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  1. byrself

    Death of the Coral Reef in the Fla Keys

    i do honestly think, (and hope), that in the future all marine animals sold to aquarist will be tank reared. i don't see any reason why it wouldn't, other than this hobby being so new. it's gaining more popularity now, so more people are into it, and the demand will outweigh the supply one...
  2. byrself

    hermit crabs

    they are more than likely hiding from you. some, like the red scarlet hermits, only like to come out in the dark it seems. you would find at least a shell, or pieces of dead hermits if they were dieing off imo.
  3. byrself


    make sure to at least get it some strong lighting. and keep your water as nice as possible. feeding isn't that much of a prob. the clown will help it with that. don't get one unless you plan to make an effort to keep it as happy as possible. good luck, and do lots of research before you...
  4. byrself

    dead anenome removal

    Originally posted by drakave: <strong>you said you always use a suphon to remove the dead anemones? if you have killed more than one anemone besides this woune, im sure many would agree, i would read up on them and try to check your levels before suggesting you place another in your tank, they...
  5. byrself

    Is an all damsel tank feasible?

    wow steamboat, that's pretty odd. i don't blame you for being a domino hater... i'd a flushed those ba$tards also =) all fish compatibility (sp?) comes down to the fish... more than just what types.. --- of the fish matters also, but who can tell that from damsels? i know i sure can't, and...
  6. byrself

    Clown Adopts Bubble Coral

    i had a false perc also, and bought an anemone, and it paid it no mind. mine never bothered anything. just played in the current all day. my roomate has a maroon clown, which is the one that tore up the plate coral. the maroon always had an anemone until it died off here recently. i think...
  7. byrself

    Dawn dust affect: How imporant

    it should be okay without the fan, two of mine are set up on fans, the other two are not. if i leave the one set without fans on all day, it doesn't hurt anything. just feel the air that comes out the fans now, after it's been on a while. if it feels too hot for you not to run them, then...
  8. byrself

    Death of the Coral Reef in the Fla Keys

    beth is not totally wrong about politics and money over the environment. i live in louisiana, which is well known for corrupt politics, and here they are trying to make it illegal to change out or alter your car's computer, in search of better performance tuning. BUT, there are diesel engines...
  9. byrself


    is that an activated carbon of some sort? what makes you want to use it?
  10. byrself

    i think i have a mantis shrimp

    Originally posted by keisersosei: <strong> It may turn out that you don't even have a mantis. The crab could be the culprit of the chewed up jaw. I don't know why an attempt at jumping out of the tank would cause its jaw to appear chewed up.</strong><hr></blockquote> i don't either... that...
  11. byrself

    i think i have a mantis shrimp

    could be a mantis, or anything else for that matter... if you hear popping, it's quite possible. i've lost 2 healthy fish and a peppermint shrimp in 3 weeks to a suspected mantis in my tank. good luck. here's a good article on mantis..<a...
  12. byrself

    5 Related Questions

    i was wondering how you were going to use 48" vhos on a 20g?
  13. byrself

    Is an all damsel tank feasible?

    as long as they each have their own space, you may be okay. they will have run ins though more than likely. domino damsels are known to be anemonefish, and might have been trying to host inside your elegance coral as a substitute. could have been what happened to yours, steamboat..
  14. byrself

    Is an all damsel tank feasible?

    i had 4 damsels in a 10 gallon at one time (not recommended, but possible =) they were all different varieties.. 4 stripe, blue devil, green chromis, and a yellow damsel. i've heard the larger damsels, such as the velvet, are not compatible very well with other damsels. green chromis make...
  15. byrself

    Death of the Coral Reef in the Fla Keys

    and what gets me are these evolutionary scientist, who say that quite possible ALL living creatures on earth could have originated from the ocean, yet we are quick to destroy it senselessly. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
  16. byrself

    Finally, pictures of my 10 gal!

    nice nano, naso =) why not a background? i think a solid background would do wonders for it. jmo though..
  17. byrself

    Feed how often??

    feed as little as possible. small amounts more often are better than one large feeding. enough live rock will provide lots of food.
  18. byrself

    5 Related Questions

    it should work. use equal number of bulbs actinic with 10oooks. go with the most watts you can for the anemone, and keep excellent water quality. good luck.
  19. byrself

    super lights not needed IMO

    water quality is more important than lighting imo, but the lighting is nice.. :)
  20. byrself


    right on ed, i agree.