Search results

  1. shel

    baby chromis with clown

    I have 7 chomis with 2 maroon clowns, 5 of them are about the size you mentioned. Like JW said they only chase them out of their area. I would say they should be fine. :D
  2. shel

    Help, I have a dump question

    ok, they are little redish and brown grows on the lr. They are about the size of an eraser on a pencil. If you do not remove thhem they will try to take over your tank. Iknow the name, but for the life of me I can not remember it. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0"...
  3. shel

    Help, I have a dump question

    I can not remember the name of this and I even read a post last week on this. What are the brown stringy things that sometimes will come with lr. You are not supposed to keep them. Does anyone know what I talking about (The name) so I can do a search. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0"...
  4. shel

    Emerald Crabs

    I have 5 in my tank, they are great. They are a liitle slow but they do a good job. Like naso said they very entertaining to watch. I have one that thinks he is so tuff. He chases my decorator crab at times. I would get some.
  5. shel

    dinner tonight

    No it did not look bad or smell bad or anything. After I lost the second fish I took my water down to the LFS and had everything tested. It tested perfect. I told them about the recent deaths, what they looked like before and after they died, and how fast they died when I noticed they were...
  6. shel

    dinner tonight

    I would not feed them any seafood from the grocery store. I made the mistake once. I thought I would get them a treat. I bought a few shrimp and took the shell off and chopped it into little pieces. I only used maybe 1/2 of one piece. Anyways I lost one of my tangs, flame hawk fish, and 1...
  7. shel

    Maroon Clown Eggs

    Last nite I was looking threw the sid e of the tank and behind the LR there is a patch on the back glass 2 1/2" by 1 1/2". The clowns will not leave it alone, and are protecting it to know end. I think they layed eggs. :D They are almost the same color as the clowns. I am s excitited...
  8. shel

    hermit crabs

    Not to sound like a broken record, but are you sure they were dead? Like stated above you should a lot of emepty shells. When they molt it does look like a dead crab. :) Mine also seem to molt along with the hermits. The first time mine molted, I just knew it was dead. I went as far as...
  9. shel

    can i

    I do not see why you could'nt use ls in a 29 gal. I have never heard that one.
  10. shel

    a death

    Did you feed them anything diffrent? I lost a couple of fish because I fed shrimp from the fresh seafood area of the grocery store. Turned out I contaimanted (SP) the tank. The fish that ate it directly died in a 1 to 2 days. Everyone else was and is fine. This was 3 or 4 months ago.
  11. shel

    Is it just me, or. . .

    The LR can be a real B. But it is so pretty when you finally get the way you like. I have a whole wall accross the tank. I have a few base pieces, and work the rest into it. My best friend helps me with it, so it is a little easier. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
  12. shel

    Blue Planet on Discovery?

    I recorded it, will probally watch tonight. Was it good? <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
  13. shel

    new flame hawk not eating...

    Give him a few days to adjust to his new home. Let us know how he is doing. Mine started eating the day he moved in, it might take him a few days to adjust.
  14. shel

    starting community 150 gal tank need compatability advise

    The green chomis look really pretty together, they always school together. I have 7 in my 140g, they are small (Like 2 1/2"). I would think 150 Gal is not big enough for a school of yellow tangs. I have also heard they will fight with each other and other fish. You might want to research it a...
  15. shel

    Maroon Clowns

    I was able to make it work, I had a large (4") Maroon clown and I purchased a Small (Maybe 2") Maroon Gold stripe. I was worried at first, but the blue devil damsel went after it first, the large clown came out and nailed the damsel. After that the clowns were the best of friends, I think they...
  16. shel

    VOTE: Which is the Best Fish?

    I did not look at the size of tank you have before I answered. A 50g is to small for either tangs. They like to swim fast. It would be ok for one for a little while, but you would have to get a bigger tank soon.
  17. shel

    Maroon Clown And Tail in the Sand

    I think it is a dominate thing. Mine always does that. Sometimes even the little guy joins in. The dragon wrass is taking advantage of them doing it. They do their little burn out and he looks in the sand to see if their anything to eat. LOL :D
  18. shel

    VOTE: Which is the Best Fish?

    Powder Blue By far. I am not a fan of yellow tangs. With the right set up and the quality of it when you purchase. I have heard that a UV Sterlizer is a must for these guys. Just my .02 Hope this helps.
  19. shel

    MAROON CLOWNS ? ? (Daised)

    It worked for me. I think they are even laying eggs on the LR.
  20. shel

    Ok, Off of the topic of fish

    ok, why is not on the list on the bottom of the sreen as a option? Thanks