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  1. mr . salty

    Let...It Snow Snow...Let It Snow

    By the way,I got up this morning and it's a blistering 6.8 degoutside... I love winter in Michigan!!!!!!!!! I don't know how you people down south live without allfour seasons...
  2. mr . salty

    Let...It Snow Snow...Let It Snow

    Originally posted by pugwash Drooool,DROOOOOL ,,,,,,,,,,,,,their aint nothing better after a hard day,s huntin than a roast SALTY with an apple in it,s mouth and a sprig of holly up it,s ass. Four posts to your credit and that is the best you can do,,, Iwould suggest thinking a bit more...
  3. mr . salty

    water change after cycling?

    It's pretty rare(unless under specific circumstanses) that any tank can be cycled in four days..Please tell us exactly how you setup this tank,and what you have in it...(filter,rock.sand/substrate,fish)
  4. mr . salty

    Carpet Anemone

    I assure you that the carpet did not "go after" your fish.. Your fish was unlucky to get close enough to touch the carpet.I have never seen a carpet turn down any fish that touches it(other than clowns). I have personally lost hundreds of dollars worth of fish to my two carpets. Owning anemones...
  5. mr . salty


    Don't know about the red ones,,,But my neon green ones have split many times... Seems odd that the green will,but the reds will not...
  6. mr . salty

    Can a anenome sting?

    Yea.Yea.Yea.I've also read posts that people claim thier clownfish took a chunk out of thier finger... I seriously doubt if any anemone could possibly cause more than a slight numbness for a few minutes. Unless you are by chance allergic to it's sting... I had to check my LARGE(20") carpets foot...
  7. mr . salty

    two easy questions about Rocks, and Heater

    Untill we know what the tank temp is,we can't give accurate advise here.Remember that the human body is even 80 would feel cool to the touch....
  8. mr . salty

    Let...It Snow Snow...Let It Snow

    I am a protected species,,There is no season.
  9. mr . salty


    Best suggestion is to maybe add one more,so you have one in each rear corner. Then just play with them till you jave no dead spots. Every tank is diferent,so what works for perfect circulation for one,may not be perfect for you...
  10. mr . salty

    just thought of this,,,

    It is possible to make an "autotop off system". It can be as easy as an upside down pop bottle with a small hole in the cap dripping water into the sump. To a complicated float operated system. Whatever you decide on,a good starting point is about one drop of freshwater every second... Mark the...
  11. mr . salty

    two easy questions about Rocks, and Heater

    How long has this heater been in there? How cold is the water now?? If the water is very cold,it could take one small heater a few days to get your tank up to temp... Try putting it in the main tank for now,it may heat faster if it is not in the direct flow of the sump... After it has brought...
  12. mr . salty

    Let...It Snow Snow...Let It Snow

    I don't park my car anywhere near where I hunt,so chanses are pretty slim that they would CRAP on it... And I will leave the ducks alone,,,As soon as GOOSE season reopens...
  13. mr . salty

    What's the smallest functional refugium?

    I wouldn't suggest anything smaller than a 10 gallon,Much smaller than that and you are really limiting it's capasity for sand,rubble rock,and algae.These are what make a 'fuge work in the first place. The general rule here also is "THE BIGGER THE BETTER"
  14. mr . salty

    How can I automate my tank?

    Go to your hardware store and buy some timers.The kind you would plug a lamp intio,and start playing with them... Ihave my lights setup on three timers,and they work great. I'm not sure about running the filter on one though..Pumps sometimes have a habit of not restarting on thier own once power...
  15. mr . salty

    Now thats strange

    This is common.Most gauges we use to determine salinity are very inacurate. This could be caused by a number of things, How old is the old one?? Did you "cure" the new one?? (fill it with salt water and let it sit for 24 hours before using) Tenp diference between tests. To determine wich is...
  16. mr . salty

    Can a anenome sting?

    Actually YES they can sting a human...But thier toxin is too weak to produce any affect to us.At the most you may feel a slight,,,Very slight,,, numbness in the hand a few minutes later. You will however feel it sticking to your hand,This is a good sign that the anemone is doing well. An anemone...
  17. mr . salty

    Fed up with Rio powerheads

    There are many other powerheads on the market,,and most are better than the rio's.I prefer Haggen powerheads.They have adjustments to controle flow rate and can alsobe reversed...Most are also avalibe with a strainer attachment to keep fish and other livestock from being sucked into them...
  18. mr . salty


    An open envelope with a blackdot on it=a thread that you have responded to. Yellow envelopes=threads that have new posts since you last visited the BB. Grey envelopes= no new posts. Red envelopes= more than 50 viewsor 10 replies. All this is listed at the bottom of each topic page...
  19. mr . salty

    PRO-HEAT 350 Watt Titanium Heater

    Just to be safe though,you would be better off with two smaller heaters than one bit one. This is just in case it fails,or sticks in the ON position. With a big one,the tank will overheat very quickly ,but with two smaller ones if one malfunctions it will take quite awhile to heat the tank,thus...
  20. mr . salty

    Let...It Snow Snow...Let It Snow

    We are getting slammed today. Ilive right on lake Mickigan straight across from Chicago. The wind is gusting to 40mph with sustained 25-30 mixed with lake affect snow and ice..Temp is 23 with windchill below zero.. I was going duck hunting this morning,but it's too cold outside even for me...