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  1. shel

    Survey: first REAL fish

    The most expensive so far is juv. Emp. Angel. She is doing wonderful. Well worth the wait and the price.
  2. shel

    Aquarium Forum wanted....please?

    I would love for it to return. I enjoyed all the off topic conservation. Not that I don't enjoy the other forums, but sometimes it is nice to just laugh. :D
  3. shel

    Schooling Fish?

    Like everyone one else mentioned, green chomis. I have 7 im tank, they are really pretty to watch when they school.
  4. shel


    This can't be true. LOL
  5. shel

    Who has the biggest tank in here?

    140 Here <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  6. shel

    Brand of Salt for Reef?

    Thanks everyone for your input, I will stickinng with IO. I have been using it for the last 2 years in my 140 FOWLR and I have had no problems. Just wanted to know if anyone used it for reef. Thanks again. :D
  7. shel

    Take a peek and let me know what you think!

    Very Pretty Tank. You have done a wonderful job. Can you hide any of the equipment?
  8. shel

    Selcon and ZoeCon

    I soak food in it for about 15 min 2-3 times a week. Great stuff.
  9. shel

    I'm looking for a women who is a reefer

    Raptor32, ROFLMAO I can picture a puffer doing that, too funny. This board is great.
  10. shel

    expensive dinner

    I have two black and have not noticed anything missing. I have had them for about 4-6 months. I do feed my everynite, maybe that is why they are being nice.
  11. shel

    Brand of Salt for Reef?

    Hi Everyone, I currently use Instant Ocean for my 140 with fish and LR. We are startinng a 25g reef tank, do I need to change to a diffrent brand for the reef or is ok to keep using the IO? What brand does everyone else use for thier reef tanks? Thanks :p
  12. shel

    Eletric Bill???

    I use MH and It does not effect my electric bill that much. It is well worth what it costs, because of the beauty of them.
  13. shel

    do you do water changes?

    I do 25 gallon water change every 2 to 3 weeks. The tank enjoys it, and I can throughly check everything out and make sure it is good. If I go longer I feel like I am not doing what I should be doing.
  14. shel

    I'm looking for a women who is a reefer

    A women here, please. Just a little too desperate sounding. Now doing some reefer sounds real good right about now. :D LMAO
  15. shel

    Where do you live?

    Surprise, Arizona
  16. shel

    Romaine Lettuce?

    I eould stick with the seweed selects and not feed the romain lettuce. 1) Romain lettuce is not in the ocean, so why feed it. 2) You said that it is messy, why feed it if they are getting nothing from it and it is messy. Just my thoughts, I would not feed it.
  17. shel

    C'mon everyone, who is the KING OF YOUR TANK?

    As of right now I would have to My female Maroon Clown, but I think as the Emp. Angel grows she will be queen! <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> She has only been in the tank for almost 2 weeks, so give her time. I have a little Blue Devil Damsel that thinks he is...
  18. shel

    Garlic ?

    Thanks Everyone.
  19. shel

    Garlic ?

    Hi everyone, I just bought some garlic to start soaking my fish food in to prevent ick. (It took me awhile to find where they carry it.) How often do I soak the food in it, and how much? Thanks
  20. shel

    hey there all

    Hello and welcome to the greatest board on the side.