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  1. cprdnick

    Skimmer help needed

    Just get a good, basic airstone skimmer and hook it up inline with the fluval, preferably on the output side.
  2. cprdnick

    i'm so depressed!

    Brown algae all over the place???? Corals???? How long has this tank been up?
  3. cprdnick

    riddle me this...

    Originally Posted by bigarn Are you sure what you saw wasn't a Stomatella snail? :D I would like to second that question, but I have heard of hermits ripping snails from their shells to get a new home and deciding they didn't like it. There is about a 99% chance the snail is dead if that is...
  4. cprdnick

    29 For QT or Fuge

    Why don't you just put the fuge under the tank in the stand??? I don't know if I would drill through your hard wood floor for a 29 gallon fuge. Now if it was a 55 gallon or something like that I could probably see it, but what you have is pretty much a compact setup compared to some of the...
  5. cprdnick

    The refugium works!!!!

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx Did you have an overflow already installed on your 30 gallon? Did you drill...hang on the back overflow...what? It was an HOB refugium that they sell for nano's. It's pretty much a HOB filter box but with a small portion of the little goodies you'd find in any...
  6. cprdnick

    Placing fish into/out of hypo tank

    couldn't hurt, if you look on the disease/treatment forum I'm sure you can find some info about acclimation from QT.
  7. cprdnick


    I wouldn't exactly say rare, but I would say hard to come by in the hobby. The little wavy ones are probably spagetti worms, also harmless and beneficial to your tank.
  8. cprdnick

    Is this a mushroom growin

    sponges are perfectly safe, just not all of them are very attractive.
  9. cprdnick

    Help! Naso tang ate part of torch coral

    If you feel he's pretty bad off, you should QT him, keep the lights off and keep the flow mild until he gets the strength up to move, but make sure there's an adequate O2 supply for him. If you don't have a QT the only thing you can really do is watch him and hope for the best.
  10. cprdnick

    Algae Scraper Question

    they make a scraper on a long rod, it comes with a 3 in 1 head that has a scraper scouring scrubber and a sponge scrubber. You could either use that or get a snorkel and mask, lol.
  11. cprdnick

    Coral is shedding???

    well they won't "turn" red, they just are red. I've been hearing about these red bugs that are demolishing corals all over the hobby, but I can't find the thread that was talking about them. If they are just a light brown to white they are more than likely isopods and you shouldn't worry. As...
  12. cprdnick

    How bid is your dream tank?

    Yeah I like that last one. However if you're talking reality, well I only want about 200,000 gallons.
  13. cprdnick

    Coral is shedding???

    does it look more like slime or like a bunch of threads??? As for the fleas, if they're white they're pods, and they're good, don't worry about it. If they're red then you've got a whole new world of crap.
  14. cprdnick

    Watchman Goby Please Help!!!

    They've got to establish a pecking order some how. Goby's are a pretty submissive type of fish, it's been recommended that they be one of the first fish added to the aquarium for this reason. If the goby doesn't move he may be either in shock or just tough. Lets hope its the latter of the...
  15. cprdnick

    Need and ID on something

    Have you tried investigating it???? touch it, if its limp and wavy its probably some kind of macro algae as suggested before, if its soft and somewhat limp it maybe some kind of wierd sponge, If it's hard it may be some type of SPS that had be laying dormant on the rock and finally found the...
  16. cprdnick

    Rock question

    Like I try to preach "If it aint aragonite, it aint aragoright". Ok that was dumb, but seriously I recommend to anyone I come across to go with calcium carbonate rock only, it's the sure way to prevent problems.
  17. cprdnick

    two different crabs?

    depends on the size of the tank too. The more room they have the less stress and the less of a chance of them running into eachother. I've never heard of anyone having a problem pairing the two together, and I'm sure you aren't the only person to try it.
  18. cprdnick

    Is this a mushroom growin

    well, is it formed to the rock or is it sort of flapping there???? You could try waving your hand next to it to see if it moves if you can't visually ID it, most sponges wont react to that small of a current. A mushroom should have a "mouth" at the very center and be almost to perfectly...
  19. cprdnick

    A live rock bio-filter

    Does the ocean use bio balls????? lol, just messin with ya, it's alot more effective, I changed my friends 3 year old 150 gal. over from bio balls to 65 lbs of LR about 2 months ago. The water is clearer and his corals seem to like it more. I would prefer to go more natural when it comes to...
  20. cprdnick

    anyone leave their wallet in the car when going in LFS

    No need to, the wallets empty,the credit card is maxed out, and the checking account is overdrawn.