
  11. byrself

    Red foot moon snail in warm water tank

    where did you get them from? maybe someone's been "tank raising" them. i believe they can adjust if made to do it over time. kinda like they acclimate freshwater fish to live in saltwater tanks. if they are that good at removing algae, someone may be trying this. <img...
  12. byrself

    stir my aggregate?

    do you have aragonite? are you just looking for a sand stirrer? i'm pretty sure a sandsifter star would stir the aragonite, even though it wouldn't find what it was looking for. i'd recommend a goby or the like that sifts if that's what you are after.
  13. byrself

    Green brain gone white

    have you ever tried to feed it? :D
  14. byrself

    ok, I've narrowed it down to these lights....

    yeah, i agree with ed. get the most watts you can. especially if you are going to wanna keep more light dependant corals down the road. and if you are going to use the hood, i recommend the aluminum. they are built nicely , if its from the comicbroker guy. having the fans are nice. i'm...
  15. byrself

    How is my reef tank setup?

    i think your setup looks great. ed has a point with the wet/dry, but imo it would be fine like it is. just keep the filters fairly clean and do it regularly. don't let them get clogged for a long period of time. that's when they become probs. as far as the lighting period, you could even go...
  16. byrself

    Pecula reef friendly?

    it's probably a territorial thing imo. my goby does that to my polyps sometimes. my goby thinks that's his tank. :mad: :D
  17. byrself

    Green Slime

    you will need to leave that phosphate sponge in your tank for longer than a day though. it will still take a couple weeks to start doing its job. just keep wiping the glass as best as you can, keep your filters clean, and wait for it to die down. good luck.
  18. byrself


    yes, thats the same one. i have had no problems with them. to tell you the truth, i didn't order my set with fans, but i got them anyway. i did buy the leg stands from them, but i don't recommend them. they broke in the first two days. i just got some wooden dowels for my light to rest over...
  19. byrself

    changing fish only tank into a reef tank

    i think fallen04 just gave some great advice. i used the copper for a little while as a preventive thing while using bottled distilled water. that might be your best bet. dolfan, i think your setup is perfect for a reef changeover. all you possibly could need otherwise is better lighting...
  20. byrself

    Anyone Else Sick Of This?!?

    i reedited my post. i made my point. it's no biggie.. :)