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  1. camanuch

    Everyone your suggestions Please for my 265

    you have an idea of what your plumbing is going to be? How many 90's. Etc what ever info you can tell us do so.
  2. camanuch

    Pluming equipment.

    What size output is the overflow? What size is the input on the canister, what size is the output. Is the canister going to under the stand or is it going to be directly under the overflow. Is the overflow a hob or is it the tank drilled. Things we need to know b4 we can tell you what you need.
  3. camanuch

    Help with lighting please

    what if you went with an increased wattage on the hoT5. Also what if you went with VHO? I'm still trying to get my tank all together for my new project I'm going to start in like 2 or 3 weeks.
  4. camanuch

    PC lighting, what is it

    Hey guys I don't know if I'm the only one with this question or not but what are PC lights? Posatives VS negatives how do they compare to t5ho lights and MH. Are they re omensed for coral or no?
  5. camanuch

    Quick Light Question from New Member

    I'm not a 100% sure but I believe a good rule of thumb is 3watts per gallon for live coral. As long as the spectrum is ok. I may be wrong though so this is just my 2 cents. What kind of lights are they? T5, mh?
  6. camanuch

    i need sump advice!

    How many gph is your overflow. And what was the head way to the tank from the return. This will all make a difference in chosong a return pump.
  7. camanuch

    i need sump advice!

    it all depends on what size the overflow is. That is was determines the size of pump. As for the baffels you only need them if you are making sections. Also how many 90*s are there going to be. This all plays a part in it.
  8. camanuch

    Will I be able to keep whatever i want.

    minimum of 25X is recommended for corals. I would recomend 2 koralia #1 on opposite sides of the tank. This will give you plenty of flow but also give you counteracting current. Very good for corals. If you have a canopy for your lights then just raise the lights or if not then you will most...
  9. camanuch

    coralife pcs heating up the tank..

    add two fans to blow heat out of canapey. Have one pulling air in the other pulling air out. As for the evaporation that's normal. I lose about 2-4 liters a day in my 75 fowlr. Jus add water without salt. Water will evaporate but salt stays in tank.
  10. camanuch

    new stand help

    you could put a set of acordian doors or a slider somethi g with easy access. Just an ideA. Or you can put another pics of wood right down the center and put 2 doors in that way. Or one big door and hinges go onto the side wall. Its really up to you.
  11. camanuch

    Quick filtration questions??

    Originally Posted by Ellingtj I have a 65 gal reef set up that i am starting to cycle. right now my T5 lights are on there is 50 lbs of live sand. My questions are what kin d of mechanical filtration should I use? Bio balls? E-hime? ECT.. also for my refugium what substrate do you recommend in...
  12. camanuch

    Tank Leak?

    in my opinion that's better than nothing.
  13. camanuch

    RO Systems

    how much will one cost me about. Between home and marine?
  14. camanuch

    RO Systems

    whatso the prices range from. Roughfly that is?
  15. camanuch

    Tap Water ??

    you can do a water test. The test is for tds ( total disolved solid) you want this to be as close to 0 as possible. I live in the Bronx. Our water is great but still use conditioner and I'm getting an ro/di. Or you can use distiled water
  16. camanuch

    Comment on this sump/fuge

    Just remember when doing a fuge the flow rate should not be too great. You want a good flow but too much it will really do nothing. IMO a steady non overpowering flow is better. You can use power heads or closed loop system for flow in tank. Also I would got at least a 35gal or even bigger for...
  17. camanuch

    pvc/plumbing question

    I never had a problem with using regular glue and buffer. Should be no problem
  18. camanuch

    what kind of paint for inside tank?

    Where can you order this paint from? Gonna be doing a custom pentagon tank. So I want to iron all details b4 I start
  19. camanuch

    RO Systems

    so is there a difference between the two though? Or are they the same? I am looking to get one but they are so expensive.
  20. camanuch

    Water loss/evaporation

    hanks will definately build that thanks