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  1. vkuroczka

    Moorish Idol

    No joke, there was no streamer there on Sunday, now its there. Would take a pic but moonlights are on. I PM'd crimzy. Will post a pic tommrow. Thanks in advance for info.
  2. vkuroczka

    Moorish Idol

    This is why I hesitate posting here, I always feel when I ask a question someone has to lecture me, I did my research on the fish, I know. I just want to know how fast my Moorish Idols streamer grows, I know that it grows when they are in great water conditions, which mine has grown 2 inches in...
  3. vkuroczka

    Moorish Idol

    I still have the 80 he'll be going to the 125 if he survives QT, just like ALL the fish .... everyone goes through QT , period end of story.
  4. vkuroczka

    Moorish Idol

    No hes not in the 80 gal, hes in QT, please respond to my question, I don't want to be lectured, thank you
  5. vkuroczka

    HLLE Clarification

    My tang also has HLLE, going to try the grounding probe....does this go straight into the tank or fuge?
  6. vkuroczka

    Eel with scrapes

    It happens, my snowflake only has one eye!...We rescued him from the fish store.... he's like 4 times the size now!
  7. vkuroczka

    Trigger need advise

    I agree! I have a huma huma in my tank and I have to specially distract him at feeding time (by throwing in a clam) so the other fish can eat. LOL. He is my favorite tho. LOTS of attitude!
  8. vkuroczka

    Moorish Idol

    I was wondering if anyone who has had this fish knows how fast their little streamer grows. I've had mine for 3 days and its already 2 inches long! Now, I know he is a hard fish to take care of, I have done my research.... I just didn't know their little "streamers" grew so fast! When I got him...
  9. vkuroczka

    Jebo Lighting ...GRRR

  10. vkuroczka

    Koran with PoP QT with Tang?

    Well my poor little Koran didn't make it..... ......... oh well... my tang is ok, he doesn't look like he has pop eye , just to make sure it isn't contagious????
  11. vkuroczka

    copods? in filter? ew..

    Originally Posted by socal57che Yes, they like it there. They eat leftover food and fish poop. Yes. Also, their numbers may increase and decline for no obvious reason. Look into your tank with a small flashlight a few hours after your lights turn off. It's a different world after dark. This is...
  12. vkuroczka

    Koran with PoP QT with Tang?

    So my little Koran is looking iffy, his eye isn't a 100% better but isn't worse, His black isn't as black as it was when I first got him a few weeks ago, he looks like a black shirt that has been through the washer a few times and has faded...i don't think he's going through the "change" cause...
  13. vkuroczka

    copods? in filter? ew..

    So I go to change one of the filter cartridges in my Marineland filter (have it running on my QT tank) and I pull it out and find a million little shrimp like things moving around attatched to the cartridge, I was very disturbed by seeing this and not expecting to find these little things, my...
  14. vkuroczka

    Koran with PoP QT with Tang?

    It was my first ich outbreak so I really didn't know what to do...... I didn't have QT so I treated the whole tank... everyone slowly started to die off, anyways learned from my mistakes, have a QT tank up now and have done a lot of research on hypo and and the use of QT.... thanks for the info...
  15. vkuroczka

    Koran with PoP QT with Tang?

    So i purchased a Koran Angel and a Kole Tang together about one week ago, both are in QT. Just noticed a day ago that the Koran has a cloudy/pop eye only on the left side. I did a water change, and have read here on the forums to medicate. My question is can I medicate the QT tank with the Tang...
  16. vkuroczka

    Show off your triggers!!!

    He's not that exciting as other triggers but hes got an attitude like no other. He just went into my DT yesterday after being in QT for four weeks.... enjoy the little man...
  17. vkuroczka

    humu humu not so goodu goodu

    thanks for all the luv guys
  18. vkuroczka

    humu humu not so goodu goodu

    He ate tonight, temp is still 76ish, his color is still the same, faded in some spots. I can't get a pic of him, he just won't hold still for me...... my husband also treated him with some novaqua.... hopefully that won't make it any worse....we'll see how he does .....
  19. vkuroczka

    humu humu not so goodu goodu

    So i'm doing QT for the first time, tank is finally cycled, and I bought a humu humu on Sunday. His color was great, he was swimming great and ate like a pig. I came home yesterday o find the AC not one and the tank temp was 86 degrees. So i did a quick 5 gal water change and turned off the...
  20. vkuroczka

    Attn: Canister filter users

    Originally Posted by Mr_X you have live rock to hold your bacteria. i would just take the old one off and hook up the new one. i would leave all biological media out of the filter, and keep it to sponge pads and possibly carbon. thanks!