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  1. mr . salty

    tank water

    I'm guessing that they are afraid of permanent installation. Although they can be hooked up temperarily.
  2. mr . salty

    Toxic Levels

    Another large water change will help.Do these daily for a week till the readings leveloff.. You can also get some ammonia remover/lock to add to the water.This stuff doesnt actually remove the ammonia,but comverts it to a nontoxic form that can then be removed through water changes. You could...
  3. mr . salty


    Agreed,the apperence of green algae is a sign that your tank is doing well.But too much can cause serious problems... Algae problems can be caused by a number of things,most likly poor light,or lights on for too long each day.Or even sunlight in the tank. Another and more common cause is poor...
  4. mr . salty

    New Store with SW Fish

    I would be very cautious about buying anything from a store that has been keeping salt tanks for that short of a time. As for matching salinity,This is usually not the best idea,as most fish shops keep thier salinity very low to tyr to curtail parasites. You should shoot for .020-.023.
  5. mr . salty

    tank water

    What you really need to look for is RO/DI water.This is Reverse Osmosis/De ionized water.This by far the best water to use in any aquarium. Distilled water only removes heavy metals and some minerals. Why are you convinced your tapwater is bad??? Tap is all I have ever used.
  6. mr . salty

    favorite thing about your tank?

    I originally started salt for something diferent to occupy my time.The challange was cool,the livestock is awsome,the choises are endless. Now that the tank is well established the challange is gone,soI mainly enjoy other peoples reaction to it as thet see it for the first time.Most people have...
  7. mr . salty

    acrylic tank

    I would think that the top on acrylic tanks is somewhat strutual Being that is is glued or molded in place. Acrylic tanks are much lighter,and weaker than aglass tank.So I'm guessing that the topis there for a reason,any cutting may result in tank failure.. I wouldn't do it.
  8. mr . salty

    Atlantic Blue Tang?

    I have tried them twice,, Neither of them even made it out of the quarenteen tank.. They seem to be more disease prone than other tangs.. I would reccomend skipping it...
  9. mr . salty

    Question about used LR?

    I would definatly skip the tang.For one,your tank is too small,and the move will probably stress the fish into disease. And speaking of disease,,,Wasn't this fish in an ick infested tank to begine with???This is a definate NO NO...NEVER introduce a sick fish into an established/stocked...
  10. mr . salty

    Fish devouring Sebae Anenome

    My two lextra large carpets have eaten thier share of fish over the years..So it is a definate possibility that this is what has happened to your fish. If the anemone did get it,there sure wont be much left when he finally spits out the remains..It willonly be s few very clean,small bones,and...
  11. mr . salty

    Question about used LR?

    Scrubbing the rock as slick said will remove most of the algae,then putting it in a bucket with saltwater and powerhead(no lights) for two or three weeks should kill off what scrubbing missed... ICK can travel on the rocks..So I would definatly NOT put any of it directly into your tank... Ick...
  12. mr . salty

    can a Persinifer Angel be in the same tank as a Black velvet Angel?

    This depends on the size of the tank,and how much liverock you have in there.. To work you will need at least a 125 gallon tank with LOT'S of rock.The rock will provide enough territory and hiding places for the two angels...
  13. mr . salty

    plumbing question ?

    Even the stainless ones have a non stainless screw.So the screw will rust.Unless you can find a manufacturer that is ALL STAINLESS...These all stainless ones are what I use,and work great. (TIP) When looking for stainless hardware take a magnet along...Stainless steel is nonmagnetic..
  14. mr . salty

    how versatile are NO ballasts?

    Running anything less than a 40watt bulb on a 40watt ballast will blow the bulbs... Try going to your local hardware store and buying cheapflourescent lighting fixtures. A small 18 inch fixture compleate with bulb should cost less than 10 bucks... Nothing fancy is needed for a refugium,You don't...
  15. mr . salty

    plumbing question ?

    I use the regular clear smooth walled vinyl tubing myself... It Works great. You can find it in the plumbing section of any home depot/lowes type store...
  16. mr . salty

    rewiring NOs for more output

    Never heard of that.. And personaly don't think it is possible.A 40watt flo tube will burn out if more than 40watts is applied to it...Wont it???
  17. mr . salty

    when you drip, are you actually dripping?

    The normal starting point for drips is about one drop per second...
  18. mr . salty

    How does everybody top off the water in their aquarium?

    Just to clarify,,donot add saltwater to your tank to make up for eveporation...
  19. mr . salty


    This is not a good idea!!! Leaving a faulty heater in the tank just because you think it has a few more days of life left is gambling with your tanks life.. If it sticks in the ON position,your tank can/willoverheat in a matter of hours killing everything in it.Including the nitrafying...
  20. mr . salty

    where can i get baffles for my 20g tall?

    You could take exact dimentions to any glass shop and ask them to cut you some out of acrylic or plexi. Then empty the sump,wipe it dry,and silicone themin place. You will need to wait about 24hours to be sure the silicone is dry before filling it back up,so some other filteration/circulation...