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  1. zanoshanox

    just sharin a pic of the clam

    They're doing pretty well, still looking bleached but those shrooms are HUUUGE now....can i have one when i give them back to you :D haha
  2. zanoshanox

    just sharin a pic of the clam

    It's lookin a lot better, so is the tank cause i've got some new equipemtn and added a bunch of corals int he past Now i'm just scared to switch over to the 37 g cube cause the 20 is doing better than every before right here are a couple pics
  3. zanoshanox

    just sharin a pic of the clam

    I love it its a great size and bright, unique color. Very nice piece. Gotta love those Phoenix bulbs! I'm getting one VERY SOON! :D As always, awesome tank Murph.
  4. zanoshanox

    easiest way to get temp down?

    In a case where you need to get it down quickly, float a frozen water bottle in it.
  5. zanoshanox

    2 month old 75G reef

    Wow im impressed it has come along quite well! Nice job all the corals look great too
  6. zanoshanox

    new 20 gallon

    go for a reef, here's my 20 gallon reef
  7. zanoshanox

    Weekend photo feature:

  8. zanoshanox

    Rare Corals

    Well i already have one in my little 20 reef with five heads...i just thought this one was cool cause i havent seen anything like it before... But dan i emant that the ones on are probably 99% branching...But ya has anyone seen any other cool morphs like this?
  9. zanoshanox

    just sharin a pic of the clam

    How much did u pay?
  10. zanoshanox

    just sharin a pic of the clam

    Awesome, lookin' great
  11. zanoshanox

    unusual anemone?

    It will be fine, it wont die from that, and will probably change locations again in a few days. Mine has parked itself on the underside of a bridge i made...Lol, where it doesnt get too much light either.
  12. zanoshanox

    Rare Corals

    yeah, sure, they say that, but i can bet that theyre shipping out 99% branching. That's all I've ever seen around here.
  13. zanoshanox

    Kudas in a 20

    Go for a 20 high instead, they like tall tanks. And i'd say 2-4.
  14. zanoshanox

    Why???ohh Why??

    Personally, I think that all of the money handed out to these familes it too much. I don't understand how money is going to ease the pain of loosing someone oyu loved at all....It has nothing to dow ith it. Now if the man of the family goes down and his partner cannot support the family now...
  15. zanoshanox

    Condi Anemone and Clown fish

    I saw a yellow tail damsel get stuck in a carpet anemone today and it was eaten no problem.
  16. zanoshanox

    My New Jewel

    WOAAHHH....What is it? It's beautiful.
  17. zanoshanox

    First Pics Here Of My Tank

    Nice tank!
  18. zanoshanox

    Rare Corals

  19. zanoshanox

    Rare Corals

    There is a website for a LFS in my area, that offers rare corals. Right now they have a non-branching frogspawn for 120$. It's about 5-6", has anyone ever seen or heard of one of these before? It's wild caught. What other rare/deformed corals have you guys seen/own/heard of?
  20. zanoshanox

    sat night 10 pack

    Nice roals and good picstures, especially love the ricordeas.