Search results

  1. cprdnick

    nano size

    Ichtheologists, marine hobbyists, pretty much anyone that felt they had the appropriate expertise to make that statement. You have to remember that this hobby didn't come about until the early to mid seventy's. Back then people felt they were lucky to have figured out how to keep marine life...
  2. cprdnick

    i had some problems

    sounds to me like you had an ammonia spike. Have you tested your water since this problem arose? Saltwater systems are very easy to over stock if you aren't careful. Clint
  3. cprdnick


    Are you sure it's not reptile use? I personally wouldn't recommend any kind of substrate that isn't Calcium Carbonate based (Aragonite). Any other kind of substrate in a marine environment wouldn't provide the proper buffering and may leach something into your water, especially the colored...
  4. cprdnick

    How to remove a.................

    If it is just a hard water line, you could go to Wal-Mart, go to the live pet section, and buy a scrubber that is made for algae and water stains on glass. However, I would have to agree with the suggestion of using your Mag-Float like suggested above. Clint
  5. cprdnick

    Protein skimmers?

    Don't forget HOB's, I forgot HOB's.
  6. cprdnick

    Red Algae - Need Help

    I'm 99% positive you have a Cyanobacteria problem from your description. This sounds very similar to my, an other members descriptions of their cyano problems. Check out this post from another member, it helps, I used it.
  7. cprdnick

    Algae, Algae, every where help!!!!

    First off, how do you know for sure that your tang and cleanup crew hasn't been mowing your hair algae? He could just be leaving the base colony. Also, what kind of lighting are you running, in addition to the question HNF2K asked. I agree that your Nitrates are high, not necessarily too...
  8. cprdnick

    Protein skimmers?

    When water is pumped into a skimmer it is met with a stream of fine bubbles. The theory behind this, is that protein based material (decomposing material) will stick to the outside of each bubble in the form of a slimy protein coat, these bubbles fight their way to the top of a "stack" of...
  9. cprdnick

    Am I good to go?

    Do a waterchange first, get your Nitrates as low as you can before adding anything. You may also want to allow the tank to mature as well before you add any inverts. Clint
  10. cprdnick

    LOST entire tank

    YEah, I decided I wanted to go back. I'm the Hoofstock Foreman, and this past week I got put on the reptile house too. It's pretty cool. Here in about a week I'll be posting videos of our sedistic Diamondbacks eating on my website if anyone is interested. Anyway, I just couldn't stand not...
  11. cprdnick

    LOST entire tank

    Originally posted by Birdy I areate my makekup water with a large powerhead so I would thing the Oxygen level would be just fine even with a large water change. AaaHa!!!!!!!!! But earlier you said, "who has 45gal of saltwater ready to go?" So if it was a quick mix and fill, then it could be...
  12. cprdnick

    LOST entire tank

    What Birdy is my Theory not good enough for you???:confused: Clint
  13. cprdnick

    Cleaning Dead Coral displays?

    I personally am a firm believer that bleach should never come in contact with anything going in my tanks, however, the sud drying will erradicate bleach with no problem. Glad you found an answer. Clint
  14. cprdnick

    argonite reef sand good?

    Yep, I did, never got a word in though.:thinking:
  15. cprdnick

    Diffenrence between Kelvin and Lumens??

    Check this post out. It helped me out. Clint
  16. cprdnick

    argonite reef sand good?

    Wow, hope you guys didn't get blisters on your fingers with that conversation.
  17. cprdnick

    Cleaning Dead Coral displays?

    Are you capable of removing them or will it be too big of a job? If you can remove them, then you can put some Distilled White Vinegar in a spray bottle and spray each peice and let it air dry. If you can't remove them then we will need to know what type of algae you are wanting to get rid of...
  18. cprdnick

    Lowering Ammonia ???

    What brand kits are you and your LFS using??? Some of the low end kits have a reputation for reading .25 off. My Aquarium Pharmecuticals always reads .25, even on clean RO/DI. Clint
  19. cprdnick

    Protein Skimmer

    If you want a severely inexpensive skimmer, you might want to do a yahoo or google search on DIY skimmers. I've heard of guys doing a skimmer for a 200 gallon for around $20. Though without experience with skimmers the smarter route would be to buy a name brand skimmer. You aren't going to...
  20. cprdnick

    LOST entire tank

    One tang in a 90 is fine, 2 tangs in a 90 is pushing it. However, the .5 ammonia is probably the culprit with a 95% certainty. Though I do wonder about the water you added to the tank after 45 gallons leaked out. The main reason we don't do large (no more than 25-30%) water changes is due to...