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  1. mr . salty

    hiding the light from the fuge...for bed time

    Although my 'fuge is in my cabinet,I was still bothered by the light shining out of the cracks at the doors,,,So I covered three sides of mine with self adhisive background(black). Then drape a piece of thick black cloth over the front to keep the light in... When I want to look in I just lift...
  2. mr . salty

    pacific blue tangs

    I wouldn't suggest adding too much(if anything else) to a tank that small...The problem is keeping the water parimiters good in a small tank with any fish at all in it.. A small tank will turn toxic in a matter of hours if over stocked..This meand things could be fine in the morning,,,but when...
  3. mr . salty

    What lights do you leave on at night?

    Originally posted by FlyDan Hey, I leave a light on my refugium 24/7. I have a large growth of calurpa in there and it does great. HTH, Dan'l Lights on 24/7 is reccomended in a REFUGIUM where you are trying to promote the growth of algae...Trying this in your main tank would surly produce the...
  4. mr . salty

    New and confused

    You have the right idea with your HT..A HT is supposed to be a low stress,low light tank to treat your fish in...This means adding medications to the tank...Most medications will affect(if not kill) the nitrafying bacteria the tank,so adding substrate and live rock is really a waste of good rock...
  5. mr . salty member photos.....

    Excelent job,,,Although I didn't jump in on the other thread,,,I will add my ugly mug to this one...I emailed you a couple pics,,,Pick the one you think is better.....
  6. mr . salty

    Everyone Read This

    I've said many times,,,If you really want to see a surprise,,Test your lfs's water next time you bring something home...
  7. mr . salty

    What lights do you leave on at night?

    Moonlighting can be affective in a reef tank when you are trying to get your corals to reproduce,,,but it only works if used properly... In a fish only tank it is not needed at all..And causes algae problems in my experience...
  8. mr . salty

    Is this a good deal....Aqualine Metal Halides

    Even at 400 bucks it Sounds kinda pricey too me.Plus 150 watt bulbs are not that popular,so getting replacement bulbs could be a problem...I would look around a bit before commiting yourself to this deal....
  9. mr . salty

    tell the truth

    I usually test water once a month,,,but havn't done a water change in almost two years now...I do add trace elements to the tank weekly though.... Excelent filteration,oversized skimmer,lot's of live rock and sand,and low bioload equals a low maintenance tank!!!!!
  10. mr . salty

    Water Change

    There are many thoughts on this ,,,,Some say as soon as the cycle is done(ammo,and nitrites at zero). Others(including myself) say not till nitrates rise to 25-30...Till then you should add trace element suppliments like cotalife by Kent Marine...
  11. mr . salty

    700 GPH too slow?

    Should be about perfect for a 75...With the powerheads you may even end up with too much water movement in there. Two powerheads should be enough,,,but you never know for sure till you try it...
  12. mr . salty

    HELP for my school project!!!!!

    I have never heard of an "algae trap" before...But what you describe sounds alot like a REFUGIUM.. It doesn'tactually trapalgae,but gives it a perfect enviroment for algae to grow,hopefull discouraging it from growing in your main tank... I have had one setupfor over a year,and works great...
  13. mr . salty

    Have I just bought a crappy filter!?!?!?

    Depends on a few things,,, Wich one did you get???The 250,,or the 400??? What are you expecting it to do???They actually make a great mechanical filter,,but the skimmer SUCKS... And what size tank are you planning on using it on??? I had a 400 running on a 55 for over a year,and the filter did a...
  14. mr . salty

    Control of Green Algea in Refugium...

    Donot clean it at all...After all,isn't the point of having a 'fuge to provide algae a place to grow??? The more you have in there,the less likly it is to grow in the main tank...Also,the more algae in the 'fuge,the better it works at denitrafying the water. Lastle,if you start disturbing the...
  15. mr . salty

    refuge overflow...

    700gph is WAAAY too much flow for an efective refugium...It really needs to be less than 100.So that powerhead idea is also a bit high. Yes small overflows are availible online,but how about teeing off of your exsisting one with a seperate line feeding the 'fuge???Then adding an inline valve on...
  16. mr . salty

    Whats wrong?

    Shooting for zero nitrates in a small fowlr tank is pretty much an impossible dream..Although some may claim they have done it,it really is quite hard to accomplish... If you are determined to get them down,,Try looking into adding a large,slow flowing refugium. A deepsand bed in the tank will...
  17. mr . salty

    Smell From MH Lights ???

    MH bulbs produce ALOT of heat,,So anything close to them that is prone to melting,, probably will... It is usually not reccomended to have a glass cover under MH bulbs..The heat causes a number of problems.Baked on salt,excessive heat,and elevated tank temps... I'm guessing this lid is your...
  18. mr . salty

    when to add an anomae

    I swear that I read a post this morning where you were asking how to care for the "anomae" you had allready bought!!!!!
  19. mr . salty

    Anemones and Tangs

    Probably just curious about the new tankmate...The tang has probably never seen an anemone before...
  20. mr . salty

    150 Gallon FOWLS/LR only!

    I would also agree that VHO would be better than PC..Especially in a tank that size. Pc just doesn't make a really good looking blue... Why not consider a couple(two or three)175 MH bulbs??? I have two 175 watt 10k MH bulbs over my 130 FOWLR/LS and love the look.I also have four regular...