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  1. mr . salty

    canopy/lighting question

    Plexi will get hot and stink up your tank.Plus it will also eventually melt.STICK WITH THE STAINLESS. Yes it is stainless all the way through. The bulb can be as close as 1/4 inch to the reflector.But the reflector should have at lease a 1/4 inch air space between it and the canopy it is mounted...
  2. mr . salty

    canopy/lighting question

    The fexible steel tubing will probably last awhile,but it will surly rust within a month or so. Go to your hardware store and look for flexible conduate(sp?) made of stainless steel. Or just use romax wire rated for outdoor use. The socket itself will get hot from the bulb.This will definatly...
  3. mr . salty

    new lights, new algae

    An algae bloom after a lighting upgrade is really quite common.Especially a major upgrade. The only things that you can do is to slowly increase the photo peroid daily or weekly till you can leave them on as your old lights were. You could also try adding some sort of polishing,or micro fiter...
  4. mr . salty

    polyurethane fumes

    Usually only 24 hours is needed.So I'm quite sure that after a week,you will be fine!!!
  5. mr . salty

    Photo period for refugium

    By leaving them on 24/7 you avoid the possability of the algae going sexual and spreading spores into the main tank. 24/7 also promotes more/faster growth.
  6. mr . salty

    Light Timer

    Oh,well that makes it worth the extra cash.
  7. mr . salty

    Question about algae booms.

    Really not a whole lot you can do except wait it out. If your cycle is compleatly done,water changes may help,but unlikly. You really should have waited till this phase was through before you started introducing corals to the system. But it's too late now. Good luck,and patience my son!!!!!!
  8. mr . salty

    Timer on lights and Skimmer.

    It really would be best to just leave it on all the time. If not for anything else,for the airation that it is adding to the water... Plus cycling it on and off is hard on the pump.This could cut the life of the pump in half as compared to just leaving it on...
  9. mr . salty

    Live Rock and Sand

    A "LIVE sand" bed,especially if it is at least 4" deep,actually finishes out the nitrogen cycle. That is that it converts nitrates into nitrogen gas that then escapes the water by tiny bubbles. For more info,look around the BB a bit.There have been literally thousands of posts about LIVE SAND.
  10. mr . salty

    Light Timer

    I can't see even paying that much for a stupid light timer. Why do you need a battery backup,if the power is out??????
  11. mr . salty

    Light Timer

    I just use the standard Lamp type timers on all my lights. I have four of them,and have never had any trouble with them. They are cheap(less than 10 bucks each),and can be found at any "lowes type" hardware store. Just be sure to get the multi event programable ones...
  12. mr . salty

    UV Sterilizer

    A UV will NOT cure a tank of Ick.Although they will help to prevent future outbreaks. The problem lies with the uv's ability to only kill what actually passes through the unit. A tank that is infected has ick in three diferent stages of devolopment. The uv can not kill the parasites when in the...
  13. mr . salty

    HELP Grouper Ate Wrasse (yellow head)

    The grouper could very well have eaten your new fish. Mine has eaten fish that are almost as big as him. Check his belly,does it look full???? As long as this fish is in the tank,you will need to be very carefull when adding fish.Anything that could possibly fit into his mouth,,,WILL.
  14. mr . salty

    What kind of rubble rock works best in sumps/fuge?

    I would agree that Fiji is probably the best.But instead of beating up on your expensive rocks yourself (ouch) try asking at your LFS for some. Most have it and will sell it for a fraction of what the regular rock goes for. Putting it in the overflow is NOT a good idea.As this could?WILL cause...
  15. mr . salty

    Who's got the biggest Yellow tang?

    As with most saltwater fish,,,It is not the actual size of the fish that limits the tank size. But it's teerritorial,and swimming needs. Tangs require larger tanks because they tend to claim LARGE territories,and need alot of room for swimming.
  16. mr . salty

    How many popwerheads and heaters do i need?

    I would definatly put one 200-250 watt in the wet/dry.Just be sure it is totally submerged.Then a smaller(150-200) in each corner behind the powerheads... Setting them to maintain proper tempcan be easily done in a five gallon bucket of water. Just put one at a time in the bucket with a...
  17. mr . salty

    Guilty as Charged

    Admitting it is the first stepto recovery!!!!!!!!!
  18. mr . salty

    oldest tank

    My 130 is going on 4.Most of the fish in there have been in the tank most of that time...And my anemones also...Just lucky I guess,anemones do very well in my tank...
  19. mr . salty

    How many popwerheads and heaters do i need?

    That's a big tank,so alot of circulation will be needed to eliminate dead spots.So you will need at least four powerheads. My favorite is the haggen 402's.They are big,powerfull,last a lifetime,and are fully adjustable...Place two in each rear corner,one on top of the other with the...
  20. mr . salty

    MH Bulbs and Algae

    Any major change in lighting can/will cause an algae bloom.They can usually be avoided by starting the new lights on a limited daly photo period.And slowly increasing it to what you were running before the change... To stop an algae bloom in progress,cutting down on the lights for a weekor so...