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  1. vkuroczka

    Attn: Canister filter users

    Ok, so I have decided to switch out my canister filter and upgrade. I have had my tank for about 4-5 years now and have had a fluval 404 (80 gal FOWLR). Since about Jan. my nitrates have remained high in the 80 + area. I have done multiple water changes, taken my filter out and scrubbed it...
  2. vkuroczka

    white spots on glass

    any pictures?
  3. vkuroczka

    Clear Bubble tube things?

    K, so I found these on my live rock, they are clear tubes, that are attatched to a fuzzy round thing.
  4. vkuroczka

    Green algae problems

    make sure the sun isn't shining right into your tank, maybe look into a uv steralizer??... just some suggestions...
  5. vkuroczka

    new fuge ***pics***

    Originally Posted by nwdyr yep thats the baaaaaad stuff!! I would keep that as far away from you'r tank as you can! I have a small out break once, It was really hard tpo get rid of and it spreads like wild fire!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just woundering why this is bad?? I have some in my tank to try...
  6. vkuroczka

    Killing Aiptasia

    Originally Posted by Mr_X i mix a thick paste of kalkwasser, put it in a syringe, and squirt it right in the mouth. then when it retracts, i squirt a glob over the place it retracted into. it works perfect. i don't wait unit they get big. i kill em as i see em how do i make this stuff?????
  7. vkuroczka

    Why is it always like this?

    I had a real problem with the algae in my tank also (80 gal.). I purchased a UV steralizer and the water has been crystal clear ever since, I don't even have to scrape anything off..... there will be other people who will disagree with me on the use of my steralizer, but here are some pics of...
  8. vkuroczka

    Killing Aiptasia

    Do you guys let the aiptasia get large before you kill it. I have a little one growing in my tank but its not big enough to inject I think. Its probably the size of the tip of a ball point pen ( like i said small but I can see it).
  9. vkuroczka

    RO/DI help

    i have a GE, i bought it at lowes for like 160, i like it a lot
  10. vkuroczka

    Mods for skimmer in refug.?

    no ideas anyone??
  11. vkuroczka

    Mods for skimmer in refug.?

    So i'm going to be switching from my canister filter to a refugium... unsure yet as to which one, but I already have a seaclone skimmer, does anyone have any mods to make this work in a refug.?? or should I just end up buying a new one (pics would be great!) .... thanks! :0)
  12. vkuroczka


  13. vkuroczka

    What is my new fish? Please help me ID

    Go to the fish section on this website and look at the picture of the red sea cleaner wrasse... thats what it looks like to me?
  14. vkuroczka

    What is my new fish? Please help me ID

    red sea cleaner wrasse?
  15. vkuroczka

    Switch from canister to refug?

    Originally Posted by Nordy I know that canister filters have a reputation as "nitrate factories", but that is actually BS, as long as you maintain it with regular filter changes and keep it clean. I run a canister filter (on my 55 gal reef tank) constantly and my nitrates are at zero. I have 4...
  16. vkuroczka

    Switch from canister to refug?

    Ok so I'm thinking about switching from my canister filter to something else. I was woundering if someone could point me in the right direction as to where to begin. I have an 80 gallon and I just can't get my nitrates down.... long story short the last thing left that I think it could be is my...
  17. vkuroczka

    Making your own salt water vs. Purchasing

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX then you are more than likely seeing the natural drop in the water with out any type of photosuthisis * I know thats not spelt right LOL* going on in the water. once you add it to the tank is the tank waters PH in the right range? also try taking a few tests...
  18. vkuroczka

    Making your own salt water vs. Purchasing

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX what kind of salt mix are you useing. also there is a direct link of PH and algaes in a tank since the new water diesnt have any algae or plant life in it I would assume the PH would drop. Thats why alot of people that run refugium and sumps put them on a reverse...
  19. vkuroczka

    Making your own salt water vs. Purchasing

    So does everyone elses water pH drop after letting it sit or is it just mine??? What am I doing wrong??? Like I said when I first check my water parms, they are perfect, but if I let it sit for 24 hours plus my pH drops to 7.8.........
  20. vkuroczka

    Making your own salt water vs. Purchasing

    Originally Posted by spanko The term sit is a little misleading. what you really want when it is sitting is for the water to have a circulation pump and a heater. this will ensure proper mixing and stabilization of PH prior to adding to your tank. 24 hours is the norm. When I let me wate sit...