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  1. salty rick

    What will survive under 2 wpg?

    All right, I am offended about all of the NO lighting bashing going on. (only kidding, but I think some under estimate what you can do with NO lighting). I barely have 2 watts per gallon on my 55. My signature has a list of corals that I have. I think I have a pretty good reef tank that is...
  2. salty rick

    Emerald crabs.....hmmmm....

    Emerald Crabs are algae eaters but they eat the nusiance kind. They will get the hard-to-get algae off your LR but shouldleave the coraline alone. They also help spread coraline algae by releasing spores from the coraline algae as they eat.
  3. salty rick

    My newest addition ... XENIA

    Cool addition. I would like to have those next inmy tank but I need to read up on them to see if they can survive in my light.
  4. salty rick

    dumb cbs

    Sounds normal to me. That is how mine have acted in the past when I had them. They are more active after the lights go out. You might try using a flashlight and look around after the lights go out.
  5. salty rick

    blue or red leg crabs?

    I have been more pleased wit the redlegged than bluelegged. The redlegged seem to work harder. I haven't had any problem with the blues because they are about half the size of the reds.
  6. salty rick

    Clean Up Crew?

    I recntly puchased some red-legged hermits and some Cenith Snails. I have been really impressed with these. The crabs have been constantly doing their thing on the LR and sandbed. The Cenith Snails have been doing a good job with the sand bed. They will climb on the glass also. I currently have...
  7. salty rick

    Happy Happy Joy Joy..boomer

    Happy, Happy Joy, Joy Dance, Dance, Dance Congats to you!
  8. salty rick

    any corals that will live in 2 wattspg

    Also, thanks for the compliment Beefcake.
  9. salty rick

    any corals that will live in 2 wattspg

    I agree with slick with the exception of a Rock Anemonie. I have had one in my tank for three years and it has done well. However, the bubble tips and other anemonies do not do well with my type of lighting. Unfortunatly I learned the hard way. I bought a BTA and needless to say it didn't last...
  10. salty rick

    Pics of my newest addition!!

    Cool lookin' fish!!
  11. salty rick

    any corals that will live in 2 wattspg

    I just updated my signature with my equipment. lights are all NO flourecent: Two 40 watt 50/50 Coralife one 40 watt 10,000k Coralife one 30 watt actinic
  12. salty rick

    Newest Edition (Playing with Camera Again

    Brown Star Polys
  13. salty rick

    any corals that will live in 2 wattspg

    Check out my website link. My tank has barely over 2 watts per gallon. Although you will have probably started a debate about the watts/gallon rule. Most think it is not an accurate way to determine the proper amount of lighting.
  14. salty rick

    why im LEAVING saltwater... no more reef :(

    Don't sell --- ride a bike:(
  15. salty rick

    Messing With Camera

    For those who asked: Lighting is two 40 Watt NO Coralife 50/50, One 40 Watt Coralife 10,000K and one 30 Watt NO Blue Atinitic. Rgarding Rock Anemonie, It has been on that rock for about two years. They do not move and they are very hardy. However, they are not clown hosting anemonies.
  16. salty rick

    How to clean out external fluval?

    I don't use sponges in mine. I run Seachem's DeNitrate and Phosgard and use it for the spray bar water circulation. Sometimes I run carbon. My LR and DSB seems to do a good job producing bacteria for the tank. Every three months I chang everything in the canister filter.
  17. salty rick

    Messing With Camera

    The green ones do not need direct feeding. I use phytoplanktin and Coral-Vital in the tank.
  18. salty rick

    Messing With Camera

    James, These mushrooms multiply like crazy. Since you live in Greensboro I would be happy to frag you one.
  19. salty rick

    Messing With Camera

    I have always known them as neon green striped mushrooms. The camera is a Kodak DC 280 Zoom Digital Camera. 2.0 Megapixel. I use Adobe Photodeluxe Business Edition to size and enhance the photos.