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  1. hookedonreefs

    Polyp Question..

    You could probably put them on either the sandbed of the LR, but IMHO, I would put them on some rock. Are they already mounted on rock or are they free floating? If they're not mounted, you want to keep either "stuff" them into a hole in some rock, glue them to some rock, or cover them with...
  2. hookedonreefs


    I had the AGA versa tops on my 75 since it's begining. Ran that way for about 4 months or so. Than at the end of July I decided to take the big risk and go topless. I say big risk because my MHs are only about 6-7 inches off the surface of my water and one day I'm sure I'll get some splash...
  3. hookedonreefs

    copper tubing ?

    As long as the copper is before the unit then you're fine. The unit will strip it all from the water. That is - as long as it's an RO/DI unit. I am not so sure if it's just RO. Just make sure EVERYTHING after the unit is plastic.
  4. hookedonreefs

    Over Skimming

    Jarvis is right IMHO. Unless you have a skimmer rated for 200 gallons on a 5 gallon tank, you should be fine. I persoanally turn mine off for about two full days a week. (Sun & Wed. when I feed w/plankton)
  5. hookedonreefs


    I agree with Kip, the only drawback is that it would be tough to get prime circulation throughout the little tank and main tank.... Great idea though!
  6. hookedonreefs

    foods that dont contain phosphates

    I don't know if this helps at all, but I feed my fish a little ball of frozen brine shrimp, and a little bit of kelp (nori) every day. They've been fine, my tank still tests 0 for phos. and I haven't had any algae outbreaks in about a month now. (knock on wood) I also feed my corals a homegrown...
  7. hookedonreefs

    detroit, huge tank wanted

    If I remember correctly there' a 525 tank going for like 600 on electronic bay. There was a big crack in the back of the tank, but the seller got a replacement piece of glass, you just need to get a local company to fix the tank for you. It had double overflows and was real nice for the price...
  8. hookedonreefs

    Need for a RO/DI???

    & one more thing... Kip YOUR TANK FRIGGIN' ROCKS!!!:cool: :D ;) I goin' home! Good night!
  9. hookedonreefs

    Need for a RO/DI???

    Jenni, sorry about this, but I had to reply to beaslbob's last retort to my post- How would a bigger tank dilute the stuff? If you were putting RO/DI water in with tap water then I could understand that statement. Unfourtunately this is not what will happen. The ratio of crap to clean water...
  10. hookedonreefs

    Need for a RO/DI???

    heh - yeah especially considering the time it takes to attach an image vs. the time it takes to type 1000 words!:p
  11. hookedonreefs

    Need for a RO/DI???

    Oh yeah - Jenni1979, I would suggest RO/DI water. Although it CAN be possible for your tap water to not cause any troubles, the odds are that somewhere along the line you will question if your water is the source of some problem you experience. With an RO/DI system, you can generally rule the...
  12. hookedonreefs

    Need for a RO/DI???

    OK, I try to stay out of the bickering, but I would like to ask you a question beaslbob.... If RO/DI water is not the answer (or one of many contributing factors towards and answer) to having goodies such as lead, copper, phosphates and silicates - then how are quote: "a larger tank, sump...
  13. hookedonreefs

    to all of those "NO NETS" people...

    Yeah - I know mmmsushi. I'll just tell my mother-in-law to put that one in the tank :D :D :D ;)
  14. hookedonreefs

    to all of those "NO NETS" people...

    I just VERY gently use my bare hand to scoop the fish with a palm full of water and put it into the tank. I figure the palm full is not enough to do THAT much to my tank, and I get to know the fish a little & vice versa. I've yet to have a problem, and all the fish are real affectionate when I...
  15. hookedonreefs

    #1 Must Have Book the paperback version.:D :D No, just kidding. "The Concientious Marine Aquarist" gets my vote. (At least until one of us edits all these posts into a book:)
  16. hookedonreefs

    Saltwater Vs. fresh water fish

    Well, if saltwater fish didn't need salt then they would be freshwater fish - but they aren't. That's why. j/k Because salt in the water allows these types of fish to breathe easier. It'[s the same principle as why a protein skimmer won't bubble as well with regular freshwater. The more salt...
  17. hookedonreefs

    Rock Question

    I have read of people doing this. The things that I would be afraid of is any chemicals leeching into the water. Are you 100% sure that there has never been any fertilizers near the rocks, and that any rain runoff has not come from a place that has used a fertilizer or weed killer or other...
  18. hookedonreefs

    Thars a Hole in my tank - Dear Liza

    :eek: :eek: :eek: Is that a diagram for a fish tank or some kind of nuclear reactor!?? No wonder you're leaking water. My ears started leaking brain matter just trying to figure it out!! Total prop.s for being able to run that sort of thing. It leaves me with absoloutly no clue where you're...
  19. hookedonreefs

    Definition of a mature tank

    :D :D :D Kip - <B>you and your tank need to prove to yourselves that you can keep the conidtions ideal... even in the face of isolated problems</B> I already have to work every day on doing this with my wife.... Now you want me to do it with the tank too!!!???? And the tank doesn't even .. uhh...
  20. hookedonreefs

    Thars a Hole in my tank - Dear Liza

    I don't know that much about your system, but is it possible that the pump is moving more water than you overflow can return to that pump? Maybe something became lodged in the overflow to slow down water flow? I don't really know but these are the things that came to mind when I read your...