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  1. vkuroczka

    CUC with aggressive fish?

    I have a flamehawkfish who I watched with my own eyes "knock" a turbo snail off the glass and munch it down... since then I have found if I keep him well fed he leaves them alone.... so I dunno.... so far he hasn't touched anyone, but I think if you keep everyone well fed, they shouldn't bother...
  2. vkuroczka

    HELP??? LS vs CC substrate

    Originally Posted by Dennis210 "me in progress" I only see tank shots absolutely no "me" oops sorry.. i guess it only lets you upload 5 pics at a time..
  3. vkuroczka

    Id Please!

  4. vkuroczka

    Id Please!

    So I'm changing from CC to LS and I open my tank lid and I find these things attatched to the back wall of the tank just above the water line and theres only these three... dunno what they are, so I freaked out and removed them... they are VERY tiny and look like little cacoons.. anyone?
  5. vkuroczka

    HELP??? LS vs CC substrate

    Originally Posted by trish&dave Well, the husband will chime in! I have seen some tanks with CC and just think it is more of a natural look with a reef tank. I agree with the person that recommended maybe a more coarse sand vs the very fine sand we currently have. It blows all over the...
  6. vkuroczka


    this is off track i know but just fyi i had a kill off from ich a couple months ago and recently have had high nitrates like 80..... i have a flamehawkfish who survived.. and is doing fine and two damsels that i recieved for free from the lfs.. they are also doing fine...soooo......... there ya...
  7. vkuroczka

    uv sterilizer, which one?

    The reason I want a UV is to have a little added protection for the tank inhabitants and overall water quality. many people disagreed when i purchased my steralizer.... i personaly LOVE it... hope you do too, the only hard part for me was trying to figure out where i wanted to "plumb it in"...
  8. vkuroczka

    uv sterilizer, which one?

    I have a turbo twist and i LOVE it .... tank is crystal clear!!!
  9. vkuroczka


    how high are your nitrates?
  10. vkuroczka

    Making my own water

    ok in regards to my canister.... i clean it on a regular basis with media change and tubing scrubbing. I have had the canister filter for 5 years and have NEVER!!!! had a problem with nitrtes until recently..... i guess i am just VERY frustrated as everyone is judging me regarding what i have in...
  11. vkuroczka

    Making my own water

    I'm doing a high range test... can anyone answer my question regarding my water?? thats all I want to know?
  12. vkuroczka

    Making my own water

    So I have had nitrates in the high 80's. In the past 6 weeks I have done 3 50% water changes. I had been using "catalina ocean water" with no sucess in even a little of a change in nitrates...I had tested them once and thought they dropped to 40 but did the test again and it was still at 80 ish...
  13. vkuroczka


    any snails??? shrimp???? crabs???? they're the best cuc i have :0)
  14. vkuroczka

    How to measure salinity?

    thanks, i do have a hydrometer, i'll have to go purchase a refrac.
  15. vkuroczka

    How to measure salinity?

    I have noticed many people state their "salinity" in their tanks... how is this done and how does it differ from spec. gravity??
  16. vkuroczka

    Water Change = Change in ph?

    Yeah!! I just checked water parm. and they're starting to look better!! One of my three snails STILL hasn't moved but when I go to touch him he moves... ..... we'll see what i'm thinking of doing another water change this weekend, not as large but maybe 20% (have 80 gal tank) and...
  17. vkuroczka

    Pics of UV Sterilizer!

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig What is your stand like? Is there anywhere you could put the UV in the stand or under the tank at all? Its fine to have debris go through the UV, but its good that you have a separate pump for the UV as your main pump is likely too powerful, its best to have slow...
  18. vkuroczka

    Pics of UV Sterilizer!

    It looks like I'm going to have to purchase some more tubing and piping... when you guys use the PVC what do you use to glue them together??? I purchased a 100-200-gph pump... is that too much??
  19. vkuroczka

    My first death....

    I would advise you not to buy from *****...... they really don't know what they're doing.... and all they're fish have ich...... you need to find a LFS that is reputable.
  20. vkuroczka

    Water Change = Change in ph?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian The ammonia is cycling down to nitrates quickly because this is a well established tank. The PH will rise back up when the tank stabilizes. Do you have a power head to use in a bucket with the water? Do you have a couple of them in the tank? Also, with the...