Search results

  1. shel

    Blue Spotted Jaw Fish

    JW, I think I am going to go down and put a hold on him until next friday. I was informed by mu hubby a little while ago that we are going to go out to the house boat and stay the weekend. :) I do not want to get him until I can spend at least 2 days watching him. This is the first time my...
  2. shel

    Blue Spotted Jaw Fish

    JW, My DSB in the front is 5" in the front and 3" in the back. My fish keep it that way, I fix it and the maroon clowns move it back. :D I guess that is the way they want their home. I have a bunch of rubble and shells along with 150lb of live rock. I think it would happy in my tank, I...
  3. shel


    Karla - smoke is so pretty. Ijji - I really liked your pic. I do not have any cats, not because I do not like them, I would love to have a cat. My 2 Sib. Huskys and husband do not care for cats. Husband also has asthma, cats are the only thing that seems to bother them.
  4. shel

    Blue Spotted Jaw Fish

    My LFS store has a few Blue spotted jaw fishes in, they are a little pricey but really cool. I am thinking of getting one on saturday so I can watch him over the weekend and make sure he settles in before I have to go to work on monday. Does anyone have one or know anything I should know...
  5. shel

    Sump leaking

    Help? We moved the sump to a new tank the night before last and came home to puddle of salt water on the floor. It is leaking where the fitting screws on to the PVC piping on the sump. There is a black rubber seal and I think it is binding so the damn thing leaks. Any idea's or suggestions I...
  6. shel


    Be nice Joe, no reason to mean. Sammy nice tat's. I enjoyed the pics. Do you have any piercings? 3 Piercings - Tongue and twice in by belly button. 3 Tattoo's - A Floral band around my right ankle, 2 Rose's with spider web with blood dripping from the stems on my lower left back / butt. Wolf...
  7. shel

    3 inch emperor angel in 30 gallon tank suicide?

    A Emp. Angel will out grow the tank. That would be cruel to the angel. I have one in my 140 and I paid $89.00 so it would not be unheard of to pay $100.00. Yes on-line is cheaper but you do not get to see the fish before hand and you have to pay for the shipping. If that is the only fish you...
  8. shel

    Are you male or female enough?

    I don't know any girls that are into salt tanks. When I am at the lfs store it is always guys, with the exception of girlfriend that does not understand why that pretty fish cost so much. LOL By the way I am female. Best line I hear at the lfs "What size to you have?" LOL
  9. shel

    Gold banded maroon clown anonome and anonome ?

    According to CLOWNFISHES By Joyce D. Wilkerson, the Bulb Tentacle (Bubble Tip, Rose, or Maroon) Sae Anemone is the natural host for maroon or gold stripe maroon clowns. Mine live in condi and are doing wonderful, I am currently looking for a bubble tip for them. They are even laying eggs by the...
  10. shel

    Maroon Clowns

    Clownfish4life, I have never heard of that with a clown fish. I have 2 condi anemones with a maroon clown and a gold stripe maroon clown and they are happy and healthy in their condi. They have even been laying eggs next to it. (They are on their 3rd clutch). I also looked in a clown book...
  11. shel

    Check out my webcam

    Norm, where in Arizona are you? What LFS do you go to? I live in Surprise and Auqa Touch is my favorite. :D
  12. shel

    strange and unusual fish?

    Several months back my lfs had 2 batfish. Very cool fish, they should be left in the ocean.
  13. shel

    Clarkii keeps digging

    I have 2 maroons that are always busy, sometimes they will leave it alone for a little while, then the girl (The big One)starts up again. I have a book about clowns that says that behavior is them showing everyone how tough and mean they are. LOL. :D Really that is what is says. You just...
  14. shel

    Maroon Clown...

    I have not heard of that either. I have a reg maroon clown and a gold stripe maroon clown with 2 condi's and have not had any problems. They are even laying eggs next to it. It seems like you had a sick clown to begin with. I will double check in a book I have at home tonight. (The book is...
  15. shel

    Proper depth of LS

    Ok, just my 2 cents. I have a 4 1/2" DSB with lr for 2 years and never had a problem. It works very well for me. :D
  16. shel

    DRAGON WRASSE ?!?!?!

    I have had mine for 2 years. I bought him as a juv. He was green, now he is green brown. He has not lost his horn on his head. The only change in him is his color and size. He is growing fast. Like everyone else has mentioned he goes to bed at the same time every nite and gets up at the...
  17. shel

    understanding spouse

    It is my hobby, but when I need help he is there to help. ( Of Coarse he tells me I owe him)He will sometimes even go with me the lfs. I think it scares him when he goes(He then gets an idea on how expensive it can be, but on the other hand he also sees the beauty of saltwater) He does not...
  18. shel

    To those who asked why she's not my wife........

    Cograds, marriage is wonderful. My husband and I have 10 years in March. Not bad considering he is under 30 and I am 30. It takes a special kinda of person to take on someone else's child as there own. Good luck to you and your new family. :D
  19. shel

    Off Topic - Dogs

    My 2 Sib. Huskies are the best. When I am getting their dinner ready. They sit behind me and watch and look at me like I am the best cook in the world. :D My male (Bogie) stuck his head int he sump of my one 140. He jumped back snorting and won't even try to look in the cabnet now. LOL...
  20. shel

    SHARK EGG...hey RISC you out there???

    How is the egg, or do we have a baby shark yet? I hope all is well, keep us posted.