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  1. cprdnick

    Algae Madness

    buy yourself a PO4 (phosphate) test kit. if its anything more than 1.0, buy yourself a phosphate sponge, worked wonders through my algae days. Also, GPH/TURNOVER, would be telling us how much water movement you have going through your DT right now, for example, what GPH are your powerheads or...
  2. cprdnick

    ViaAqua tanks

    I own the 18G, that was my first SW tank. I love it, I didn't use the UG filter, just went with a PS and a couple of PHs. This is the best looking tank I've ever had, the lighting is way more awesome than it sounds....HOWEVER, the one crappy thing there is about this tank happened to me. The...
  3. cprdnick

    Perfect cloudy and new ?

    Is that the one you had to SHOVE into your backseat? lol. That's gonna be way better than the 55G you were looking at.
  4. cprdnick

    If I upgrade

    I agree, no point in upgrading in such a small amount. Thats alot of work to switch to a tank that's only 20 gallons bigger. Another thing you should think about is space. If the 75 is going to be the biggest you can have because of your space, then it might be worth it. If yall are planning...
  5. cprdnick

    When Can I Add Corals?

    Originally Posted by m0nk Soft coral only needs standard lighting to survive and thrive. You need some clarification on this so noone gets confused. Most new comers will instantly think that the NO flourescent lights that come from lows would sustain soft corals...mushrooms maybe. Not burnin...
  6. cprdnick

    Can I use this kinds of water for my reef tank?

    I used to use one of those stands to get my RODI from, I never had any problems out of it. Now I just go to the LFS, costs 45 cents more per gallon, but well worth it I suppose.
  7. cprdnick

    Do you ever get so frustrated and say TAKE IT DOWN!!

    Even a caveman??????
  8. cprdnick

    Yellow stuff popped up over night...

    It seems like I remeber having some of that pop up in my 18 gallon back a few years ago. I never really did anything with it, and it never did anything to me.
  9. cprdnick

    Do you ever get so frustrated and say TAKE IT DOWN!!

    Nope, I could never purposely take down my tanks when they're doing good. It's like bulldozing a neighborhood.
  10. cprdnick

    Hitchhiker forum

    Yep, that's one reason I wanted to see it, I STILL think there should be a forum on it though, lol.
  11. cprdnick

    uncured v/s dried live rock?

    that's a good question that I don't have a good answer for. I would assume that they are just more hardy than others. just a theory, I've never really messed with uncured LR.
  12. cprdnick

    Easy way to remove LR rubble from sand bed

    get a kitty litter scoop, they sell plastic ones at WalMart or a dollar store
  13. cprdnick

    uncured v/s dried live rock?

    with uncured rock you can have alot of die off and kick off another cycle and probably kill everything in your tank...if any. Dry rock (depending on how dry) is pretty much just base rock and it'll be fine. If you get cured rock, you have to let it sit for a while in a separate tub or tank...
  14. cprdnick

    Hitchhiker forum

    Didn't there used to be a forum or atleast a thread totally dedicated solely to hitchhikers? I think it'd be cool to have an ID database sticky threaded to the top of this forum with pics and questions. I mean heck, we've got a forum dedicated to breeding clowns, why not one for the thousands...
  15. cprdnick

    55g In Hyundai Accent?

    I stop in atleast once a week just to see what they've gotten in, I couldn't imagine having to drive that stinkin long just to get my fish. I'd be ordering off the net more often I suppose.
  16. cprdnick

    55g In Hyundai Accent?

    CRAP a three hour drive? I go nuts just knowing mine is 15 minutes away.
  17. cprdnick

    55g In Hyundai Accent?

    better yet....tie a friend to the top of the car, and make them hold the tank on the trip home. Duct tape their hands to it so they don't let go.
  18. cprdnick

    Ph, salinity?

    Originally Posted by nemo2 I have 25 lbs of LR, live sand and regular sand. What do you mean regular sand? Calcium Carbonate based?
  19. cprdnick

    mixing water and salt

    get a hydrometer or refractometer and measure it, you can't just guess at this, it won't be accurate. I went by the instructions on the bag the first time I mixed, and it was way too low. I'm not sure what they base that on, but it didn't mix right for me. Measure your SG and you'll do better.
  20. cprdnick

    protein skimmer on a nanocube

    I would run wo it during your cycle. as far as when to run it... i would run it all the time. thats what they're designed for.