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  1. cmack

    Tang Size Requirement?

    Can I put a tang in a 90gal reef? I would like a blue or powder blue if possible? also, how fast will they grow, I am thinking about buying a larger tank next year which I would be able to transfer the tang to when it needs the extra space... Thanks
  2. cmack


    Thanks, for the effort, Anyone else have more specific info? I'm also concerned if they are reef safe.
  3. cmack


    I currently have a tomato clown, and a royal gramma in my 90 gal reef, Can I add a fairy wrasse, and a yellow hogfish also? I know some hogfish can be aggressive towards smaller fish, but is the yellow OK?
  4. cmack

    Brown "powder" on glass??

    LIghts have not changed, 4 VHO bulbs and Ice Cap ballast. Bulbs are approx 5 months old. I'm out of ideas.
  5. cmack

    Brown "powder" on glass??

  6. cmack

    Brown "powder" on glass??

    If i'm using RO/DI, and my sand is southdown, then why am i getting diatoms? Could there be something wrong with the RO/DI filter?
  7. cmack

    Brown "powder" on glass??

    The sand is approx 3-4" of southdown...
  8. cmack

    Brown "powder" on glass??

    Its a New Typhoon Ro/DI, it is only about 2 months old...
  9. cmack

    Brown "powder" on glass??

    Wouldnt the RO/DI filter take it out if it was in the water source? Also, The tank is about 10 months old.
  10. cmack

    Brown "powder" on glass??

    Every other day, I have to clean this brownish 'powder' off my glass. I think it is probably some type of Diatom but not sure. It also will settle on the sand bed and kinda looks brownish-orange depending on the light. I have been using a Typhoon RO/DI unit for all water added and changed in my...
  11. cmack

    I hate NY....

    I never would of thought of a Hot Water heater timer....I'll have to look into that.
  12. cmack

    I hate NY....

    I was gone for 4 days, I don't have central air, and dont have any 'timer' system for the 'wall mount' A/C. I was told that the temp outside went to about 100, when I came home yesterday the tank temp was about 93....
  13. cmack

    I hate NY....

    Got your attention?? I Live in NY, the weather so far has been below normal for the summer. I went away to Vermont for 4 day weekend, the Weather in NY suddenly went to 100 for the weekend, and my Tank overheated and I lost half my coral and fish...This Sucks. So far from the heat spike, I've...
  14. cmack

    Reef Lighting Questions....

    The rule of thumb for halides is usually 1 bulb for every 2 feet of length (90 gal = 4ft Length = 2 halide bulbs). Use this equation to figure out your Halide specs, then through in some VHO or PC Actinics also. PCs are suposedly more powerful light than VHO, but some say the corals and such...
  15. cmack

    ? name THIS poop!?

    Those stated appearing in my tank when ti was still cycling, so whatever created them, must have snuck in with my rocks..
  16. cmack

    Ot: Computer People Pls Read

    By the way, What version of IE are you running???
  17. cmack

    Ot: Computer People Pls Read

    HDD space should not affect what displays on your screen, if anything, it would prevent IE from starting to begin with (windows adjusts your Virtual memory automatically to compensate for this). If all else fails, Open IE, goto tools menu, Internet Options, then the advenced tab. Click the...
  18. cmack

    My first "6 pack" pics

    Looks good, I like the color of the brain, seems to stand out more than others i've seen..
  19. cmack

    Please Help.. I think a coral is in trouble

    What are your water params?
  20. cmack

    My Queen Died

    Not sure if you knew this or not, but 3" of sand from what i've read here really isn't DEEP. You may want to add more sant to make the bed beneficial.... Sorry for the Loss, we all learn from our mistakes in this hobby.