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  1. von_rahvin


    how many pc bulbs can fit over a stand 20 gal? I can custom build the hood with no problem, but not having any exp with pc's i need to figure out what i should plan for. thanks in advance. better ? how much space does a pc bulb take up? or is there a place i can find this out?
  2. von_rahvin

    Gulp....going to do a reef tank......

    i think . . . that i am going to do a 20 gal reef as well. need something at my desk. i was looking at using pc's for lighting. i am going to try to not have anything else external or beneath it so i am thinking about a hang on skimmer or a refug. good luck. i'm interested on what people...
  3. von_rahvin

    pics of new lion

    nice looking fish.
  4. von_rahvin

    Useless Filter?

    the lfs guy is right IMO if you have lr and a dsb all you need is a skimmer. and sometimes not even that. i use a skimmer on my reef but one of my local friends has been running skimmerless for about 9 months now. he is just careful with is tank and his additives. he has one of the best...
  5. von_rahvin

    trim back xenias?

    if you use a constant and steady pressure you can remove the foot froim just about any surface. if you leave ANY bit of it on the rock, shortly thereafter you will have a pulsing xenia there for you to enjoy and love.
  6. von_rahvin

    OT- What to do if board member appears to be ripping you off? Before seeing lawyer.

    what is this person name?? I for one would like to know. I'm not saying host a lynching, there maybe something up, however, i would like to know so i do not have any contact with this person until this sit is resolved.
  7. von_rahvin

    Too much flow??

    39 times an hour. . . . . . . . . . not seeing how this is possible. but if you do . . the recommended from what i have heard and or read is between 7 and 10 what size of tank and return pump do you have . . . . ?????
  8. von_rahvin

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    3 dives to 110 feet. here the rest of the bunch for that day. :D notice the coors can for a size ref. man i love to catch lobster. my buddy bagged a 16 # one 2 weeks ago. now THAT is a bug
  9. von_rahvin

    Scooter Blenny

    same basic thing as a mandarin. they just hop around the tank munching on pods. the males have a "sail" for lack of a better term on their dorsal. many femals will get along fine. females with one male still cool. more than one male and they usually fight. don't take it to the bank but i...
  10. von_rahvin

    OT: Good joke

    that is good but wow . . . . . .
  11. von_rahvin

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    i'll help, here a shot of me with a lobster i caught on opening day. kinda small only 8.2 # trying to find a pic of me without something dead in it. . . . .
  12. von_rahvin

    Photos on Forums?

    that one by kelly worked really well for me. just my .02
  13. von_rahvin

    MY tank is dead

    i test my tanks for a while before i use them for anything important. sure the week of having thtank sit there with nothing in it is a bit depressing . . . but well worth it. i had a 55 do the same thing, i bought it from a guy in a classafied. luckily nothing too expensive was in it...
  14. von_rahvin

    what kind of eel is this??????

    i have gotten to pet some. of of boca (down south in florida) there is a tame pair. they are about 10 feet long. i found them accidently one day. turns out they get fed by dive boats. so here i come down the reef and these 2 HUGE moray's pop out of the reef and swim on over to me like...
  15. von_rahvin

    blue spotted jaw fish

    getting on the edge. where did you see one for 39 bucks? local or online?
  16. von_rahvin

    what kind of eel is this??????

    i have had 3 eels, one killed everything that came into contact with it. (he went home to the lfs ) , one jumped out. (the death of dandruff the snowflake eel.) and one is too stupid to catch anything. (squiggly the chain link) he has been getting quicker. eels are very agressive...
  17. von_rahvin

    Black Tip Reef Shark

    hey Rane. . Thanks for hosting the ftp. novice : that is one beautiful animal!
  18. von_rahvin

    Drilled Tank - questions

    i have a drilled tank and i will never ever get a non drilled. how serious? i am thinking about selling my 135 reef so i can get a drilled tank. about the bigger pump for a whole. the drilled tank has baffels that are near the surface so only as much water that is pumped into the tank is...
  19. von_rahvin

    Tank capacity

    sea cucumbers are also great additions to a clean up crew.
  20. von_rahvin

    NEWB still researching

    by wet dry do you mean a bioballs system? thoughts . . if you are going to have LR and a DSB you really only need a skimmer and your system will run very smoothly. the reccommended turn over rate from what i have read is between 7-10 times per hour. for a 220 gallon tank you are talking...