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  1. alabama reefer

    Condi Anemone dead

    Depending on the size of the anemone, size of your tank, and filtration it can cause an ammonia spike which wouldn't be good at all. I don't think your cuc will do much if anything with a dead anemone.
  2. alabama reefer

    Two new little guys

    Welcome to the boards. Nice looking clowns. How long has your tank been running? What are your parameters(Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, PH, Specific Gravity, Temp)? What kind of tank (FOWLR, Reef)? Just need a little background because the easiest anemones are difficult to care for especially...
  3. alabama reefer

    new purple tip hammer :)

    If it is a hammer you will need to place it higher in the tank for the PC lighting and low to slightly moderate flow. PC lighting will sustain it but will not make it thrive, IME.
  4. alabama reefer

    percula vs. oscalaris

    Ocellaris tend to be a little less aggressive and are usually a little more vibrantly colored. The female will get bigger than the male. My female is 3-1/2 inches and my male is about 2. It is really like red apples or green apples just depends which you like more.
  5. alabama reefer

    Urchins in my reef?

    They have clear tentacles that are used to move them, hold on to things, feel things and whatever else. They can pick up coral frags, snails, hermits or whatever they can carry and will move it to the center of their back. The aggrevation is they will run over pretty much anything but when they...
  6. alabama reefer

    Bulb tip anemone question

    There are some theories out there but none have been proven. It is a phenomenon that can't be explained. A perfectly healthy BTA stops bulbing, or continues to bulb or half bulb and half not bulb. Yours looks very healthy.
  7. alabama reefer

    Some questions....

    I can only answer a couple of your questions. Two different species of clownfish is not a good idea they tend to get very aggressive towards each other and a lot of times will fight to death. You at the very least want a pound/gallon of liverock but 1-1/2 pounds/gallon works better,IME.
  8. alabama reefer

    inverts carrying ich

    Ich has to have a fish to host. It does not host inverts. There is a stage in the ich cycle where it is present in the water column and you could pour it in your tank and that is one of the many reasons you don't water your specimen comes in emptied in your tank.
  9. alabama reefer

    porc puffer with baby cowfish

    I think the thread got hi-jacked a little but for the OP the aggression should subside but monitor them and if it doesn't you will have to take one out. About releasing the toxin: I can't sit here and tell you it can't happen but I can say that there is very little evidence to support that it...
  10. alabama reefer

    toughest thing in your tank?

    My Longhorn Cowfish. I awoke one morning to find him stuck to a modified maxijet ph. It chopped one of his side fins off. He had to swim in circles for a while but the fin grew back and he never skipped a beat.
  11. alabama reefer

    How can i tell if my anemone is eating?

    You can feed your anemone krill but it is better to vary its diet with different meaty food. Since your lighting is not adequate you will need to feed it more often. So give it a little food every few days and see how it does. As far as the cowfish I honestly don't know how long it takes to grow...
  12. alabama reefer

    Help picking next fish

    Royal Gramma or Pair of Bangaii's or 6-line wrasse or neon dottyback
  13. alabama reefer

    How can i tell if my anemone is eating?

    Most people are very unsuccessful trying to care for anemone under PC lighting. With the right equipment anemones are difficult to keep at best but you already have the deck stacked against you with your lighting. It is a misconception that a saltwater fish won't outgrow its environment. The...
  14. alabama reefer

    How can i tell if my anemone is eating?

    Raising your SG won't harm your fish as long as you do it slowly over time. I think the bigger problems are going to be your nitrates and your lighting. I am thinking you probably have power compacts. Are they double tubes that plug into a single holder(look like flourescent lights)? Do you have...
  15. alabama reefer

    porc puffer with baby cowfish

    If the puffer continues to attack the only solution would be to remove one, other than that there is really nothing you can do. I have a cowfish and have done a lot of reading and the stories of releasing the toxin when stressed or dying is more myth than fact.
  16. alabama reefer

    How can i tell if my anemone is eating?

    Nitrates are a definite problem for anemones. Doing your 20% water change should help in bringing them down. However, sometimes the water changes will agitate the anemone as well but not long term like the nitrates. Your SG is a little low(1.025-1.026) is better suited for anemones. If you...
  17. alabama reefer

    How can i tell if my anemone is eating?

    To answer your original question: You can feed them a small piece of shrimp or silverside. You can physically place it to it's tentacles and it should grab, hold and pull it towards it's mouth. About the deflating, there are several reasons for this and we will need more info to explain. Such...
  18. alabama reefer

    Stupid question about water

    We spend hundreds or thousands on our saltwater systems so why risk potential problems by cheaping out on water. My goal is to have the most beautiful and healthy aquarium I possibly can and enough goes wrong when doing the right things. I know there are people who use tap water and have no...
  19. alabama reefer

    Stupid question about water

    Reverse Osmosis/ De-Ionized Water. Conditioned tap water does not come close to the quality of using RO/DI water, IMO. By the way the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
  20. alabama reefer

    Hammer Baby

    IME, it will grow new branches. If it has dead branches they will stay dead. Mine started with three branches two alive and one dead. It now has 18 branches and the one that was dead is still dead. The new growth you see was probably enbedded already and you are just now seeing it.