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  1. @knight


    a refugium usually consists of diffrent varietys of macro algeas, LS and LR. Lights usually are on 24/7 (TheReefman52's are) but some people like to play it a diffrent way :D :p ;)
  2. @knight

    I'm going to buy quikrete for substrate. Should I?

    can you use it as a substrate? yes can you use it for a DSB? no the sand is a silica sand (glass) it is theorized that with this type sand you might as well use crushed coral. The particle size is too large and the ed will harden and the sand will not disolve. it will just be there. The...
  3. @knight

    lighting for torch coral?

    could it be an issue with the water circulation in that area of the tank?
  4. @knight

    southdown/live sand question

    I would at least get some LR and LS in there to start the cycle, cuz it will have to sit there for a few weeks AFTER you add it anyway, and I hate to wait.
  5. @knight


    could also be a bacterial bloom.
  6. @knight

    suggestions for refugium

    i disagree with the lights running opposite the tank. For max. efficiency, the refugium should be lit 24/7 the theory of the lights being left off is to curb the normal pH spike agfter lights off. It does so, but makes the refugium less productive. A 5 gal refugium would work just fine for...
  7. @knight

    lighting for small reef tank

    HD halides and mercury wont work = wrong spectrum look into power compact kits or VHOs . or if your prepared to shell out the $$$ MH's are an option, but the MH will use a lot of energy and will make a noticable difference on the power bill. I talked to a guy who got some for his reef and his...
  8. @knight

    Not so Bright !

    i hope the tang is in the 55
  9. @knight

    Do aiptasia sting fish?

    i guess they could sting fish, as their sting is powerful. It is a neusance as it pops up all over and can sting and kill corals and reproduce like rabbits. They can quickly get out of hand and overpopulate in your tank. plus they look bad.
  10. @knight

    long nose hawk

    they are cool fish and very hardy and active.
  11. @knight

    southdown/live sand question

    thats how i did my tank too, and its doing well. I mixed the water first though, cus now freshwater is trapped beneath the sand. dont add LS yet, but expect the water to cloud up for a while. For about the first 6 months, your sandbed will be very volitile, and it doesnt take much to cloud a...
  12. @knight

    refugium lighting

    I have heard of people lighting the refugium opposite of their tanks. I believe the reasoning was to help buffer the pH drop that happens in the tank after the lights go out. I dont see how it would be effective, but I have heard of people doing it with good results.
  13. @knight


    Southdown Tropical Play Sand and Salifert Test Kits [ November 11, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]
  14. @knight

    18 pallets of South Down Sand

    people buy lots of sand in the winter when it snows and is icy.
  15. @knight

    Overstocked, Under filtered 55?

    do a search on DSB's before you do it, because if you dont it will not work. You cannot use a UG filter with LS. Additionally, Wter flowing thru the sand will make it not work. The deep sand bed needs to be anerobic (without oxygen) and your water has oxygen in it.
  16. @knight


    how old is your tank? it could be a bacterial bloom of some sort. things like this happen from time to time. They usually clear within a day or two.
  17. @knight

    Red Berlin Protein Skimmer

    i only have good things to say about these skimmers, and have called the support line before and they have been very helpful.
  18. @knight

    Protien skimmers??

    a skimmer is a good idea, it removes organics and oxygenates the water. dont waste your money on a cheap skimmer though. Its more expensive in the long run when you realize it isnt doing anything and you have just wasted your money.
  19. @knight

    Sea Fans?

    if you have ammonia in your tank, and your tank is cycling, i would not put ANYTHING in the tank! I would find another LFS that can give you better advice. and if by sea fan you mean a Purple Gorgonian is what you bought, your tank is WAY too young to handle it. It requires daily...
  20. @knight

    more hair alage since using rodi unit

    dan, if you have ammo, your tank IS cycling. niko, give us a little more details, and whatever you do DONT scrub the rock, that is only a LAST resort, as it kills off too much of the good stuff that will help your tank stay stable. If your tank is young, it is common to have an algae bloom and...