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  1. pallan

    yellow tang: a possible problem

    Another issues to beware of that ive seen is that the 90 is still cycling this will be a harsh new world for him even after it cycles. our tanks go through many chemical changes ones that we dont even test for during cycling and after, Tangs are reccomended for a more mature system for that...
  2. pallan

    Pulsating Xenia

    just put a rock on top of them or rubber band the peice to the rock. they will attach quickly. i just throw bits and pieces i chop off into my sump and slowly my sump is getting overrun lol.
  3. pallan

    What does this look like to you?

    i also used to use that test kit and found it horribly lacking in accuracy. it really depends on where you are looking at it and what light you are using. i could get mine to be almost any color based on what room i was in and what light was in the room. sopposedly the best way to view that is...
  4. pallan

    let's see some royal grammas!

    here is an old picture of mine. nice fish, funny to watch them roar. can be territorial,
  5. pallan

    Saddam Hussein Hung!

  6. pallan

    Saddam Hussein Hung!

    i dont normally get involved in online political discusions, there really is no way to change my mind, nor for me to change anyone elses. Im glad Sadam is gone. Great Job to all the soldiers that worked and died to capture him, Another Great Job by a very fledgling, and intimidated Iraqi...
  7. pallan

    death of a great emerald crab....

    are you sure its the crab and not his molt. could have molted after moving to a new tank. i thought mine had died the first time i saw his molt. kinda hard to tell at first glance.
  8. pallan

    Seio advice

    i run a 1100 turned all the way down plus my return is a mag 9.5 that branches into 2 return pipes and each thru a penductor. this creates alot of flow in my tank. (75 gallon). requires some creative placement for some corals like donuts in my case. but overall im happy with the flow. dont...
  9. pallan

    refugium light? chaeto not growing

    Originally Posted by SHAWNLX86 Great article, This should help!!: just placed my order hope this will help. thanks for the link
  10. pallan

    coral acclimating to lighting question

    Im not light expert but what ive been told tho is that you should not turn halides on and off to much. it take time for the gas inside to warm up and get to the point it needs to be at. by turning them on and off so much it would shorten their lifespan. Again no expert just what ive been told.'...
  11. pallan

    can you go without a filter?

    60 pounds of rock 1 gallon of water lol love to see a picture anyway. with that much rock and a good cleanup crew. decent skimmer i dont see why a filter would be needed. I run a sump/fuge i suppose thats a filter of sorts but not a mechanical one. i do run a hot magnum on my sump to run carbon...
  12. pallan

    Moorish Idol... Getting one.

    one of my local LFS will not carry or even order this fish. He has worked in the public aqurium sector and says even large zoo aquariums have trouble with this fish. that said. Glad he is doing well. please keep us updated. someday one of us is going to figure out how to keep this animal.
  13. pallan

    New tank!

    ill tag along really interested in seeing pics. Congrats
  14. pallan

    some ideas

    shooting from the hip here any meds been used in the tank. maybe copper based ones id also try a new batch of test kits. high quality ones. your trates are to high expecially with having been doing that many water changes. leads me to believe your test kit or even the LFS test kit is being...
  15. pallan

    Daddy's Room

    Originally Posted by hot883 I had to call the wife into the room to look at your pictures. We both agree; VERY NICE work indeed. Inspiring to people thats for sure. Love the way the outside corner is open. Anyway, great job and thanks for sharing. Barry LOL i did the same thing. in fact...
  16. pallan

    need lights

    ive got one just dont know how i would ship it. its less than a year old bought it in feb 2006 brand new. new bulbs only have 3 months use on them. its been off my tank since sept when i got halides. thats the only reason i quit using it. includes 2 extra bulbs with 6 months use on them. I...
  17. pallan

    couple of pics of my Tangs

    i would say a larger tank, good flow (lots of flow). good water quality, lots of live rock with lots of hiding and swimming space and a varied diet to include lots of algae sheets. I got most of those just working on the larger tank one myself.
  18. pallan

    whats wrong with my yellow Tang?

    both are Surgeon fish so possibly they are fighting and the yellow is just getting the brunt of it. the fins being ripped is probably caused by that sharp spike on both sides of their tails. hense why they are called surgeon fish are they fighting alot. what size tank and how much rock, you...
  19. pallan

    coral acclimating to lighting question

    when i upgraded to metal halides i placed three layers of window screen between the tank and the lights. every 3 days i pulled a screen off (had 3-4 layers of screen). this way you slowly acclimate them to the intensity of the light. IMO even shortning the time span but leaving at full intensity...
  20. pallan

    couple of pics of my Tangs

    Originally Posted by larryndana Great picture, they look great....but I've got the same they both get along well? they get along great. acclimating them to each other was a pain, the yellow has been there the longest and generally ruled the tank before the purple was introduced...