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  1. reefer44

    Mo$t Expen$ive Coral$

    i agree with you...With all the different growth forms that are radically different to the natural growth forms it is nearly impossible to proberly name many of the corals and as you said i am sure some of the corals we have given names to are indeed inaccurate... by the way it is such a honor...
  2. reefer44

    sps corals color

    alright do you think i should stay with the 12k on the 175w's and when i get the 250w i should go with 20k?????
  3. reefer44

    enough light

    hey spsaddict you going to college for marine bio......i think i am going to school in snta cruz, california in about a year for a marine biology phd....jsut wondering if you have any good schoool recomendations for studing that subject
  4. reefer44

    enough light

    any one else no????
  5. reefer44

    Purple or Yellow Tang in a 50-54gal?

    yea i see what your saying...but also i have scaped my live rock so that the fish has more swiming room then in most other tanks....its seems very comfotable and day when i get a camera you will see what i mean Brad
  6. reefer44

    65 gallon sps reef profile with many pics

    hey my sn for wamas is reefer44 can i private message you on the board there?????? i am not sure how
  7. reefer44

    Purple or Yellow Tang in a 50-54gal?

    i keep a yellow in a is small and doing really good..if i think it is getting uncomfortable...i will sell it or something...but i would say go ahead
  8. reefer44

    sps corals color

    i still am not seeing the color that i wnat...i am trying to get the most out of these acros and make a little money back from the tank I think i am going to add a 250win the middle of the tank and the two 175w on the other sides.....the 250w is going to be double ended and 10k........ and that...
  9. reefer44

    enough light

    I have been trying to get the max amount of color out of my i am keeping my nutrients low (phosphate) and my light high....... I have 2 175 watt metal halide 12,000k...which i don't see that great of color from.. so i am going to move one of the 175 watt at one end of the tank and the...
  10. reefer44

    bioload question

    i would scratch every thing except the angel, peppermint shrimp and feather less the clam and crabs are for decoration they will just add to the waste...........i would not go with the angel with so little growth on your lr though just my $.02 Brad
  11. reefer44

    Maroon Clown digging

    smoothhounds...i love that bob marley picture....I have a poster that is about 4 feet by 3 feet of that in my room....and my clown does that seems to eat stuff that comes out of the sand (many pods and brineshimp hand out in sand near my front glass)
  12. reefer44

    First of the month 6-pak

    i have tried several super glues what brand do you suggest?
  13. reefer44

    First of the month 6-pak

    thats were i get alot of my do you get it off the plug?????
  14. reefer44

    Green Mandarin

    sand sifting stars don't eat pods......
  15. reefer44

    inhabitants of a 29g

    its fine....add the goby first...wait 2 weeks...add the clownfish and the pepperment shrimp......wait 2 weeks and add the blenny....they are all small fish and the goby doesn't swim very much and the clowns are pretty hardy are you going to keep and anenome..I wouldn't.....also what is your...
  16. reefer44

    PC users, show us your corals!

    that odd they grow just about anywhere...i would put them in low current and high to midddle light.....mine grow about a noticable cm or 2 cm every about 3 weeks
  17. reefer44

    Yellow leather

    does yours puls cause that is the only xenia i have that doesn't confuses is probaly cause of the high flow rate around it
  18. reefer44

    Yellow leather

    By the way in the second picture are those brown xenia looking things xenia...i have some and was told there xenia but i think they ar anthiea ( hand polyps)
  19. reefer44

    Yellow leather

    the name leather incompasses alot of corals including toadstool...thats why there are scientific names It looks good...I can see the polyp extension in it and at least the top back is doing good Brad
  20. reefer44

    Elegance Coral

    i think they are hard to care for.......and before the word is out should stay away from them like dburr said