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  1. pallan

    75 gallon at 1 yr

    thanks all here is a side shot i kinda liked
  2. pallan

    240 Finally Set Up And Running

    very nice
  3. pallan

    75 gallon at 1 yr

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Very nice tank! The fake coral actually turned out nice!! Umm fake coral? no no fake coral here. all alive and growing. :jumping:
  4. pallan

    75 gallon at 1 yr

    thanks for the compliments. as to diatoms not really anything major, ive got lots of flow most of my nuisence algae happens in the refuge. The Rock was sold as gap island rock, Love it, its half the weight of figi or marshall rock due to the branchiness and it stacks like legos so it does not...
  5. pallan

    75 gallon at 1 yr

    Originally Posted by BSchaible the tank looks great! what kind of lighting do you have? Thanks lighting is 2 250 watt PFO pendants on 2 pfo electronic ballasts running 20k xm de bulbs
  6. pallan

    75 gallon at 1 yr

  7. pallan

    Help with Jelly Fish

    ive not set one up but ive read very difficult to set up hard to filter, need low flow, tall, cylander tank sorry not much help but thats what ive heard.
  8. pallan

    75 gallon at 1 yr

    oh here is what it looked like in spring time last year
  9. pallan

    75 gallon at 1 yr

    started this 75 gallon in feb last year slowly been building on it and adding things.
  10. pallan

    Protein skimmer..

    i currently know people not using a skimmer but im here to say once you see the nasty stuff it pulls out you will wonder why you never got one before. for a small tank i would say maybe a bak pak or a remora, maybe a coralife 65 im sure theres other brands as well but for that size tank i would...
  11. pallan

    Acclimating To MH

    well i have 2 peices of the coated metal that is used for closet shelves. these are cut to size to just fit on top of my tank so they are not touching water and can not fall in, one peice for each side . on top of these i add 4 layers of screen. (local hardware store screen for windows or doors)...
  12. pallan

    Lose of Clam

    had same issue going for awhile with mine. currently my clam is alive but in a protected area of the tank inside a cage. I believe one of my tangs was nipping at it. if yours is still alive make a cage for it and put it in there if it gets better probabbly a nipper
  13. pallan

    Ammo Level @ 2.0 Angel and Tang still ALIVE?!!

    Get another test kit and test the water or take the water to LFS Ive had testkits read ammonia before and yes same brand you have there. it may just be goofy but before i did anything else i would buy a salifert test kit and/or go to LFS and have them test.
  14. pallan

    FS: Euroreef CS8-2 external model.

    just to help him out here alittle yep its a skimmer and I would think it would be way to much of a skimmer for a 28 gallon. IMO
  15. pallan

    Engineer Goby. Take the poll!

    Originally Posted by rara12 as long as the base of the rocks are on the bottom of the sand and not just on the sand it would be fine. Great fish, i had two for a year. never bothered anything. get really big and kinda ungly. not really ugly but a face only a mother could love.
  16. pallan

    Engineer Goby. Take the poll!

    very unique fish in my opinion. not out very often but definalty has some personality. need to make sure your rocks wont tumbe down as they will dig and dig hense the name. but i love mine but they do get big
  17. pallan

    URGENT - PLEASE HELP - I think my Copperband Butterfly may die

    not alot of info here for people to help with we need parameters tank info etc.. best quess is you stirred up alot of nasty stuff under the rocks, or your waterchange was not prepared correctly. other inhabitants might be hardier that the copperband so dealt with these issues better. another...
  18. pallan

    RO cost??

    some people set it up so waste can be used in washing clothes, or run the waste line out into the garden or the grass in the summer. store some for indoor plants. it really does not need to be wasted if that is a concern of yours. Personally mine goes down the drain.
  19. pallan

    PH fell in tank

    I would reccomend ditching the suction cups and using the hang on brackets or getting the magnetic holders for the powerheads. Otherwise it may happen again. JMO you should be fine
  20. pallan

    I need help with my nitrates please

    also can try pura nitrate lock. its not a replacement for waterchanges but it can help you get the nitrates down.