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  1. tigerlover

    Best Anemone for hosting that stays small??

    my clown hosts in a ricordia about 1/2 its size:D ;) :rolleyes:
  2. tigerlover

    Can you frag a gaping mushroom?

    Most people just take a razor blade and sheer it off but I use scissors, it won't die if you cut it
  3. tigerlover

    Best Anemone for hosting that stays small??

    I would recommend a sebae anemone and a pair of false percs, sebae's may get to a size where you can just take it back and get another one but they may not, they are good hosts though
  4. tigerlover

    Okay to add mushroom frag?

    Jeez, you guys are lucky, I can't even get mine to move or grow!!!!If they do grow it is so slow its undetectable:mad: If you guys wanna get rid of your shrooms, I'd take em' in a heartbeat, I love shrooms!
  5. tigerlover

    Pictures of my fish tank

    Originally posted by Ty_05_f IF you don't have the time to research it and look things up, then you obviously shouldnt have a tank. I can see how you can get things mest up, but calling things anemonies just shows us you have done minimal-none research. Get your head out of the clouds...
  6. tigerlover

    What is your favorite Coral?

    dangit u r givin' me a headache, I love em' all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. tigerlover

    Well I am addicted and I'll show you......

    Originally posted by scuba steveo i will sell you my wife for it lol lol, I'd trade you the tank for my dad but he's classified as expert only;)
  8. tigerlover

    Pictures of my fish tank

    Ok, time for the famous hard headed 13 year old to have a say;) :D Here's what she says, ARE YOU GUYS NUTS?! She may have been wrong, yes, just as we all have been wrong before, but I know that when someone tries to tell you something against you even if they say, "I'm not trying to flame you...
  9. tigerlover

    Anyone with several clowns

    Originally posted by overanalyzer Tigerlover - if you have 3 percs getting a fourth won't create a secon mated pair unless you have a huge tank!! What genreally happens is you have a female (largest Perc) a dominant male (second largest perc) and a subservient jvenile or male in waiting...
  10. tigerlover


    I got the green metallic for 15 and it was pretty small on an even smaller rock:mad:
  11. tigerlover

    how often do u go to the LFS

    Originally posted by DiscusKing How old are u logan .... I am 16, i dont know many people who are my age and are into reefing!!:D I'm not logan but i'm only 13!:eek: BTW I probably go to the LFS once or twice a week:eek:
  12. tigerlover

    mushroom propogation tank?

    Salinity imo should be around 1.025. Lighting around 2-3 watts per gal. should be fine Don't know much 'bout the iodine though
  13. tigerlover

    Anyone with several clowns

    I have 3 percs in my 55gal. all added at once and sometimes they fight now 1 is sick but there must be something wrong with the 1 because they have always picked on him now if he doesn't die I'm gonna get him a mate so that the others won't pick on him as much:(
  14. tigerlover

    One of my percs really pale, plz. help!

    that's not a very good pic, but i couldn't get a better one, its from about a week ago, he's even paler now. Here's how he was before this
  15. tigerlover

    One of my percs really pale, plz. help!

    no idea what u r talking about, beth, but here's a pic(he's the back one)
  16. tigerlover

    One of my percs really pale, plz. help!

    One of my 3 percs has gotten really pale, he's eating but not like he should be. Any ideas whats wrong with the little fella'?
  17. tigerlover Ricordea's pictures anyone??

    I hope when I order mine they are bright green like attml's:D
  18. tigerlover

    New Research says fish feel pain

    On that link it said that fish cannot feel pain or fear. Fear is not a reaction to a situation, fear is based on one's ability to control it. If 2 men were in the same room in the same position, you would be more likely to scare one than both, for reasons of chance, one is less easily scared...
  19. tigerlover

    Co Co Pods...

    PODS are a great thing to have!! But if you really don't want them scrape them off the glass and give 'em to me:D Well, if you really want to get rid of them and don't wanna send them to me, get a healthy and hearty eating scooter blenny, they will eat the pods then you can feed it brine shrimp...
  20. tigerlover

    New Research says fish feel pain

    Originally posted by jboothiv Do fish feel pain? Of course they do. EVERY living organism feels pain. From humans all the way down to the lowliest microbe. Do we need to spend untold billions of dollars on research to determine whether other living things can feel pain? No. This is just...