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  1. leftyblite

    why do u have a sw aquarium?

    I underwent chemotherapy a few years ago for cancer. My treatments consisted of 8 hours a day for one week during a month for 12 months. Even though I was heavily drugged at the time, I tended to get agitated and restless during the sessions. The nurses and my wife noticed that everytime they...
  2. leftyblite

    Conch help

    But would they work with my current tank inhabitants??
  3. leftyblite

    Conch help

    Anyone else, please help!!!
  4. leftyblite

    Conch help

    I've been thinking about adding just one more thing to my tank(yeah right). I currently have a 150G with a foxface, blue tang, dwarf lion, flame angel, snowflake eel, pencil urchin, along with a semi clean up crew. I had wanted to add a starfish but research on this site and others made me...
  5. leftyblite

    couriosity struck me........

    Originally Posted by It's Chuck One of the LFS here has a Giant Hawkfish named spanky thats about 14" (He is the store pet and a really awesome fish I want him so bad I pet him and hand feed him every time I am in there). They sold him 3 times and he has come back every time because he kills...
  6. leftyblite

    Foxface Questions

    Unless you are planning to add an aggressive fish it shouldn't really matter what order to put it in. If also putting in an aggressive fish, put the foxface in first, this gives it a chance to establish territory without being greatly harrassed. I've read this several times on this site, so I...
  7. leftyblite

    Foxface Questions

    Originally Posted by sk8shorty01 Very good point, they almost turn a camo color. Very interesting after your heart starts beating again (from the first sighting of it). They are amazing fish. My heart did too, couldn't figure out what I'd done wrong
  8. leftyblite

    Foxface Questions

    Mine always turns the camo color when resting at night and then back to normal most of the time in the daytime.
  9. leftyblite

    Foxface Questions

    It is thier top fins that are venemous and only show them when they are frightened. I've heard that it feels like a bad bee sting you happen to get stung. Don't worry mine usually stays away from me when I clean the tank. I love his personality though, he always wants attention and tries to beg...
  10. leftyblite

    My new Puffer

    Mine would spit water if I didn't feed fast enough or fed him something he didn't like. Good luck!!
  11. leftyblite

    Flame Angel

    I feed mine a mixture of algae sheets and pellet food. Plus he tends to clean up whatever the lion or eel dont eat. I agree with alyssia, he maybe just adjusting. Mine didn't eat for 3 days when I first got him. Now he eats like a pig.
  12. leftyblite

    Starfish question

    None of my fish so far have bothered the pencil urchin. It was the angel I was concerned about in the nipping department.
  13. leftyblite

    Starfish question

    I was at the LFS today and they had a chocolate starfish that I kept coming back to. I wanted to get it but need to research first. I currently have a 150G tank with a foxface, blue tang, flame angel, dwarf lion, pencil urchin, and just recently added a snowflake eel. I've read on other sites...
  14. leftyblite

    How much to feed?

    My dwarf lion started getting picky about what he would and wouldn't eat. It finally got down to just silversides. I let him go about 3 days with no food and suddenly he wasn't picky anymore. Now he eats whatever I put in the tank. Good luck!
  15. leftyblite

    normal dwarf fuzzy behavior

    My fuzzy dwarf eats a mixture of silversides, krill and clams. All are usually soaked in vitamins. Haven't been able to get him to eat any squid or clams yet though.
  16. leftyblite

    Porcupine Puffer (Diodon holocanthus)

    I had Spike for a bout 2 years. He grew from 2 inches to about 6-7 inches in that time. I had him in a 150G. Totally spoiled fish. I taught him to be hand fed and then after that I couldn't feed him any other way. I had to buy new hermits and snails every couple of months or so as Spike would...
  17. leftyblite

    Egg crate and Diamond goby

    OOps, didn't realize this thread was still alive. Just an update on the goby and hopefully some helpful info. A few days after my last post on this topic, I went out of town for a couple of days and when I came back I couldn't find him. I finally looked at the egg crate and noticed that he was...
  18. leftyblite

    Dwarf Fuzzy Feeding

    I feed mine every other day. I usually go with a mix of silversides, krill, and brine shrimp. He only really seems to want food every other day. He is always begging but is really picky if its an off day for feeding. Ususally he swims away when he's done and I notice a slight bulge in his stomach.
  19. leftyblite

    How often to feed a juvenile eel???

    I'm not sure but I think he is storing the food in the rocks and hopefully eating later. Today the shrimp I fed him was meant for the lion but he didn't want it. The eel took it disappeared and came back almost immediately. It was a rather large piece for his size. Is it possible thats what he...
  20. leftyblite

    How often to feed a juvenile eel???

    I got him to eat a small piece of clam today and also a silverside. It seems that for now he'll eat just about anything. Should I be soaking any of these in vitamins before I feed him? Just curious.