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  1. pallan

    couple of pics of my Tangs

    a couple of new pics of my tangs. love these guys
  2. pallan

    My Tank !!! HELP !!!

    what are you (Treating the tank) with. wild guess is that the checmical (if you are treating with a chemical) either is not doing as promised by the bottle or tank got overdose. before we get to that though you might want to post in the desease forum your issue and exact parameters to include...
  3. pallan

    loud music, bass, volume

    ive always wondered about the pumps and powerheads constantly humming in the Tank. why doesnt that effect fish so much?
  4. pallan

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Boy Goodwin if this turns out like the pictures of your other tanks I cant wait to see it. BTW you know your gonna have to give us SFAAS people a Tank tour someday. not trying to be pushy but you cant have that many georgous tanks so close to me and not let me see them in person LOL seriously...
  5. pallan

    Xenia problems hope this helps to clear things up I dont think these guys sell anything so i hope the link is ok. if not Mods please forgive me its late and im to tired to type this all out myself.
  6. pallan

    Xenia problems

    Originally Posted by markus09 My Xenia is dying off and I can't figure out why. The rest of my tank is doing great. I was wondering if bristle worms could be the problem? Or maybe my water. The stalks have problems one at a time, within 24hrs a stalk will die, but the rest of the colony is...
  7. pallan

    am i overstocking with this tang.?

    Originally Posted by Dogstar IMO, a 72g is too small for long term for a Naso lopezi. That fish can grow to 22''. Depending on the size of it now may determine if the tank is overstocked or not..... But I strongly recommend you dont plan on keeping that tang for long in that tank... not...
  8. pallan

    am i overstocking with this tang.?

    well the reccomended 75 gallons even on this site is an iffy thing most people will agree that a tang should have a 6 foot long tank. Now im not one that can afford to change at this moment and i do have two tangs in my 75. See now your gonna have the tang police all over me lol anyway, if you...
  9. pallan

    am i overstocking with this tang.?

    the problem i would initially see besides the tank size and recomended size for tangs is that the amount of live rock does not create alot of hiding spots for them to feel safe. I would fill up on live Rock make alot of caves and hiding spots before i thought about adding another tang. trust me...
  10. pallan

    ZooMed Powersweeps??? few questions for reefers.

    they require constant cleaning IMO to keep them working. the mechinism jams and then its just a lower pressure powerhead but much larger and uglier. I would instead go for a maxijet with a hydroflow nozzle on the end. the flow is probably about 45 degrees on the powersweeps. i dont remember...
  11. pallan

    red sea xenia opening problems

    mine like high light and med to high flow. im sure you can get other opinions as to what is best just stating that the pieces i have in those conditions are growing like made and the pieces in med light are not growing as well. i had my xenia under PC light and it was elongted and the arms were...
  12. pallan

    red sea xenia opening problems

    sounds like there reaching for more light. mine never did well, in fact i threw them in the sump for a time figured they would either get better or worse but at least i would not have to see them anymore. well they did not die so eventually i placed back in main tank. i then got metal halides...
  13. pallan

    How many powerheads do you have??

    Ive got a 75 gallon tank with a mag 9.5 return pump going through two penductors into the display. the only powerhead is a seio 1100 this all gives me enough flow to keep sps in areas and even a donut in other areas with some planning.
  14. pallan

    Photo Contest - Win a $100 order

    heres my two firefish getting cozy
  15. pallan

    Ugliest Aquarium Contest - Win $100 order

    here is my entry sad to say
  16. pallan

    PFO electronic Ballasts causing interference

    Originally Posted by SCSInet 4. Make the cable company fix it. It's their responsibility to give you a clear signal. FCC part 15 stipulates that it's not technically their legal obligation to do it, but they usually want to please their customers, especially with satellite being so appealing...
  17. pallan

    PFO electronic Ballasts causing interference

    i dont know what to think. this is not a good deal at all. put all this money into these lights now their screwing up my other things. to answer you questions. all cables are connect tightly as i can get them. the interfernece starts as soon as the metal halides come on and stops as soon as...
  18. pallan

    PFO electronic Ballasts causing interference

    I recently got 2 PFO electronic Ballasts that are running 2 de 250 watt PFO pendants. Ive been noticing interference with my cable TV reception for a couple of weeks. this weekend i noticed it was caused as the lights come on on the aquarium. anyone had this problem or know a solution. this...
  19. pallan

    ? on New Coralife Super Skimmer

    wet skimming is just that really wet dirty liquid. dry is more a chunky frothy mess. as to the bubbles for some reason it is not getting air. you might have the pump to low/ or to high? hard to say from here. the air slilencer tube might be plugged not likley this early but it eventually will...
  20. pallan

    Mixing Brands of Salt

    if your just cycling the tank and do not have alot invested in live stock yet i would not worry to much but if there is alot of livestock in there. salt vary from brand to brand and when changing i think its best to slowley acclimate the tank to the new brand.