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  1. cprdnick

    How much $$ have you dished out? (so far)

    3200 into the hobby in 2 years, 1200 into my 18 gallon reef. However, if you get good enough at it, you can turn it into profit or store credit, lol.
  2. cprdnick


    well put
  3. cprdnick


    Originally Posted by ophiura As I wrote in that thread, they are basically old, VERY OLD :D live rock. Old coral reef. Just on land now. They are commonly used as base rock and are not, IMO, all that different than the structure of other reef rock. However, remember that an aquarium is a...
  4. cprdnick

    spaghetti worms soap opera ,part II

    nah they won't be that big in a year. My tank is 2 years old and I don't have any over 6 inches long. There was a person on here with a500 gal reef that pulled a 6.5 foot long one out of his closed loop system. Do your research on bristleworms. That's probably what it is, but it'd be better...
  5. cprdnick


    This is why the majority of people you ask will tell you aragonite rock only. Aragonite will buffer your pH. If I had to say, I would say yes to your question about the Texas Holy Rock effecting your alk. Here's an old thread you might find interesting. You aren't the first, lol...
  6. cprdnick

    Ha! Got my damsel!!!!!

    Unfortunately it's not always that simple. Not all damsels are stupid enough to fall for that.
  7. cprdnick

    Dropping like flies

    As far as I know inverts can't get it, it purely a fish disease, not totally sure about that statement, but that's what I think. Don't worry too much, everyone makes mistakes. I went through two clowns and a Hippo Tang before I found this site. It's all about research, if you aren't sure about...
  8. cprdnick

    Emperor angel

    Give me a freakin' break, I started learning saltwater August of 03. Look at the date on the post you so intelligently replied to.
  9. cprdnick

    Hitchiker ID

    Can't make out either one of them. Could you provide a better pic or a better discription?? Maybe a drawing??? lol.
  10. cprdnick

    short movie of my tank..

    looks good.
  11. cprdnick

    Rose Anenome

    As far as the tenticles I have no idea. As for the drooping at night, it's a photosynthetic invert, during the day it will expand to give itself more surface area to catch more light. It does still have to be fed, but it's a partial photosyn.
  12. cprdnick

    How to rid your tank of Red-Slime!

    BUMP for saltn00b.
  13. cprdnick

    weird algae id please

    In the reef forum there is a thread by JustinX on how to erradicate this problem and it will better help you understand what you're dealing with. It's called "How to rid your tank of Red Slime" or something like that. I'll bump it for ya but it may not stay there for long. I wouldn't worry to...
  14. cprdnick

    Is to much current bad for polyps

    it's as simple as moving them to a less turbulent area of the tank, provided they can still consume an appropriate amount of light.
  15. cprdnick

    Question about feeding lettuce

    Not to mention lettuce, in any form, has absolutely no nutritional value, it's 98% water. I don't think my fish need help finding that, I don't think so anyway, lol.
  16. cprdnick

    Picked up a new client...

    How about some pics of the new tank while I wait???? I haven't seen it since you were putting your tile down where it was gonna sit. (yeah that's how long its been since I've been on here)
  17. cprdnick

    Dropping like flies

    HOLY CRAP!!!!! I would post a short version of this story in the New Hobbyist forum, more people look in that forum everyday than any other and you may get some good advice. To me it looks like you have started a massive cycle by adding too many too quick. Also earlier in the thread you...
  18. cprdnick

    Cheap nanocube overflow- not my idea!

    I see, good thinking, sorry to bug a man at work, lol.
  19. cprdnick

    Picked up a new client...

    Drivetrain is in my area NM. Hey, why is your website not showing anything new???? I must have your old one or something, because I'm still seeing your 55.
  20. cprdnick

    Dropping like flies

    I'm sorry to hear about your losses, I'll try to help the best I can, even if it is to give others an idea of what might be going on. How long have you had each of these inhabitants? How long has the tank been up? What size filters are your "back pack" filters? Is there any other form of...