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  1. cprdnick

    Regular sand ?

    what do you mean "regular sand"? A calcium carbonate based sand is the only one I would recommend adding.
  2. cprdnick

    Looks like I have an anemone whether I like it or not: ID?

    Sounds like the ones I had, I left them in my tank, and they stayed there for about two years until I took my tank down. They never got any bigger, and didn't reproduce. They were kinda pretty when you actually got to see them.
  3. cprdnick

    Boiling tap water...

    I go to the LFS's here to look, and possibly to buy stuff if the price is right. For all of my advice and lernin, I come to All the stuff on this site just makes sence.
  4. cprdnick

    Phosphate Sponge Question

    How Old Are Your Bulbs?
  5. cprdnick

    Orange "stuff"

    NO flourescent lighting is whatcha have. That can provide some algae problems, but I'm telling you, the three damsels started a cycle, two died from an ammonia spike (first stage of the cycle basically), and one was lucky enough to get ich and get out of the tank before he met the same demise...
  6. cprdnick

    Orange "stuff"

    Just to put my two cents in, the two damsels probably died due to the cycle, and now you have diatoms AFTER the cycle. I know, that wasnt very helpful, but I'm tired, and it made sense to me. GOODNIGHT, lol.
  7. cprdnick

    Out of Control Sponge growth

    As far as your lighting, no, it won't change anything, sponges are not photosynthetic.
  8. cprdnick

    Out of Control Sponge growth

    mechanical filtration should cut their food source down
  9. cprdnick

    Bristle Worm Cut in two

    was the piece in the trap moving? Why do you want him out of your tank?
  10. cprdnick

    Algae Madness

    well, you're still going to have to do your water change, and you need to determine the source of your algae problem. Before you put the sponge in, clean your rock and substrate. Do your water change. Shorten the amount of time your lights are on until your PO4 goes to 0. Feed once a day, or...
  11. cprdnick

    Algae Madness

    this is what I did, go to your LFS, buy a phosphate sponge. Hang that in front of a PH until you're PO4 tests 0, wait a day, then toss it in the trash.
  12. cprdnick

    cycling question

    Nitrates are the "digested" form of Nitrite. If your trites are hi then your bacteria is working to make them low, and soon youre trates will go up.
  13. cprdnick

    Nano Skimmers

    that's cool, I bet I can get them off of oceanic's site.
  14. cprdnick

    cycling question

    Technically? is this nature? lol.
  15. cprdnick

    Nano Skimmers

    anyone have the dimensions right off hand?
  16. cprdnick

    I don't know what's next?

    Though I do like Monks suggestion of a clown trigger, I'm a pretty big fan of Undulated triggers, and the dragon wrasse.
  17. cprdnick

    Nano Skimmers

    will the oceanic skimmer fit any nano or just their cube?
  18. cprdnick

    Live Rock turning Red and Green

    agreed on the lights thing....except for the cyano bacteria part. cyano is not photosynthetic, HOWEVER that is what I was pointing to when I asked if the red looked and felt like part of the rock.
  19. cprdnick

    cycling question

    I wouldn't worry about it, your tank's only been cycling a week, water changes should be the furthest thing from your mind when you're in a cycle. The only thing that should be done is testing, other than that let it run its course. Once the nitrites are at 0, then you can do water changes...
  20. cprdnick

    Thinking about a 30g frag tank!

    on the LS, I'm just saying you don't NEED it. why spend the money if you don't have to? I agree that it doesn't hurt to do it, in fact it IS beneficial, but you don't NEED it. Agreed?