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  1. tigerlover

    Hippo Tang

    lol, Rich, aren't they cute together?:D :rolleyes: ;)
  2. tigerlover

    how do you frag?

    Most corals you can cut witha razor blade then glue or stick them to a rock in a low current. But it depends on what u want to frag, please specify
  3. tigerlover

    wierd fish at lfs

    Yes they had a couple of look downs at my lfs. THEY WERE HUGE!!!!!
  4. tigerlover

    New Research says fish feel pain

    Originally posted by Wrassecal But I guess that's what the Bud is for;) lol, ever seen drunk frog? thats what bud is for, to see the froggies yelling BUD!:D lol:D :D :D
  5. tigerlover


    IMO, clownfish are the easiest, a pair of percs is what I have.
  6. tigerlover

    Clarkii & False Percs

    If you get them all at the same time they should be OK, but if I were you I'd just get 2 pairs of percs or 3 individual percs No matter what you decide add them at the same time!:D
  7. tigerlover

    Minimum Salinity for LR

    I agree with Melody, natural seawater is 0.23 to 0.25 usually. if I were you I'd add extra salt in your next water change
  8. tigerlover

    Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish Pair

    Just to give you my experience with clowns: The first one I had was alone(false perc) and was eaten by my condylactus. Now on the subject, I have 3 clowns w/ no anemone but one very small green metallic mushroom they love even though they are twice its size. mine have never shown this...
  9. tigerlover

    OT oil spill in my town

    that stinks:(
  10. tigerlover

    Fish Of The Week

    Originally posted by RyeBread I usually just baste myself with garlic extract........I will have to try the shrimp costume idea. Good work Watson. rotflmho, maybe I should try the basteing:eek:
  11. tigerlover

    Fish Do Feel Pain

    All I can say is cool, there are 3 threads on this matter so far and I do believe thats a good thing, We're always talking about stress-free enviorments and stuff:D BTW, I believe these threads are a god-sent gift because just before this I got slammed on the subject by people who were sure...
  12. tigerlover

    New Research says fish feel pain

    I like this thread:D :D :D Read the thread entitled "boy, im stupid" and you'll find out why:D :D :D :D
  13. tigerlover

    Do fish feel pain?

    And in fact I happen to be that 13 year old girl:D I really like this thread:D My dad is a fisherman and said he heard this news today, that fish do feel pain, and I'm so glad you posted this. BTW, I don't mean to get off the subject, but, for those of you who thought I was being...
  14. tigerlover

    boy im stupid!`

    Originally posted by j21kickster OK- 4. I doubt it is to get your attention- fish can recgonize food- the fact that he swims in the same pattern is not unlikely but many fish do this, i bet it does it regardless if you feed it No, it doesn't do this regardless, only when I walk by someone...
  15. tigerlover

    boy im stupid!`

    Kickster, I think I would know if a fish had the same disease another one did:rolleyes: :p I'll give you an example. I used to breed bettas, I had a male (Ace) and a female(Riley) Now bettas are kept in separate tanks, right?:rolleyes: So then my female(in a larger tank at the time) got caught...
  16. tigerlover

    Fish.. Fish...Fish

    I have a 10 gal. that you can set up as FW for now until you can keep FW alive, THEN go SW. P.S. sorry gal but if you can't keep the fw tetras alive you don't stand a chance against sw, I'll give you my fw set-up if you'd just call and ask
  17. tigerlover

    boy im stupid!`

    Originally posted by slick I'll stay out of this one thanks.:eek: Wish I could stay out of this but I'm still a green (horse terms, only 13):D ;) :p :cool:
  18. tigerlover

    How to frag shrooms??

    I just cut a little peice off of em' with scissors and put it in one of those floating betta tanks
  19. tigerlover

    boy im stupid!`

    Originally posted by j21kickster Tigerlover- what is wrong with you? Sorry, its just what I can prove and what I can do, I can't just sit on the sidelines while people do such wrong things, thinking fish have no feelings is one of them!!! I'm not the kinda girl to just let things happen...
  20. tigerlover

    Cleaner Wrasse...

    Originally posted by Redcorsair As if killing a fish by negligence is bad enough irresponsible sites and LFS who sell them and the people who buy them are causing large swaths of the natural reef to be de-fished. U R kinda insulting since they sell them:eek: :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: ;)